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Then bring friends around it.
3rd PlaceThen bring friends around it.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Got Milk? (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE F100
Location: Armissan, France
Date: Jan 19, 2003
Galleries: Still Life, Rural
Date Uploaded: Jan 19, 2003


Place: 3 out of 59
Avg (all users): 7.0417
Avg (commenters): 7.9412
Avg (participants): 6.8800
Avg (non-participants): 7.2174
Views since voting: 5240
Votes: 96
Comments: 33
Favorites: 21 (view)

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09/07/2005 08:38:51 PM
What a visually inviting composition. Textures and colors are all warm and inviting - but of course it is the promise of good cheese, wine, and fresh bread that gets us to pull a chair up to the table to enjoy the food and company to follow.
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03/08/2005 08:57:33 AM
"Who can hope to unite a people who champion 275 different kinds of cheese?" One might start, I imagine, by serving up this photo; for it represents several of the unique and simple pleasures that are unique to France. It is an extraordinary photo.

I am constantly amazed at how you cast a loving eye on things mere mortals see as mundane and ordinary and then photographically transform them into things almost other-worldly. Is this a thing that can be learned? Does one have to be French to learn it? Or does one just smile, and say 'cheese?'
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02/02/2003 10:53:31 PM
Congrats! I loved this, my favourite of the week.
02/02/2003 10:36:49 AM
Very nice composition and textures. This is a image has a very welcoming feeling to it. Congrats on the ribbon.

01/28/2003 08:26:55 AM
Congrats on placing in winners row ! This was a wonderful photo and well deserved win !
01/27/2003 08:05:45 AM
this was my favorite milk challenge
01/27/2003 07:22:41 AM
Congratulations--this was my favorite one overall!! Good job!!
01/27/2003 02:56:58 AM
Thanks to all for the generous scoring. Post production notes: It took two good parties and many more bottles to clean off this set.

Message edited by author 2003-01-27 06:12:26.
01/27/2003 01:47:10 AM
Well done this is great lighting
01/27/2003 01:34:22 AM
This is a beautiful photograph! Well deserved ribbon!
01/27/2003 12:16:39 AM
I agree with 'wackybill'..love it. Wonderful light, textures, and colors.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/26/2003 08:09:10 PM
I personally really love this shot. IMO the lighting is dead on. This photo looks like it should be on the cover of a fine food and wine magazine. Thanks for sharing!

Bill Miller (wackybill)
01/26/2003 02:32:02 PM
Beautifully arranged, lit, and photographed.
01/26/2003 02:07:27 PM
Great shot , excellant colors here. Some funky lookin cheese though , can I have a sample?
01/24/2003 07:18:17 PM
Nicely done, looks almost like an ad photo. The thing that bothers me is that that mat that the cheeses are on looks like if you tried to cut the cheese, it would all fall through the cracks.
01/24/2003 06:26:05 PM
This is very beautiful, what a great still life. Very rustic and lovely colours, textures and makes me sooo hungry! Good Luck! My favourite this week, came back for another look, would make a lovely kitchen picture, framed on the wall.
01/24/2003 05:35:23 PM
lovely still life...well done!
01/24/2003 01:36:29 PM
Really nice job. I love the composition and creativity of this shot. It seems like it could have been just a bit brighter though especially on the cheese. I really like the textures here. Excellent.
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01/23/2003 12:16:55 PM
Very nice display -- looks right out of a magazine!
01/23/2003 11:32:13 AM
Yuck!! I do like the shot. Great lighting and you have some nice rich colors. I just don't like mold on my cheese. I will however take a slice of that bread. :-)
01/23/2003 09:53:13 AM
Wow, this just says "lavish" to me. So many beautiful tones and textures in this photo. Maybe it's a little bit busy, but it has a great sense of atmosphere. Good work.
01/23/2003 02:32:56 AM
A beautiful collection of country ingredients. The setting is absolutely beautiful. I see a lot of thought has been put into this photo. Great job and GL.
01/23/2003 01:40:20 AM
looks very different than the american foods we see in the stores. nice display setup
01/22/2003 05:13:02 PM
This is a great shot. Pure and simple. Three things about it, however, bother me -- one is relatively stupid and can be ignored, another is probably just an overactive imagination (and is actually a compliment), and the third I'm not entirely certain what more you could have done to minimize. First, the cheese on the cheese board/tray look a little too symmetricaly laid out. Like I said, dumb, but there ya go. Second, something about the shot makes me feel like it was literally taken from a magazine. I think it has something to do with the colors. If it was, shame on you. If it wasn't, then congratulations and well done. *grin* Finally, the far background is a little distracting because my eyes are led around the picture and objects seem to keep leading me up to it. I start down with the cheeses, move up to the bread and knife, over to the wine and glass and then over to that empty spot of table and background. Then I start looking around back there to see what I can see. Perhaps a slightly more shallow depth of field to blur that out a bit -- coupled with perhaps a bit more light to darken it down a tad? At any rate, know that I'm not a voter, so you can take the comments for what they're worth.
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01/22/2003 03:01:39 PM
You have done this very well. One of my favourites. Great composition and perfect lighting. Focus is good too and the colours are just in my taste. Very nice shot and high score from me. Good luck.
01/20/2003 07:59:24 PM
beautiful still life. The colors and textures are a delight to the eye. Well done!
01/20/2003 05:09:01 PM
Oh my god! I hit the previous vote button and bang, an explosion of taste, right in my face. Damnit, damnit, damnit, I was supposed to go easy on the cheese this year, somebody stop me!
Seriously, this makes my mouth water. Good wine, good bread and good cheese, preferably in a nice location. What more can one wish?

I like the composition, very good exposure, good choice of aperture for the depth. The background is nice, it looks like we are in a shed out on the country side, did some hard labour and are now going to enjoy a very good lunch. :)

Wish I was there! ;)
10, and favourite!
01/20/2003 05:07:02 PM
Wish I knew what all kinds of cheese these were. Hope I can explain this so you can understand. It's a little "dull", making it appear dark when it is not dark. The colors are all dead or dull colors starting with the table. To have gotten all of the wine bottle, the only thing with any life in the color, in you would have added more dead empty space in the top right corner. It's not that it's a bad photo, it's just not a really good photo, in spite of the good technical qualities you have. I hope this makes sense. But of course this is just my opinion of it. I'd have to give it a 4 personally.
01/20/2003 03:32:41 PM
the background around the table is distracting
01/20/2003 10:42:45 AM
Everything here looks very good to me, I could pull up a stool and have at it!! Nice composition. Can I come eat at your house..?...my kind of food. Good light, focus. Well done.
01/20/2003 03:27:27 AM
Not a bad setup here. What type of light did you use. Was it possible to diffuse it so the Light was not that harsh on the Wallnuts?
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01/20/2003 12:48:08 AM
A gorgeous still life. This would be beautiful hanging in a kitchen. I might like to be able to see the entire wine bottle, but that's only a minor nit-pick. The composition and lighting are beautiful.
01/20/2003 12:43:03 AM
What beautiful bread and cheese ! I love the rustic farm look of this. I think my only issue is the wine bottle top being cut off. However, this is really well done. 9

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