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The Harryette Winston Collection
3rd PlaceThe Harryette Winston Collection

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Jewelry Advertisement II (Expert Editing*)
Collection: 2014 Challenges
Date: Oct 28, 2014
Date Uploaded: Oct 28, 2014

[Nov. 4th, 2014 02:42:12 PM]

So I did a lot of research on this one, and experimented with various things. I didn't want to do a normal jewelry shot, so I figured that Harry Winston, De Beers, etc, would have some really cool, funky jewelry shots.

They really didn't!! They were pretty much your straight forward jewelry shots.

But then I came across a 1940s Harry Winston shot that made me want to recreate it, in color.

The jewelry is my mother's ring (thought I made it into yellow diamonds for the add, so that it went with the eyes.) The center stone is from her engagement ring. A couple of the outside diamonds are from her wedding ring, and it was given to her by my father. It's incredibly special to me.

There were a couple of comments that it should have been brighter. It was brighter in the beginning, but it seemed to stick out too much. I wanted it to look realistically placed. I don't know that I succeeded, but brighter made it look like it wasn't really a part of the picture.

The text is too large. I should have shrunk it down quite a bit.

I did this on Tuesday, thinking it was due Tuesday night. Once I realized that it was due thursday, I borrowed my neighbor and tried some other shots. I played around with flash and letting in more ambient light and lighting the earrings with an LED flashlight. It was fun to experiment. I liked these, but I thought the cat was different.

I actually found a Harry Winston add with a seagull! I thought about that, but didn't think it would go over well here. :)

I liked this guy's stuff:

Laziz Hamani

Outtakes from the neighbor shoot:

Thanks for all the wonderful comments!!

[Nov. 6th, 2014 04:01:46 PM]

boy... just read the stuff I wrote. Rambling a bit, wasn't I? :)

Place: 3 out of 35
Avg (all users): 7.0192
Avg (commenters): 8.3750
Avg (participants): 6.9130
Avg (non-participants): 7.0494
Views since voting: 1926
Views during voting: 272
Votes: 104
Comments: 27
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/09/2014 11:53:22 AM
Congrats Wendy!!
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11/08/2014 10:39:07 AM
Congratulations on the ribbon.
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11/07/2014 10:35:23 PM
The black and gold of this are just stunning. Beautiful work as always Wendy
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11/07/2014 08:47:58 PM
Congratulations Wendy, lovely work. The cat's eyes are jewels in themselves.
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11/07/2014 11:45:04 AM
best of the ribbons, those eyes, that sumptuous fir and the goddess bindi.
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11/07/2014 09:51:36 AM
Yay for cats! The lighting is awesome, and fits perfectly the theme. Simple and classy. Congrats on your ribbon.
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11/07/2014 07:54:47 AM
Congrats on the ribbon. Your lighting is really coming along.
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11/07/2014 05:31:29 AM
Another cat - cool bananas!! Well done on a super finish.
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11/07/2014 01:28:37 AM
Yes agree you were rambling on a bit but i like your image and lighting from the out takes your neighbor models well ..hope she wont be pissed off you went with the cat version :)
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11/07/2014 12:29:43 AM
Cats all over the front page: awesome
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/06/2014 06:27:02 PM
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11/06/2014 10:57:50 AM
Very well executed, my top pick.
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11/05/2014 08:34:50 PM
I love the way the Egyptian theme is carried out here, the limited palette, the dark sophistication. One of my top picks. 10
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11/05/2014 08:43:36 AM
Really love this edit. I wish that the jewelry was centered between the eyes, and perhaps the text raised a bit. Really striking, but not as well assembled as it could have been.
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11/04/2014 11:13:30 PM
7 for the literary quality of this. Your catchphrase is very catching.
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11/04/2014 09:30:46 PM
The photography is excellent - amazing detail on the cat's face and eyes, which is tough on a black cat! Not thrilled with the words. For me, the picture alone would have been even better.
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11/04/2014 07:29:20 PM
Great idea, and beautiful cat, but I feel that the jewel competes for attention with the cat's eyes. For me the jewelry could be sharper and have more sparkle. In my top 5.
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11/03/2014 07:11:26 PM
OMG! brilliant!!!! 10!
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11/03/2014 09:38:47 AM
Excellent job. Beautiful simple color scheme, everything is well placed and the photo used is top-notch.
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11/01/2014 09:58:47 PM
The text adds too much, in my opinion. If the advertisement were just that wonderful shot of the cat and the jewel (maybe with more sparkle on the jewelry so it doesn't compete so much with the eyes for attention) and then... after you'd totally captivated me... I'd go down to read the tiny text about what you're selling.

As it is, the text so overwhelm me and the eyes are so in focus, that I barely get to the jewelry itself.

Still... going on photography alone, this is among my top few.

8 as shown. 9 without the text. 10 if the jewelry were the sharpest part of the image.
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11/01/2014 03:03:40 PM
Can't tell if this is an ad for the broach, or a documentary on Egyptian Cats.
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10/31/2014 05:20:15 PM
FYI, cats are STILL gods :)

Would have liked the jewel to be more prominent, either by brightness, or sparkle, or...?
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10/31/2014 01:09:55 PM
My second favorite of this challenge. I guess I know this black cat :)
9 from me (10 if the font was more catchy)
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10/31/2014 12:12:39 PM
Beautiful detail, focus, and lighting.
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10/31/2014 10:03:25 AM
Nicely done. I love the lighting on the cat, but I would like to see the jewelry much brighter. It has too much competition for attention with the eyes.
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10/31/2014 08:08:40 AM
Excellent, creative. Top pick!!! 9
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10/31/2014 01:51:20 AM
what do you mean "WERE" ? mine consider themselves as gods and rule the house hold with an Iron paw 8
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