Greetings from the Critique Club!
OK, first things first. Your image is supposed to be titled, Aftermath. No ands ifs or buts about it. You will automatically get a lower score because you didn't follow that one simple rule, as indicated by a pretty yellow flag next to the challenge description. You made it through medical school, for crying out loud. Surely you know how to be thorough and careful in everything you do in practice, right? (I should add that I am the daughter of an MD so I actually do know what I'm talking about).
Now. Image is cluttery, no real focal point, just a bunch of guys drinking. Pity cause the exposure is good and at least you know your settings! But there is just no POW! factor here. Look at what won and you'll start to get some idea as to what is expected from you here if you wish to do well. You need to do much, much better if you wish to improve.
Also, if people are going to take the time to comment on your image and try to help you, it's only good manners to tick off the check box next to each comment to indicate that you at least appreciate that they made it in the first place. This rule goes double for critiques. People who tend to not tick the box are usually seen as unappreciative and will not get many comments in the future.
Hope this helps.
Susan |