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On Golden Pond
On Golden Pond

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Classic Novels (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Canon EOS-60D
Lens: Tamron AF 18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II VC PZD with Piezo
Location: Eagle Marsh, Ft. Wayne, IN, USA
Date: Oct 14, 2013
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/2500
Date Uploaded: Oct 15, 2013


Place: 82 out of 86
Avg (all users): 4.6226
Avg (commenters): 4.1818
Avg (participants): 4.7073
Avg (non-participants): 4.5692
Views since voting: 417
Views during voting: 225
Votes: 106
Comments: 22
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/22/2013 11:21:09 PM
trite. 2
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10/22/2013 06:11:49 PM
(Know that I only vote in even numbers.)

A six for you. I like the simplicity of the scene, the touch of early autumn. Nothing here asserts itself. Does feel a bit soft though.
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10/22/2013 01:14:30 PM
I like the colors in the pond. Other than that, it looks like a snapshot of a pond at a park. Nothing much to it.

Gave it a 3
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10/22/2013 09:50:36 AM
honestly i find this pretty standard and relatively plain with nothing critical to detract from or enjoy about it.
5 from me
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10/21/2013 11:12:30 PM
No novel of this name exists. Can't find a connection anywhere. There was a play by this name, but surely that's no novel.

3 - because it's not a terrible photo.
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10/21/2013 07:17:50 PM
Might have been better off coming in closer for some reflections rather than taking on the whole "pond". The sky and dead tree in the skyline take away from it substantially IMO. Sorry. Good luck.
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10/21/2013 03:24:09 PM
4...Seem like a title only reference to me. Technically speaking, to me it seems a bu\it overexposed. A different time of day might have added some atmosphere to the scene....early morning...mid evening. This appears to be that harsh mid day sort of light that flattens everything out.
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10/20/2013 05:38:52 PM
This image is nice with pleasant colours and good framing. I feel it would be better to clone out those sensor dusts as they do distract from the image. I do particularly like the contrast of the dead tree though. 5
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10/19/2013 01:55:57 PM
This lacks atmosphere or a connection to the "golden" aspect of the story. Just a country pond. Color is good but the composition is uncommitted. Like a passing glance with lots of trees and not much pond. Could have been better as a landscape centering on the pond's breadth and depth with watery reflections of gold and red. Even a simple cropping out the upper 60% of the shot could come closer to title's idea. 4
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10/19/2013 05:10:41 AM
I an one of a few that have taken on the” Comment on every vote challenge”. I will post the score I gave you then try to explain my reasons for said vote. Hopefully nothing below will be taken personally, and maybe we can both learn from it..
What a lovely pond, I only get to see things like this through others eyes as I live in the desert.
In this case unfortunately the best score I can give is a 4, allow me to explain. When I suggested this topic I was hoping for inspiration from the content of the novel rather then the title. Now granted I have not read this book but I did see the movie years ago. If I recall correctly it was less about a pond and more about the relationship of a troubled family.
The image shows new photographer mistakes, “heck I have made them myself“, the trees in the background are a bit strange. My suggestion is to post this picture on forums after the challenge has finished in voting, there are several people here that will be more eager to help you get where you want to go in photography.
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10/18/2013 09:34:56 PM
I could lay on that bank for hours
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10/18/2013 11:43:08 AM
Really just a snap of some water,no merit in my opinion.4.
Classic Novel ? I believe it was a play that was made into a film.
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10/18/2013 11:19:52 AM
I see that you have aligned the image based on a false horizon. The river may be running diagonally in your frame, and you mistook it for a horizon. But water is flat, and so all reflections must be perfectly vertical, which isn't the case for your your image.

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10/17/2013 08:43:34 PM
It is a quite lovely pond at that! The overall scene lacks some contrast though, maybe shooting early morning or late afternoon would give it more of a "golden" look.
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10/17/2013 07:44:52 PM
This really could use some dramatic clouds with a sunrise or sunset, or at least just a better time of day's light. The vague link to literature, and a deeper story with it is my main gripe though. 4
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10/17/2013 12:46:12 PM
play yes, movie yes, classic novel? I do like the image though... nice reflection.
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10/17/2013 11:36:58 AM
Can see the inspiration but the image itself seems limited. It looks like is documenting a place rather then creating an atmosphere. The foreground is too busy and IMO is lacking a subject. 4
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10/17/2013 10:35:14 AM
The photo has harsh light. There doesn't seem to be a subject to focus on.
I think this photo could have worked better had you chosen a different angle? Or applied some different processing (if you used any?).

Gave this a 3
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10/17/2013 06:47:28 AM
A pretty scene but I think sunrise or sunset would have had more impact with the more interesting light. Your composition eye is working fine, the balance is there.5.
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10/16/2013 09:24:48 PM
This looks oversharpened to me, and the colors are too ripe, even the sky. I will give you a point for the rather random composition. It adds some energy. 3
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10/16/2013 08:05:50 PM
This place must be mesmerizing in reality but as a photo it is boring and not too craftily taken. The sky makes everything pale and common
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10/16/2013 03:00:13 PM
This, for me, is just a snapshot taken with no concern for the quality of the light, and then not processed to advantage at all. Plus the pond's not golden at all. You really need the golden-hour light to make this one work for you.

4 from me.
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