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Standing Tall
1st PlaceStanding Tall

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study 2014-06 (Advanced Editing VII)
Camera: Canon EOS-6D
Lens: Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS
Location: San Francisco
Date: Jun 14, 2014
Aperture: f/9
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/320 - 1/40
Date Uploaded: Jun 29, 2014

I really, really, REALLY have to thank sfalice for showing me around the city this last time I was up there. She showed me so many places that I'd never been before. This viewing spot was our first stop that morning (about 645-7am.) There was no one else up there and the light from the rising sun being filtered through the haze was just amazing. Alice mentioned that this spot was closed for quite some time and had just reopened.

Thanks everyone for the votes and comments and thank you Alice for the very nice day!

Place: 1 out of 179
Avg (all users): 6.9341
Avg (commenters): 8.3636
Avg (participants): 6.8356
Avg (non-participants): 7.3333
Views since voting: 2173
Views during voting: 197
Votes: 91
Comments: 30
Favorites: 2 (view)

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07/14/2014 11:54:24 PM
Congrats on the blue, Mark. I love the light and atmosphere of this shot.
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07/14/2014 01:23:53 AM
See, now when Alice took *me* there it was gray and rainy and wet and dark.... :-)
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07/09/2014 05:58:12 AM
WOW! Quite some run, Mark! :)
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07/08/2014 03:00:22 PM
Superb photo. Congrats!
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07/08/2014 02:16:52 PM
Terrific viewpoint and interesting tale behind it!
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07/08/2014 01:23:25 PM
This was definitely my top pick in the challenge. Well seen and incredibly well executed Mark! And yes, Alice is the ultimate SF tour guide, as my wife and I can attest! I only wish this location had been open when we visited in 2011. Congrats on the Blue, very well deserved.
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07/08/2014 11:12:16 AM
The magic spreads from Hawaii :) Beautiful, congrats on the blue!
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07/08/2014 09:48:32 AM
Fantastic- congrats Mark!
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07/08/2014 07:02:22 AM
Well, dang, mark! When you point your camera at something, you get magic.
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07/08/2014 06:13:43 AM
Congratulations Mark! Another beautiful shot!
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07/08/2014 05:19:05 AM
This is beautiful Mark--I think I like this POV better than the more traditional shots of this bridge. Congrats on a well-deserved blue!!
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07/08/2014 04:32:23 AM
Congrats on the Blue, beautiful image!
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07/08/2014 02:34:19 AM
Great shot, Mark, congrats on the blue!
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07/08/2014 12:29:07 AM
Outstanding image. You are on a roll. I love how you've selected a perspective that is not the "usual" view of the bridge.
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07/08/2014 12:15:44 AM
Originally posted by aliqui:

Just curious, what time was this taken? Oh, and grats as usual. :)

Thanks for the comments folks.

This was taken at about 645am.
07/08/2014 12:13:09 AM
Just curious, what time was this taken? Oh, and grats as usual. :)
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07/08/2014 12:05:39 AM
Congrats! So glad you got the blue! Very nicely done.
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07/08/2014 12:05:34 AM
Great shot Mark, such an interesting POV of an old favorite.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/07/2014 08:54:29 PM
Beautiful photo and unusual pov.
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07/07/2014 05:51:31 PM
I like this view spot, and you hit in just the right light.
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07/07/2014 05:06:24 PM
Very original take on this bridge, can't remember having seen this before. Beautiful light as well!
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07/07/2014 10:58:04 AM
excellent view!
nice light!
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07/07/2014 08:01:39 AM
This is really, really striking. While I get why you might frame it this way, down the center, it doesn't quite feel right. You're also just a hair too far to the right from perfectly down the center, which is a little distracting. You're also about 1/2 degree left of vertical and need to rotate it just a touch to the right. Any of those things fixed I might give this a 9 or 10. As is it feels "off", but is otherwise a beautiful capture. 7
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07/07/2014 06:06:30 AM
My pick for the red; great picture. The only issue for me is the bridge feels a little crooked (maybe it is?), a few steps to the left to get the rear support perfectly lined up with the front support would have helped.
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07/06/2014 05:23:00 PM
This is mesmerizing.. Fantastic perspective, very unusual but highly effective. And the tones throughout carry this image beautifully.
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07/04/2014 10:01:55 AM
Great choice in composition for the light.
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07/03/2014 11:56:17 AM
Top ten for the wonderful light.
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07/02/2014 12:26:07 AM
Every once in a great while, someone has a new take on an old theme. This is wonderful; I'd hang it on my wall...
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07/01/2014 01:56:32 AM
Awesome perspective.
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07/01/2014 12:32:29 AM
This is absolutely beautiful! My favorite for this challenge. The lighting through the bridge with the mountains and all perfectly sharp. 10.
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