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Alaskan Landscape
2nd PlaceAlaskan Landscape

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Landscape (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: Rotary Beach - Ketchikan, AK
Date: Jan 9, 2003
Aperture: F4
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Sky, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Jan 10, 2003


Place: 2 out of 219
Avg (all users): 7.2026
Avg (commenters): 8.3158
Avg (participants): 7.1587
Avg (non-participants): 7.2547
Views since voting: 5768
Votes: 232
Comments: 48
Favorites: 8 (view)

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01/22/2003 09:16:50 PM
Critique Club Review


It is very difficult to say anything critical about this shot.

About the only thing I *might* have done different was put in a little less of that land in the foreground. Maybe done away with it all together, or if possible moved up to the its edge. This might have moved your horizon to the lower third, which is a good place for horizons :)

You've done a great job with composition .. the mountain, the sunset, the additional mountains. the sky, the clouds. you waited till the right time of day to get this shot.

congrats on a well deserved ribbon!
01/21/2003 11:51:05 AM
hey man you finally scored! :)
01/21/2003 02:08:04 AM
Congratulations on your win! It's a gorgeous landscape! What a coincidence that it featured reflections on ice and water :-) I'm curious as to where this was taken. Mine was shot in Valdez. Alaska is definitely landscape heaven so we probably had an unfair advantage...but what the heck...when the theme rolls around to cityscape we'll be flat out of luck :-)
01/20/2003 01:42:37 PM
I love the sky and colour well done [one thing i do not understand you were given a vote of 1 and three 2 for shuch a great photo]
01/20/2003 09:22:44 AM
Beautiful. Great sky.
01/20/2003 07:45:53 AM
Congrats on 3rd, that green flare didn't really matter after all :-)
01/20/2003 01:07:27 AM
Wow, my first ribbon! :)

This image was taken just before sunset, which where I live, is around 4:00 pm right now. There was a thin layer of ice covering most of the tide pool, but not the edge, which is why that is the only place with a mirror like reflection. I sort of wish it was all liquid water... a large area of reflected sky would have looked awesome I think.
Yes, the green flare bugs me too... I could have painted it out, but that would have been cheating ;) I do have this one all ready to be printed out, I'm just waiting until I have a few more images to print before I send it off.

Thanks again, I have a big smile on my face :)
01/20/2003 12:20:39 AM

Congrats... This is a beautiful image of a beautiful land.

01/20/2003 12:19:49 AM
Alaska took two ribbons......congrats!!!
Print and frame this one.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/19/2003 06:31:39 PM
I would love to have this hanging over my couch. The colors match it beautifully. I especially like the reflection of the sun in the lake. The colors are awesome and I love the way you cropped it. It's a great one well deserving of a 9.
01/19/2003 12:33:12 PM
Good job. Lovely sky and good composition.
01/18/2003 05:01:14 PM
The sun is so bright that its distracting. Good picture otherwise.
01/17/2003 02:36:59 PM
Very nice photo. I especially like the cloud reflections on the very front of the water. Really meets the challenge. 8 waltoml.
01/17/2003 11:52:04 AM
Beautiful. Good luck in the challange.
01/17/2003 09:44:38 AM
The reflections of the clouds at the shoreline is outstanding. Great shot! - Inspzil
01/17/2003 06:27:48 AM
Lovely image. The composition is excellent. I wish you had taken the picture right before the sun had moved over the mountains in the background, cause then there wouldn't be this huge glare on the water. It is rather distracting. 8 - Annida
01/17/2003 05:56:18 AM
Wow what a fantastic capture. I love the cloud formation and the colour of the sun reflecting off the water. Excellent job. GL
01/17/2003 05:55:10 AM
Wow, this is gorgeous. The clouds are really super here. It doesn't even look that cold! Super shot.
01/16/2003 10:36:05 PM
Best of.. sunset series, very photogenic clouds.
01/16/2003 04:35:20 PM
Excellent shot, excellent framing. 10/10
01/15/2003 11:39:22 PM
Excellent clarity and color. Good composition. Nice work. 8 md
01/15/2003 08:04:32 PM
I really like it, the only thing that got me wondering is the line bethween the land and the water, it looks fake, the clouds reflection doesn't look natural.(9)
01/15/2003 07:56:37 PM
Very nice. Interesting what's happening with the water. Alska seems nice.
01/15/2003 06:59:30 PM
You are a lucky guy/girl to have been at that place at that particular moment. And we are lucky that you share this moment with us. As a cloud-, mountain-, sea- and shot-against-the-sun lover this picture has it all (the sun might be a little too bright though). Colors are great and natural, it's sharp and well composed.
One of the very best submissions in this challenge. Good luck to you.
01/15/2003 05:59:20 PM
Nice how all the lines work in this image. Good job on the still very bright sun, beautiful sky an interesting reflection.
01/15/2003 04:20:38 PM
This is really a beautiful photograph!!!
01/15/2003 01:43:47 PM
Incredible sky texture and I like that the sun isn't just reflecting off of the water, but off of the sand as well. Wonderful clarity. Great job!
01/15/2003 11:45:49 AM
Great timing. Good color balance and composition.
01/15/2003 06:09:05 AM
Very beautiful!
01/15/2003 12:42:19 AM
Wow, take my breath away! That is just a spectacular the only thing I can see as an improvement is to try to get rid of the flare. I love haw the photo was framed and the reflaction off the ice/water.8.
01/14/2003 03:49:03 PM
Nice pan. Shame about the green flare.
01/14/2003 03:20:20 PM
excellent composition. love the clouds creating their own plane in the sky. the sun looks like a six pointed star, don't know if you used a filter but i like it. the frame adds to this image.
01/14/2003 01:49:29 PM
holy mother of mine ... how phenominal .. and it's not often i use words i can't spell .. my first 10 ... could be the one
01/14/2003 12:37:17 PM
This would have been very strong without the foreground rocks. They simply don't add to the photo....
01/14/2003 11:59:05 AM
Landscape-Inland natural scenery?
01/14/2003 10:32:16 AM
beautiful composition... the sun star and the puffy clouds work very well here.. The layering effect of the land and water is also very impressive.. = 10 - setzler
01/13/2003 11:25:20 PM
Very pretty shot. Seems there's a small lens flare in the middle left area though. Overall though this shot is beautiful.
01/13/2003 10:14:03 PM
This sunset is great and the clouds aren't blown out bu the sun.Great exposure!!
01/13/2003 09:57:40 PM
Love the sky and composition. Could stand a tad more color. 10
01/13/2003 09:00:49 PM
Wow....sun up or sun down? Neat shot.....fantastic sky. Good focus, light.
01/13/2003 08:22:48 PM
Funny there is no snow in Alaska this time of year?
01/13/2003 05:46:29 PM
Very nice! The clouds/sky is spectacular!! Weird thing is, notice the mirror like reflection in the water at the shore. Almost like it was glass there. You get a 9. :)
01/13/2003 05:37:42 PM
Pretty!! I love the sun (is that a star filter) and the clouds - so pretty!! Nice composition
01/13/2003 04:44:48 PM
when the clouds come out to play....fantastic reflections, midnight sun etc...
01/13/2003 11:06:18 AM
Beautiful. Love the clouds. Love the reflection. Love the color. Love the perspective. 10
01/13/2003 03:54:52 AM
Absolutely stunning! I really want to go to Alaska! 10
01/13/2003 03:08:42 AM
Tremendous shot! I love this one!
01/13/2003 02:37:58 AM
nice sky.

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