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In the heat of the night
In the heat of the night

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Night Shot II (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Location: Grangemouth, Scotland
Date: Oct 17, 2004
Aperture: f7.1
ISO: 100
Shutter: 15secs
Galleries: Emotive
Date Uploaded: Oct 17, 2004

Picture of the local oil refinery taken on a very long exposure to give a drawn out feel to the steam emitting from the towers.This unfortunately caused a little overexposure but personally, I`m quite happy with that.

Adjustments to contrast & saturation, clone tool used to eliminate a tiny pinpoint of light in the foreground..image cropped , resized and sharpened.

Place: 48 out of 182
Avg (all users): 5.9605
Avg (commenters): 7.5333
Avg (participants): 5.6068
Avg (non-participants): 6.3333
Views since voting: 982
Views during voting: 409
Votes: 228
Comments: 20
Favorites: 1 (view)

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10/25/2004 04:51:48 AM
Thanks for all the comments folks.
I totally understand why the composition doesn`t suit all...it wasn`t my first choice either..however, it is extremely difficult to get shots of the refinery now without being subjected to police involvement.so this was taken about a mile away in a very muddy, dark,farmers field.
I got there took two or three shots and got out again before anyone could pass by. The picture you see has had a little cropped off the bottom to centre the refinery. I tried all types of crop and to get the crop most people suggest meant zooming in on the refinery and I didn`t feel the image was sharp enough for that..so decided on the central composition as the lesser of all evils.
If I hadn`t been so panicky about getting caught taking the picture, I would have had taken more time to think about my composition and not relied on trying to sort it out afterwards.
10/25/2004 02:04:56 AM
Gordon, I tend to agree with the comments on the foreground space and marked it down slightly for it.
I bet the larger image is pin sharp, it looks that way.
Overall quite an interesting, well taken shot and a very respectable place for yor first 20D nightshot.
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10/25/2004 01:04:54 AM
I wonder why you had the refinery centered like that? Do you think the negative space in the bottom helps? Because the eye is lead up the frame following the steam. Just wondering :) The exposure is excellent though...

Message edited by author 2004-10-25 01:05:20.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/24/2004 07:51:05 PM
Fabulous motion and color. The subtle shapes and gradients in the drakness detract from the bursts above I'd crop from the bottom and just the leaves a lin black line at the btoom withe the silhouettes on the trees.
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10/24/2004 07:29:53 PM
The negative space in the bottom does nothing to the composition, I think it would have looked better if the subjects were lower in the frame, with more negative space at the top.
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10/24/2004 07:17:33 PM
I'm typically not a big fan of wide cityscape shots but this one has a gorgeous magical touch to it...the long shuttered smoke captures are simply lovely...I think the other streetlights are a bit too hot and overexposed but it doesn't really detract at all from the serene beauty of the shot by much...great job!
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10/24/2004 03:51:51 PM
This is a great night shot. It also seems to have some sort of environmental message that I cant quite grasp
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10/24/2004 06:58:05 AM
if you had cropped off more of the bottom, this would have been even better.
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10/23/2004 04:28:05 PM
wow, love the industrial look of this picture....
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10/23/2004 03:34:23 PM
Amazing central 3rd of the photo. Needs a bit of the top and bottom or zooming in on a couple of the towers to fill the frame. 7
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10/22/2004 07:27:52 PM
this is interesting....it does catch my eye
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10/21/2004 10:32:46 PM
It's a terrific shot, but I don't really think the crop works for it. maybe less bottom, and more sky? anyways, great photo overall! high marks :)
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10/21/2004 05:05:22 PM
crazyness! looks like the citys on fire! nice effect, although the long exposure caused a bit of overexposure in the city. but its worth it to have those smoke-flames!
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10/21/2004 04:41:56 PM
Cool effect from the long shutterspeed, combined with the natrium based lighting it looks like fire. Good idea, nice work!
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10/19/2004 12:12:30 PM
cool looking (pun intended) but hope this is a nomal site to see for a for a place like this
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10/18/2004 07:36:29 PM
This looks like a shot of some kind of refinery type place, and without all the "flames", I might have actually liked it. Also, some of the "towers" that the "flames" are coming from actually look like cooling towers and would not ever have flames.
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10/18/2004 07:26:55 PM
Strange stuff, but I like it. Perhaps some post processing on the brightest lights would have helped. I also think that a lower viewpoint might work better. -7
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10/18/2004 07:09:26 PM
I don't know too much blackness on the lower end maybe.
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10/18/2004 03:26:17 PM
Love the impression of movement from the steam
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10/18/2004 01:53:34 PM
Great shot, looks like a nuclear plang (I haven't really seen one with my own two eyes) and the smoke coming from the chimneys give the shot a scary look. Looks like the whole plant is on fire. Foreground and sky is nicely darkened out. Looks like the end of some sci-fi movie. Great job.
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