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Chistina and Sara.  Wild?  You'd better believe it!
Chistina and Sara. Wild? You'd better believe it!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Wildlife (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Lexington, VA
Date: Oct 1, 2004
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Candid, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Oct 1, 2004

Some very light burning around the edges, unsharp mask and a frame are all I added to this image. The younger girl on the right is in fact missing part of her left arm.

Place: 158 out of 160
Avg (all users): 3.5258
Avg (commenters): 4.0000
Avg (participants): 3.3299
Avg (non-participants): 3.7216
Views since voting: 1301
Views during voting: 367
Votes: 194
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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10/11/2004 07:47:54 PM
good job some people are so narrow minded , my boys are sure wild
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/11/2004 05:37:47 PM
Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and especially comment. Submissions I have seen from past challanges have been very creative, and I've seen some photographers who shoot a particular style and find ways to alter it only enough to be applicable to a given challenge. I like shooting people, and kids are the wildest people I know. I understand the low marks, but had fun taking the picture and always enjoy participating in challenges. Thanks again for the feedback!
10/11/2004 03:20:26 AM
Originally posted by vfwlkr:

This is a cool photograph.

Guess most voters here lack a sense of humor.

You'd better believe it!
10/11/2004 02:51:33 AM
This is a cool photograph.

Guess most voters here lack a sense of humor.

  Photographer found comment helpful.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/10/2004 10:01:42 PM
Cute idea, but I think they're domesticated?
10/10/2004 09:21:06 PM
they look wild !
10/09/2004 02:31:36 PM
Maybe they get wild as most children do but I don't think people meet the challenge 2
10/09/2004 05:58:37 AM
The photo itself is very well done, but seeing the tile, I still don't think it fits the challenge. "For the purpose of this challenge, "wildlife" should be considered non-domesticated mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians living in a natural environment." This is a guality photo for candid or family, but I don't think this would do well in this challenge.
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10/09/2004 01:26:06 AM
Cute shot; very good technically, though I think the composition is too tight on the top, and the shadow figure upper left is distracting enough that I would have cloned it out. These comments notwithstanding, I don't see this meeting the challenge.
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10/08/2004 02:42:49 PM
They are certainly mammals :) I'm sure your getting hammered because of the "non-domesticated" part, but I have daughters so I know where you're coming from :) The head in the background is a little bit of a distraction, as are the windows... Keep your chin up, this is going to be a long week for you full of low scores and hate-comments from folks that have no sense of humor or hate kids... Pay them no mind... It's a nice shot and a interesting slant on the challenge. If my membership becomes active before the voting ends, I'll give you extra credit for courage :)
Note : Membership became active :)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/07/2004 10:56:35 PM
The challenge was very specific about what was considered wildlife. This wasn't one of the choices.
10/07/2004 08:27:54 PM
This is afun picture. Great expressions, colors are well done, and the DOF is well chosen. But the realtionship to the challenge is little tenuous.
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10/06/2004 11:15:48 PM
mine are wild, too, but i thought better of trying to enter them in this challenge...
10/05/2004 07:20:40 AM
Wild yes but surely you knew this would get "doesn't fit the challenge" comments? 6 - floyd
10/04/2004 02:54:38 PM
Non-domesticated mammels? Doesn't meet challenge. Nice picture though!
10/04/2004 01:56:31 PM
Sorry I don't think so. They are precious and adorable, and no doubt rambunctious. But not wild.
10/04/2004 01:28:28 PM
Cute girls. Interesting take on the challenge.
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10/04/2004 12:52:41 PM
OMG!!!! How did you get so close to them? I'd have been sooooooo scared. 7 for bravery.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/04/2004 10:58:45 AM
Great kids shot...truly. I understand what you were going for here...its a clever play. But sorry...this isnt wildlife. Best of luck.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/04/2004 01:19:49 AM
I believe they are domesticated, though, according to the challenge description :)
10/04/2004 12:49:56 AM
Aren't humans domesticated? They look like a handful but this really pushes the scope of the challenge.

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