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Breaking Through
Breaking Through

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Masters' Free Study (Advanced Editing II*)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G5
Location: Skagastrond, Iceland
Date: Sep 24, 2004
Galleries: Sky, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Sep 27, 2004

I think this is my first ever 1 shot submission. I know it's a bit blown out but there wasn't much I could do about that after the fact. I sort of took the pic by accident. I spent a few days in Iceland on my way over to London. (As you know already know, beautiful country. Though a bit chilly for my tastes.) Anyway, I drove to Skagastrond from a travel mag reading to photograph the boats but I must have missed the boat because I didn't see anything resembling the article I read. But I did see the elusive sun peek through and I took the shot. I didn't realize til later what an amazing color the water was, most likely because I was too busy fmao. I'm sure they'll be some more Iceland pics in my portfolio if anyone is interested.

Place: 48 out of 69
Avg (all users): 6.3750
Avg (commenters): 6.6102
Avg (participants): 5.6833
Avg (non-participants): 6.4971
Views since voting: 1319
Views during voting: 864
Votes: 400
Comments: 68
Favorites: 2 (view)

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06/30/2005 12:29:31 AM

Message edited by author 2005-06-30 00:30:12.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2004 11:28:10 PM
Interesting. I wonder if I would have liked this better if the sunlight had been less centered.
10/07/2004 11:25:22 PM
The center is just toooo blown away for me.
10/07/2004 11:21:57 PM
Dramatic. I like the green cast on the water.
10/07/2004 10:49:09 AM
i gave this photo a 6 because it lacked a punch, its a great picture don't get me wrong butit just lacked something
10/07/2004 04:02:07 AM
maybe too stunning? the compostion immediately hits you as why is there so much grass- its a good color but it makes the whole thing clunky. You are a master of color though. Look at that green on the water and blue sky. absolutely great.
10/07/2004 03:31:04 AM
All of the colors in this photo are amazing. Your timing was spot on, (or on the spot). Just amazing! While viewing it the music of 'Close Encounters' to ran through my mind.
10/07/2004 01:27:04 AM
dramatic, enticing, fantastic colors. Isolo d'oro, Eldorado
10/07/2004 01:13:00 AM
on one hand, this looks like an extraordinary event. On the other, the contrast and colors just seem a little too strong. maybe i would like it more if the lightburst wasn't so dead on.
10/06/2004 11:40:30 PM
Wow the sun is really coming through those clouds. Looks like one heck of a storm coming. The picture seems a little soft to me and I would like to see a little more detail. i hope that makes since? Nice work. 5
10/06/2004 11:01:35 PM
Very dramatic. I would guess this was heavily burned in PS, since the flat water tone doesn't seem to mirror the clouds. I wish I could see a bit more detail in the sunlit area- this is a good situation for bracketed exposures.
10/06/2004 01:53:35 PM
kind of surreal. I love the clouds and sunburst, but the grass up front looks a little off...almost like the effect you get when you use shadow/highlight filter in Photoshop, or you over-dodge or something. not sure what it is. nice overall effect in the image. good balance, nicely divided into thirds. I'd really like to see the original of this. my guess is you've done a lot of work to improve it.
10/06/2004 01:33:18 PM
I looked at it for a long time. I think the white foam on the waves and the strong coloured grass is distracting a bit. I tried to crop it just above the foam and it looks more interesting than, directing my eyes straight to the light. On the other hand, I'm not really sure if my idea is a good one. Just the thought about it.
10/06/2004 08:13:01 AM
Great colors and the rays of sun are beautifull.
10/06/2004 01:01:20 AM
nice one, looks a great alternative to my office desk :)
10/05/2004 09:43:16 PM
This just looks unnatural to me for some reason, can't quite put my finger on why 7
10/05/2004 06:04:07 PM
I love the layering effect of the bands of color, it gives the photo a lot of depth. Although it is dead center (the bright area) - it seems ok for me - nice to be able to "break the rules" and end up with a great image. Try this for a title - bet it will score higher, "World War 4 starts!"
10/04/2004 11:50:19 PM
I love the composition and colors.
10/04/2004 11:39:27 PM
Wow...talk about dramatic lighting. Detail details!!?? Superb image!
10/04/2004 11:38:51 PM
lovely break in the sky. unfortunately you eye gets stuck in that one spot and doesn't flow.
10/04/2004 09:00:57 PM
although this must have been an interesting sight to see in person, I don't think it translated very well into an image of interest. The water is pretty featureless, as is the foreground. My eye is certainly led to the setting sun, but I can't really see any of what I assume were interesting details in the sky.
10/04/2004 08:01:30 PM
Tough exposure, well captured. The colors seem a little strange, mainly the difference in blue hues between the clouds and water, but the textures of the grasses, rocks, and waves are great.
10/04/2004 04:54:28 PM
Interesting land/seascape... The sun punching through the clouds is definitely an interesting element. The foreground elements may be in a slight competition with that.. the ground and the rocks... Clipping out the foreground also creates a nice photo and removes that conflict.
10/04/2004 02:27:47 PM
I like the rays of sun here, the colours around are good but there's not much to grab my attention. Sorry... 6
10/04/2004 12:06:59 PM
My problem with these images is the zone 10 or the burn out of the sensor. You see in real life the eyes are able to discern detail that the camera can not capture and so 10 zone comes in handy in small doses. However, this is not to say that this image is inferior with its ecstaric sky, lovely water and warm foreground. So you have my 7 but less 10 zone would have yielded a 9. I would joke that it is lovelu to squint at.
10/04/2004 11:14:32 AM
Storm clouds are great, Too bad the sun rays are so washed out. 6
10/04/2004 07:33:28 AM
The sunshine part looks totally burned out, no detail left, and also the clouds above it look strange to me, a pale yellow colors as if extensive dodging was done. Looks rather unnatural. You have some great elements here for an impressive picture, but the issues mentioned, plus the fact I have no real other focal point, make this score lower.
10/04/2004 05:38:32 AM
Way too bright in the centre - but very dramatic indeed the grass and water are well suited.
10/03/2004 04:54:36 PM
I love that every aspect of this shot is crisp and clear...no detail is washed out, no area is too dark or too light. The colors are honest, the browns are brown, the sea is green, the sky is angry...it's really a great photo! Thank you!
10/03/2004 03:18:19 PM
Nice sunset? or sunrise? Maybe brighten it up a little and then burning the shadows and midtones a bit could make it more dramatic. Just a suggestion.6
10/03/2004 01:27:10 PM
First off, let me say I like this a lot and have scored accordingly. One comment though: the foreground doesn't look to be in the same photo as the subject-this may be the result of heavy post-proc. at the top.
10/03/2004 01:12:18 PM
Beautiful moment, looks almost too dramatic -6
10/03/2004 10:23:24 AM
Great photo. Not sure if I like the sun being so bright.
10/03/2004 09:14:43 AM
Thats amazing light capture.
10/03/2004 08:37:31 AM
wow very nice photo! though being a nature buff it does look a tad too surreal ... it seems like a rather fake image and one that exists in the imagination judging by the contrasts and colours present... and if this photo is truly unedited then i think i needa hop on a plane over there :P :D :D :D *hope its true* but if its not then i think its a tad overdone... not being knowledged enough its hard to say if it is or isnt but looks glorious none the less
10/03/2004 08:09:31 AM
WOW! Looks like something out of LOTR. Brooding and powerful. Well done.
10/03/2004 06:48:07 AM
You've captured some nice light, but the PS work looks very unconvincing. If the sky were really that dark, there's no way the sea and land would look that light. I also think the shafts of light are too overexposed to work well here. The colour of the sea is a bit dull... I'd have fixed that in PS. 4
10/03/2004 04:02:00 AM
Striking effect.
10/03/2004 03:21:51 AM
Great colors.
10/02/2004 08:25:02 PM
Interesting bands of color.
10/02/2004 03:08:52 PM
Interesting colors. The light looks a tad overexposed, but I can't imagine this shot any other way.
10/02/2004 02:49:53 PM
It's alright, I like the way it looks like a curtain being drawn, but the sun's too bright. The color of the water and the field I really like though. 7
10/02/2004 09:29:41 AM
A 9. The only thing that keeps me from giving this a 10 is that I feel like the rays are a little overexposed. Great photo, though.
10/02/2004 08:29:54 AM
Makes me want to hang it on a wall and ster at it. Great
10/02/2004 07:59:03 AM
Pretty amazing capture. The grass in the foreground seems a bit soft, but that is probably a decision on your part.
10/02/2004 06:48:22 AM
This is a good picture but I feel it could have been composed a little differently to make it more interesting. Maybe if the subject was off to the side instead of the middle. Aside from that congratulations on winning 2 ribbons. That speaks alot to your talent as a photographer. I will look forward to seeing your other pictures.
10/02/2004 06:04:44 AM
The clouds and overexposed sun looks really dramatic, but then the bottom of the photo spoils it, I think, by being so plain. A crop before the shoreline would improve this a lot I think, and having a boat or something to add a little interest in the expanse of water would help too. 6
10/02/2004 04:35:10 AM
Wow that is beautiful what a lovely image Nice detail the sea looks cold though
10/02/2004 02:33:25 AM
incredibly sureal, I like this shot a lot.
10/01/2004 10:06:18 PM
Wonderful.The image pulls me completely through starting with the blend of grass to the rocky shore; the white caps cause me to pause, then the reflective light just pastthe caps beckons me to walk on towards the light where I gaze up to the beuatiful spectrum of sky colors. I smile and leap forward to the that broke through. Great study...
10/01/2004 06:28:06 PM
nice capture of land, sea and sky.
10/01/2004 06:27:47 PM
I think you may have played around with PS a little too much on this one. It is an interesting photo but too much post processing for my taste (5).
10/01/2004 06:01:23 PM
How pretty. The sky is awesome, against the water, and the foreground land makes it. I gave it an 8.
10/01/2004 03:47:07 PM
Very nice image. What an opportune moment provided here for a unique shot.
I'm wondering if the light is a little overexposed....regardless it has an almost uneartly feel to it....warm. You get an 8 from me. Thank-you for the beautiful image.
10/01/2004 03:46:30 PM
The little bit of froth along the shore really helps make this one. Your horizon line is just right. I wonder that the reflection is so close to shore.
10/01/2004 02:55:28 PM
beautiful sight - waves slightly overexposed - nice colors
10/01/2004 02:46:05 PM
While I'm sure it was a magnificent sight to see, I don't think the camera was able to capture it how you must have saw it. The colors seem dull. Dead looking grass, blown out sunrays, and dark green water. I think had there been more of a reflection in the water from the sun, maybe it would have been different. But then again, who am I to question the masters. ? It's not like I have produced anything better. ~Heather~
10/01/2004 01:47:32 PM
Technically a very good shot with just the right amount of overexposure on the sunlight but I feel the overall composition is strange and doesn't feel right. If the sunlight was a bit lower on the horizon I think it would be better. Maybe even showing more sky/clouds vs shoreline as I personally feel that the clouds are more interesting than the ground. 6
10/01/2004 01:13:50 PM
The layering of color is very good but I wonder what subject my eyes are supposed to rest on. There isn't much detail to see in the break of sun. Despite the division of this photo into horizontal thirds this scene seems static and somewhat sterile...almost lifeless. Also, the abundance of color does not provide me with any feeling as it's too much stimulation without purpose. The sudden change in clouds from dark blue to dark grey also seems odd. One more thing, the image appears to have been overly processed. Looks like too much PS burning and color shift was used. Sorry for the longwidedness of my comment. 6
10/01/2004 11:35:23 AM
Even with the foreboding clouds in the background, I feel calm looking at this photograph. Interestingly, centering of the sun (sunset? sunrise?) works here.
10/01/2004 11:15:03 AM
Amazing atmosphere.
A shame the centerof attention is so central in the image.
Still an amazing image to look at.
10/01/2004 08:01:16 AM
oooo beautiful, lovely rugged land and angry sky

Would have nice if the clouds weren't so dark though.
10/01/2004 07:57:15 AM
the reflection of the light on the water is puzzling to me ... seems not to match ... oh well, it's a 10 even if i can't figure it out :)
10/01/2004 06:39:30 AM
Why do i have a icelandic feeling about this one?
Great shot.
10/01/2004 03:09:15 AM
I would have liked a slightly wider angle of view, but still a powerful picture
10/01/2004 01:47:38 AM
Beautiful... good luck
10/01/2004 01:38:11 AM
10/01/2004 01:13:22 AM
Wow, I'm interested to hear the story behind this. Is all that really cloud cover, or did you have to do some manipulation?

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