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Portfolio Images
1st Placebubbles

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Garry Winogrand (Advanced Editing VII)
Collection: Portfolio
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M5
Lens: Olympus 17mm f/1.8 M.Zuiko
Location: Pacific Beach, California
Date: Feb 15, 2014
Aperture: 1.8
ISO: 320
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Candid, Street
Date Uploaded: Feb 16, 2014

I hope the irony of shapes does not escape you

I am blown away by the comments, the score, the faves, the "bling" this shot has generated. And the controversy (separate thanks for the comment that started it, Paul :)). The score was toying with my PB for most of the week, which for a humble street shot was quite astonishing to see. Thank you all!!!

Usually, I am not a big fan of "in style of" challenges, but Winogrand's style and spirit is very close to me, so I did not have to emulate much here, simply ventured outside on Sunday afternoon and took some street shots in Pacific Beach (one of few places in San Diego where street life actually exists) of the type I normally like to take.

Ubique is right, this shot does look better in color, I converted it to BW only in deference to the Master. Here is the color version

Place: 1 out of 57
Avg (all users): 7.6477
Avg (commenters): 8.8182
Avg (participants): 7.9444
Avg (non-participants): 7.4423
Views since voting: 4745
Views during voting: 295
Votes: 88
Comments: 52
Favorites: 16 (view)

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03/02/2014 09:33:39 PM
Congrats on the blue, Lev.
I have to agree with this
Originally posted by tnun:

it gets better and better, the more I look. (controversy serves).
Certainly the more I look the more I appreciate it.
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03/01/2014 06:09:29 AM
Congrats on the blue ribbon! Was always a 10 from me and deserved the ribbon. This could have easily been a scene from a movie....
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02/27/2014 04:26:13 PM
Brilliant capture!
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02/25/2014 10:34:25 PM
Congrats :D
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02/25/2014 10:19:14 PM
it gets better and better, the more I look. (controversy serves).
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02/25/2014 06:52:26 PM

Originally posted by LoVi:

The judgments, presumptions and condemnation of people based on their looks burns me up.

Which of you know the back story?

These two women may have been school teachers in an urban area for impoverished children, devoting their life times to teaching acceptance, inclusion, tolerance and love. They may have worked 3 jobs other than their teaching positions in order to be able to afford the time after their retirements to sit outside and make bubbles for the neighborhood kids. They may be suffering from particular diseases that have created the swelling in their ankles that render them incapable of walking without great difficulty. Conditions that create constant pain. Conditions they have no control over that create water retention and swelling. They may have met each other sitting in a doctor's office and have decided to support each other in times of need. WAIT! That's not these women. That would have been MY neighbors, who remind of these women. They remind me exactly of the two loving souls who ended their lives as shut ins because they were too frightened to leave their houses to become objects of ridicule and criticism by people like you.

The only indictment I see here is the one that you have all made of your true spirits exposing yourselves for the types of people you are.
02/25/2014 04:59:53 PM
Great, Lev! Congratulations on your achievement!
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02/25/2014 06:32:07 AM
Super shot. Congrats on the blue, well deserved!
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02/25/2014 04:12:47 AM
Wonderful image that certainly fits the challenge,Congratulations.
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02/25/2014 12:00:01 AM
Originally posted by LevT:

Originally posted by hihosilver:

Gosh...I can't remember the last time I saw a blue get a blue from Posthumous...WOW! The last one I can remember would probably be Yanko's wine glass photo. Congrats to you, Lev! ::beams::
Thanks Mae! Don't know about Yanko, but jagar has at least two of those. But certainly a very rare feat, I am delighted.
you can count them on one hand
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02/24/2014 11:44:07 PM
Brilliant shot! I've lived in PB for 13 years and have yet to come close to shooting something as delightfully engaging as this, here or anywhere. Bravo!

Message edited by author 2014-02-24 23:44:29.
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02/24/2014 04:27:25 PM
Originally posted by LoVi:

The judgments, presumptions and condemnation of people based on their looks burns me up.
First impressions go a long way. Right or wrong, they count for something.

Originally posted by LoVi:

Which of you know the back story?
Do I need to?

It's a fantastic image Lev. I didn't have you pegged as blue, but you were in my top three. Looking through Winogrand's work, this definitely fit his style.
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02/24/2014 02:08:43 PM
This is an absolutely amazing picture... quite fantastic. the stories being told, the specifics that are found.... a slight tilt reminiscent of some of Garry's work, but carefree as well. Congratulations on the Double Blue, you've earned it!
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02/24/2014 10:47:50 AM
Congrats on the double blue, Lev!
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02/24/2014 09:27:22 AM
The judgments, presumptions and condemnation of people based on their looks burns me up.

Which of you know the back story?

These two women may have been school teachers in an urban area for impoverished children, devoting their life times to teaching acceptance, inclusion, tolerance and love. They may have worked 3 jobs other than their teaching positions in order to be able to afford the time after their retirements to sit outside and make bubbles for the neighborhood kids. They may be suffering from particular diseases that have created the swelling in their ankles that render them incapable of walking without great difficulty. Conditions that create constant pain. Conditions they have no control over that create water retention and swelling. They may have met each other sitting in a doctor's office and have decided to support each other in times of need. WAIT! That's not these women. That would have been MY neighbors, who remind of these women. They remind me exactly of the two loving souls who ended their lives as shut ins because they were too frightened to leave their houses to become objects of ridicule and criticism by people like you.

The only indictment I see here is the one that you have all made of your true spirits exposing yourselves for the types of people you are.
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02/24/2014 08:52:28 AM
The full on human experience. Almost too good. Congrats on the Gold, I mean blue.
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02/24/2014 08:35:21 AM
Terrific shot. It was my second pick but deserved the blue, for the sheer starkness of the scene. Doesn't get any better than this. Congrats on the blue, Lev! Would have been funny if this beat your film noir PB :-). Each excellent in their own genre!
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02/24/2014 07:51:35 AM
Damn that's a great shot Lev. I also agree that it works better in colour but it's pretty great either way. A very worthy Blue in a challenge with many fine images indeed.
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02/24/2014 07:50:36 AM
Congratulations Lev! Glad to see this on top.
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02/24/2014 07:45:31 AM
I really liked this shot. I don't understand the "4" vote. I guess we all get them. Great capture! Congratulations!
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02/24/2014 03:34:15 AM
congratulations from one of those 10! very deserved double blue!
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02/24/2014 02:59:21 AM
Originally posted by hihosilver:

Gosh...I can't remember the last time I saw a blue get a blue from Posthumous...WOW! The last one I can remember would probably be Yanko's wine glass photo. Congrats to you, Lev! ::beams::
Thanks Mae! Don't know about Yanko, but jagar has at least two of those. But certainly a very rare feat, I am delighted.
02/24/2014 02:40:39 AM
Gosh...I can't remember the last time I saw a blue get a blue from Posthumous...WOW! The last one I can remember would probably be Yanko's wine glass photo. Congrats to you, Lev! ::beams::
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02/24/2014 01:26:53 AM
Well deserved double blue Lev, hats off to you.
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02/24/2014 12:13:23 AM
Congrats Lev. If this hadn't got the blue ribbon I'd have eaten my hat! Best street shot I've seen in a long long time (and not just on DPC). Very well deserved.
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02/24/2014 12:04:43 AM
Ubique summed up what I would of loved to have said, I was trying to be nice, but I was right about this being in America, the land of indulgence!


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02/24/2014 12:02:38 AM
Best damn street shot I've seen here in a long while. Perfect! I'd never have guessed California, though. Thought it was somewhere in Florida! Congrats!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/23/2014 10:03:30 PM
A fascinating scene unfolding.
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02/23/2014 09:48:28 PM
This could only be in America!

Looks like they are trying to amuse the kiddies, good on them.
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02/23/2014 09:07:19 PM
The only photo that I would have believed was actually winogrand.

Posthumous blue

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02/23/2014 07:47:53 PM
Would love to know the story behind this
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02/23/2014 10:58:38 AM
Now this is right on. The most Winogrand of them all that I've seen thus far. A ten for you.
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02/23/2014 10:41:33 AM
Priceless! Look to see this on the front page.
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02/23/2014 10:39:41 AM
Nice catch. NV
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02/22/2014 11:27:38 PM
The survivors - a posthumous Winogrand collection - when he discovers that humanity has the will to survive and even to excel. Look at those bubbles! bump
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02/22/2014 07:12:06 PM
One I think Garry would have been proud of... my favorite and highest score. 10
Good luck.....
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02/22/2014 03:54:42 PM
ya, Alma, bubbles trumps Pekes..
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02/22/2014 06:12:18 AM
If it hadn't been black & white I'd have picked it for a Martin Parr photograph. That's a good thing because Martin Parr is a whole lot more interesting than Garry Winogrand.

This is really a very funny, savage indictment of a certain prominent wedge of modern western life (I'd say American life, but you'd like my comment even less if I did). The obesity to the point of immobility; the silly, pampered, yapping dogs; the dreadfully tacky sunshades; the truly awful Disney World school of architecture â€Â¦ all wrapped up in a fountain of flaccid-looking bubbles cascading towards a bewildered kid who himself appears to be already on the road to double-wide pants. It's a scarcely credible celebration of gross indulgence and delusion.

Even if you took a kinder view than I, it's still a good street photograph on a superficial level. 9. Thank you.
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02/20/2014 04:11:22 PM
Fabulous candid. So much to study in your image. Thanks
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02/19/2014 05:29:45 PM
Very good, top 2
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02/19/2014 01:14:22 PM
I love the randomness.
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02/18/2014 10:34:01 AM
I keep coming back to this shot I don't know why but I can't stop looking.
Just so much to see and it's all good. Best in show for me. Very well done.
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02/18/2014 06:38:23 AM
Great, nice timing and everything
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02/18/2014 03:49:41 AM
What a great image!! So much going on...well done!
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02/17/2014 04:55:41 PM
This is fun :) great tones as well. Why don't you put this one for sales?
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02/17/2014 02:57:28 PM
Ha! I love this! Well done!

(commenting only)
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02/17/2014 08:17:32 AM
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02/17/2014 01:16:09 AM
This is one of the most entertaining scenes I've seen in ages. Heart antennas, bubbles littering the sky, flotsam on the ground, a tot interested but not overly so, a multi-dogged woman, TWO rascals... and another thing, she says. It's a slice of magic here. You've seen it well, timed it perfectly, and thanks a lot.
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02/17/2014 01:14:22 AM
this is quite entertaining.
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02/17/2014 12:58:20 AM
best by a long shot
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02/17/2014 12:32:40 AM
Oh, priceless. The dog in the basket takes the cake (is that all the same dog??) Well, not just that dog, but also the one being cuddled. And the kid with the pacifier. And the glop of all those bubbles on the sidewalk. Amazing. Really.
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02/17/2014 12:23:59 AM
Yeah, this is excellent! :)
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