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 This image was disqualified from the Personified Smiles and Frowns II challenge.
Happy Mugshot
Happy Mugshot

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Personified Smiles and Frowns II (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II
Date: Apr 8, 2014
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/30
Date Uploaded: Apr 9, 2014

Easy come - easy go. My first blue ribbon and my first DQ. I have an older version of Lightroom and it cannot recognize the .nef files from my D7000 so I import all of my .nef files into Adobe DNG converter and keep all of those "originals" because what would be the sense in keeping both DNG and NEF and eating up HD space? The REAL bummer is that I shot these in RAW + JPG just in case it was a minimal editing challenge, but once I saw that it wasn't I didn't bother to keep the original jpg... I used Blue Tak to hold everything in place. Below is a "copy" of the original. Thank you for all of the kind remarks and comments. I can keep those, can't I?
Disqualification Details
We're sorry this happened, Karen. for the record, here's the DQ reason: You must retain your original, unedited file (exactly as recorded by your camera), and provide it to the Site Council along with a list of your editing steps within 48 hours of any validation request. Files that have been saved or altered with any editing or transfer software are NOT originals.

Views since voting: 781
Views during voting: 169
Comments: 32
Favorites: 1 (view)

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04/22/2014 11:57:06 PM
Oh, what a shame about the DQ. Great shot, though, really deserved that blue.
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04/22/2014 10:33:32 PM
Oh. Dang.

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04/22/2014 12:10:21 PM
Thank you for all of your support and kind comments, they mean just as much if not more than a blue ribbon. Believe me when I say that I poured over and over my two CF cards desperately trying to find the originals but I have deleted them to make way for photos of a friend's baby that I took - now THOSE are the ones I don't delete until I DOUBLE know I have them downloaded. A blue ribbon , I can get again, but babies aren't little for long!
04/22/2014 12:02:36 PM
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.... :(
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04/22/2014 11:52:58 AM
What, where did the happy fella go :-( so sorry about this, I really love that mug! Tanguera is right, that's why I always keep my originals on the CF card until it's over. Needed them only a couple of times, but just in case of 40 DQs :-).
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04/22/2014 11:48:28 AM
Well, darn. But your attitude is perfect! Many more of these to come. And of course the lesson is: NEVER DELETE ANYTHING UNTIL THE CHALLENGE IS OVER.
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04/22/2014 11:07:41 AM
Sorry about the DQ, it is a wonderful image!!!
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04/22/2014 10:26:41 AM
Sorry about the DQ -- this is a fantastic image nonetheless.
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04/22/2014 10:10:18 AM
So sorry to see this get Dq'd...take heart that if you do it once you can do it again...I got a Dq for one of my FS (no where near the top of the heap) and because I used Picasa at the time to download my photos it did something to my files that I was unaware of...Because of that incident I won't even use the computer's automatic download or Ps' automatic downloads I only directly download from Camera to Computer (corded not using a card reader as I'm afraid something will happen to my card and I've seen many here trying to use recovery software for their card readers) to my EHD's...(Also, I now only shoot in RAW)
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04/22/2014 12:54:45 AM
Originally posted by Neat:

Yes I really liked this one, got my second highest vote, amazing how this held with blue tac, sorry it will be DQ, are you sure!

I think they (the site council) are just waiting for the 48 hour clock to count down. I only have the original DNG file (which even has a bit of the towel that I used to wipe up the tea spills with, still in it), but it is not the file that came out of the camera, so to speak. Rules are rules, I suppose. Yes, blue tak is my new best friend - that stuff rocks, and I've already used it in another shot.
04/22/2014 12:28:40 AM
Yes I really liked this one, got my second highest vote, amazing how this held with blue tac, sorry it will be DQ, are you sure!
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04/21/2014 12:59:23 PM
I really liked this one. Congrats.
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04/21/2014 09:45:35 AM
Congrats on the blue....very clever and gave me a good chuckle when I say it. Reminds me a lot of the Easter Island statues
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04/21/2014 08:18:11 AM
I agree with Sue, I haven't seen an image where the lowest score is 5. A simple yet powerful image, Well done!
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04/21/2014 01:16:15 AM
Congrats on your first blue Karen. Lowest score is a 5, fantastic effort. Very cute idea :-)
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04/21/2014 12:59:35 AM
Hey, great job, Karen! Congratulations on your first blue! :)
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04/21/2014 12:28:32 AM
good job...nice score!!!
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04/21/2014 12:20:44 AM
Congrats on your first blue, Karen!!! All indications are that there will be MANY more of them for you.
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04/21/2014 12:14:34 AM
Ohmygosh... how cute! Brilliantly creative! Congratulations!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/20/2014 11:44:10 PM
ha! Nicely done.
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04/20/2014 11:14:51 PM
I'm giving you a 6. If I knew you'd copied it, I'd give you a 2. If I knew you'd come up with the idea yourself, I'd give you at least a 7.
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04/20/2014 05:35:12 PM
Clever idea
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04/20/2014 02:57:39 PM
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04/19/2014 08:07:35 PM
Great shot
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04/18/2014 07:51:19 PM
Great idea -
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04/15/2014 09:48:15 AM
Works very well
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04/15/2014 06:21:58 AM
If I don't see this get a blue I'll be surprised. Very creative, great light and tones, plus I love how the shadows from the glasses made the eyes on the mug. Great job and a clever title. 10.
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04/15/2014 03:09:35 AM
so good .. so cute .. so funny .. i hope you get a ribbon .. this is awesome .. :)
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04/14/2014 11:20:30 AM
Hahaha. Love it
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04/14/2014 11:11:40 AM
This just makes me smile :) Well done.
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04/14/2014 10:44:48 AM
WAY too adorable.


TOTALLY LOVE those shadow eyes. Brilliant.

Add in the title... and I'm guessing this is scoring VERY well for you.

I love it all.

(commenting only)
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04/14/2014 06:06:29 AM
good ness me great idea and well photographed
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