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Battle of the elements
Battle of the elements

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Landscape (Classic Editing)
Collection: Windmills
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S602Z
Location: Between Veenhuizen and Berkmeer (on the map)
Date: Jan 10, 2003
Aperture: F11
ISO: 160
Shutter: 1/20s
Galleries: Landscape, Rural
Date Uploaded: Jan 11, 2003

Well, the 602 doesn't seem like a camera for low light, landscape photography. The output of the camera was on the soft side and resampling to 640 pixels in wide worsened that even more. It needed a lot of Unsharp Mask to get enough detail in the horizon (the challenge was landscape, not windmill, else I wouldn't have bothered about the soft background). I am not happy with this result, it looks better at 800x600 eqv.

Location is a polder in the Netherlands, near Heerhugowaard. It is near the "De Vier Winden" windmill at Veenhuizen. I wanted to do this in the morning, with the beautiful orange light of the sun comming up, in the Schermer polder to mimic one of Jaap Hart's photo's (check the highest rated photo on photosig, it is his and it is a windmill in a snow landscape). My agenda didn't allow it, so I had to do with the less warm light at sundown and the Heerhugowaard polder. I will try Hart's idea sometime.

The title refers to the fact that the landscape behind the windmill is below sealevel. It is our everlasting battle against the _water_ to keep the _land_ dry by using the power of the _wind_, this time lit by the warm light of the sun (fire).
It was freezing, couldn't operate the camera anymore after three minutes. And I ran the Chevy into a concrete barrier on the way back. The tow bar pushed the barrier over, there's nothing like American steel they say. :)

Digital processing: Straighten the horizon. The picture was slightly underexposed and I wanted to warm it up, so I did a white eyedropper levelling on the softest bluetint in the sky of the original. The result is more orange, I like that. I would go even further when the windmill was the main subject (I say it isn't because of the challenge.....) :)
Unsharp mask 200% 0,4 1. Too much, but it was necessary for the landscape, not the windmill. The small size was the main reason.
Save for the web.

The stuff in the lower right corner isn't cropped out because it is an edge to the water/ice in front and most people I asked liked it better this way. But I'd like to hear comments from around the world. :)

Place: 25 out of 219
Avg (all users): 6.4383
Avg (commenters): 7.6500
Avg (participants): 6.4776
Avg (non-participants): 6.3861
Views since voting: 1786
Votes: 235
Comments: 24
Favorites: 3 (view)

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11/16/2003 07:38:01 AM
I have learned a bit between now and then, so I put up a much better version in my portfolio. For that one there is a print available and sharperning in lab mode helped to solve the sharpening problems.
01/22/2003 01:49:41 PM
The close crop to the windmill was because from this angle the ugly modern house next to it would get a wall in the frame. Didn't look nice. On photosig is another one like this, darker toning, other angle that contains more room on the right. But the focus of that one was more on the windmill itself instead of landscape.
01/20/2003 12:05:15 PM
Critique Club Comment by Grayce M. Dillon aka Gracious

I love the composition. Everything is placed just right. The color of the sky is a definite plus.
One of my favorite aspects is the wonderful lighting on the windmill.
I like that you didn't crop out the vegetation in the right corner. First it adds dimension, and also echoes the color of the mill.
The diagonal lines work quite well and add appeal, especially the fence leading to the mill.
Several textures in here at work together too. eg: ice, vegetation, windmill, water.
Good use of opposites...eg warm sky, cold landscape.
OVer all a very pleasing image. Good work!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/19/2003 08:39:12 PM
Beautiful. What more can I say, really. The angle and framing/cropping is perfect. Focus and clarity are great. the lighting is wonderful too. Great colors and such a pretty view. Nothing to complain about here. Great job. Good luck in the challenge.
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01/18/2003 07:39:43 AM
This sunrise is near-as-dammit a carbon copy of the sunrise in my picture for this challenge. Lovely warm reflections on the windmill. Say, if you want to see a windmill photo that'll blow your socks off, take a look at my landscape album at www.picturetrail.com/freezethemoment. Well done and good luck.
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01/17/2003 12:45:20 PM
I like the composition and the lighting on the windmill is great. 7
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01/16/2003 12:14:46 AM
This is a nice shot but I feel the lines could have been composed a little better. Nice colors.
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01/15/2003 04:02:12 PM
Nice windmill. everyone has such cool stuff to photograph. Ok, I do too. I just see it all the time. I would not crowd the right side with the windmill blade, move it in a little. There is a nice red color in the scene so I would try to show more of the red grass or shrubbery in the foreground. As it is you are just tempting us with it. Technically it looks very sharp and clean. Nice job. 8
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01/15/2003 01:52:27 PM
Beautiful color contrast with the pink sky, white/blue snow and brick windmill. Beautiful!
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01/15/2003 12:11:14 PM
Try cropping bottom to elimanate plants at lower right. Nice that fence leads the eye to the windmill.
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01/15/2003 07:00:16 AM
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01/15/2003 04:24:09 AM
I really like your use of sunlight here. It is hitting the windmill just right. Bravo!
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01/14/2003 09:52:25 PM
This is an exquisite image! The tones on the windmill are deadon and the lines are excellent as well. Best of all in this low light invitation, the image is well focused. Good luck!
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01/14/2003 12:41:33 PM
shame the windmill arms weren't in X shape .. would have been more ponts then .. nothing you could do about that though .. unless they were moving .. 5
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01/14/2003 09:35:06 AM
Great composition. Lovely colours and focus. A little disturbing with the grass in the lower right corner, but not very much. Great job. High score.
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01/14/2003 09:19:58 AM
I don't like the fence cutting thru the picture. the hue of the sky is very nice. If it were just a bit yellower, but not brighter, I think it would really warm the picture up even if there is snow all over. Really nice shot - Inspzil
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01/13/2003 09:52:07 PM
Beautiful horizon. Mill is a tad too close to the fram edge. 10
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01/13/2003 08:47:36 PM
This blows me away. Look at the light here..........the composition is fantastic as is the color and focus. Wonderful .....wonderful.
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01/13/2003 07:07:44 PM
I love the windmill and the colourful setting behind it. Excellent landscape photo 9 :) GL
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01/13/2003 05:18:01 PM
Very nice. Recommend: Drop the brightness, and up contrast... or adjust levels such that the sky is a bit darker.
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01/13/2003 04:59:51 PM
simply beautiful in all ways!
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01/13/2003 02:16:16 PM
A lovely shot, great colour graduation on the sky. I guess it's a bit flat round there? Holland?
The stream/river/cana/whateverl at the front is very plain - doesn't do much for me, and I think you've cropped a little too close to the windmill, but other wise this is great.
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01/13/2003 01:47:53 PM
NIce image. Voted it high. Would like to see more room top and bottom. You have created a pressure point and the image woudl benefit greatly with more breathing room...
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01/13/2003 03:33:44 AM
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