Lovely image, and one I have right up there in my top choices. Unfortunately it is coming across a little flat, and colorless in my moniter. Certainly not saying it is, because my moniter may be off a tad. But here is what happens when I vote, after I'm done, and it shows all the images I have voted on, on one screen, that is when I do my final bumping up, and bumping down, and this one has a tendency to fade behind the others. That is just one way I'm sure others dont do it the same. That said, and it is still in my top 5 of the challenge, I love its definition of simplicity. Another thing that may have made it more dramatic, and even further simple was a white backdrop, that could of been cool too. LOL, this is all being said by a guy who couldn't even come up with a composition for this challenge, so take it as a grain of sand, I still think you did a wonderful job. Good luck. |