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Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Classic Novels (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Nikon D700
Date: Oct 10, 2013
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/250
Date Uploaded: Oct 14, 2013

[Oct. 18th, 2013 02:01:28 PM]

As they say: "... is in the eye of the beholder" and dpc'ers don't behold this image well. Clearly I missed conveying the point which was the modern, superconnected, world-wise and even cynical Alice for whom "wonderland" does not exist. In fact, her wonderland (or fantasyland) is only in her mind and those of her peers and her real world constantly fails to meet her expectations.

[Oct. 18th, 2013 02:05:10 PM]

To me her expression tells it all.

Place: 84 out of 86
Avg (all users): 4.5046
Avg (commenters): 4.8000
Avg (participants): 4.7273
Avg (non-participants): 4.3538
Views since voting: 521
Views during voting: 268
Votes: 109
Comments: 20
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/22/2013 08:59:01 PM
Looks like a snapshot of a woman on the street. Nothing fanciful or entertaining to the pic. Doesn't seem lost or intrigued by her surroundings.

Gave it a 3
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10/22/2013 05:55:54 PM
(Know that I only vote in even numbers.)

A four for you, though it's not entirely your fault. I'm completely jaded by pictures of people on cell phones. It's low hanging fruit as far as street photography goes. Her grumpy face makes me chuckle though.
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10/22/2013 04:56:12 PM
Have been looking at the picture for some time now, but I can't connect this image with the Alice story.
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10/21/2013 11:08:16 PM
This seems to be just lazy. You could have at least chosen a novel that was reasonably applicable to the image. Maybe something from Douglas Adams....

Really, it's not even a great street photo, it's ok for sure, and she's somewhat interesting, but I just can't find any real love for this image.

1 - sorry, but there's just nothing to redeem this one for me.
10/21/2013 03:42:34 PM
she has the "chasing the white rabbit" look alright; though it seems she's already obtained her spot of tea for the mad hatter's party.
the expression is what sells this image for me, regardless of location/era.
i give it a 7
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10/19/2013 01:03:31 PM
Unless she is Alice and that is her wonderland this image does not tell me much 3
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10/19/2013 09:15:51 AM
I an one of a few that have taken on theĆ¢€¯ Comment on every vote challengeĆ¢€¯. I will post the score I gave you then try to explain my reasons for said vote. Hopefully nothing below will be taken personally, and maybe we can both learn from it..
A modern day rewrite? Hell I donĆ¢€™t know. I know I am fascinated by this woman. There is a story here, and her name might be Alice.
A 10 and faved.
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10/18/2013 11:07:55 AM
Hmm. Perhaps we read a different novel of the same title, this isn't the Alice in Wonderland that I remember.

I am a fan of street portraits though, and perhaps if this was in a street photography challenge, I would have rated this higher. For now I will give this a 5.
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10/18/2013 01:33:07 AM
We love it, it is almost vicious. 8
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10/18/2013 12:57:06 AM
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10/17/2013 07:58:55 PM
At first I didn't think that this played well with the story. I'm still on the fence, but in a weird way I can see her falling down a rabbit hole into a much different version of the story. 5
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10/17/2013 04:19:04 PM
For me, the fishnets and boots are a little surprising, coming out of that print dress. This sort of friction is reminiscent of Alice being out of place in Wonderland. You could also say her iPod is a wonderland that she is currently lost in. So, there is some connection there. Negatives are a rather dull composition, plus I'm not fond of candids of people absorbed in their iAnythings. 4
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10/17/2013 10:31:23 AM
This almost looks like a cell phone shot. Just a plain snapshot, IMO.
I don't see anything that really stands out.
Gave this a 3
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10/17/2013 06:44:10 AM
Funny, clever , anything to do with the title, no really. 4.
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10/17/2013 03:55:51 AM
I think Alice is trying to play croquet with her iPhone ;) It seems like a random snapshot, so it may have worked better as a b&w or using a vignette for a bit more drama. 5.
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10/16/2013 11:20:19 PM
The modern Alice in a world of technical wonders. Just got out from not such a great place where she got her potion that will probably make her teeny tiny ..
A good spoof I think but when it comes to marking it, I cannot go past 5 since I cannot appreciate this photo as much in itself, out of this context.
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10/16/2013 09:43:56 PM
Shoehorn in Wonderland? :) Loose connection to the title not withstanding, quite like the edgy portrait, but not so much the distracting elements in the reflections and windows. I think for this image to work, it would need a UWA perspective to capture her in the crazy wonderland of urban city life
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10/16/2013 08:46:45 PM
4...to me this looks like just a regular static sort of street candid. Nothing about it conjures the story for me at all.
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10/16/2013 02:55:48 PM
Not working for me, not even as an ironic take. Try as I might, I can't bring "wonderland" out of this at all, and beyond that, the grace of Alice is that she's naive and trusting, which this woman looks like she's anything but, so I get no sense of the book here...

4 from me.
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10/16/2013 01:02:06 PM
Excellent idea; the street and city disorient, no rabbit hole needed.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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