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Square..... and..... Plumb
Square..... and..... Plumb

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Square (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus E-10
Location: Tracy
Date: Jan 22, 2003
Aperture: f6.3
ISO: 80
Shutter: 1/8
Galleries: Still Life, Macro
Date Uploaded: Jan 22, 2003

When I saw what the challenge was I immediately thought fo doing something with a square, the tool. After a couple of days thinking I came up with this idea. It was taken with the aid of a single photo-flood and regular room light.

Place: 23 out of 179
Avg (all users): 6.0503
Avg (commenters): 7.4444
Avg (participants): 6.0536
Avg (non-participants): 6.0460
Views since voting: 1130
Votes: 199
Comments: 21
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/14/2003 09:49:53 AM
The Critique Club and John Setzler:
Hi John,
Thanks for the in depth review of my "Square....And....Plumb". You have pointed out one of the things that I was really working on, and that is the reflection of the squares in the square. some of the pictures that I took which were very underexposed gave a real eerie look to the reflections. When I improved on the exposure I lost that wondeful effect. I tried a lot of different angles and light positions and could never get it back. When underexposed it looked as though the white squares were windows with light emitting through them on to the square. About the crop I tried several different crops and settled on this particular one due to the vertical line made by the square pattern, keeping them looking as square as possible. The picture could have stood being cropped closer but for some reason I kind of liked the suspended look so I went with it.
I always appreciate you opinion and great ideas and thanks again for a super critique.
02/05/2003 04:49:41 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club :)

Hi Autool.. it looks like I get your image two weeks in a row :)

I really appreciate images like this. It fits nicely into one of my favorite themes of 'form and function'. ...what makes things work... how things 'fit' together... sharp definition... cold steel... I don't know what it is about the concept, but I like it.

In photographs of this nature, tack sharp definition is important and you have captured that well here. Your command of the camera is well noticed in this image and your past images also.

What would make this a stronger image? Hmmm... There are two elements in this image that I would have worked with myself... I probably would have cropped tighter to start with... actually framed this tighter with the camera. Your square and checkerboard is 'floating' in space. There is nothing wrong with that.. just my personal preference. I would have possibly even clipped onto the square with my crop. Secondly, I would have possibly pursued a lower camera angle. The reason for this is that I believe you could have made the reflection of the checkerboard play very nicely on the metal square. You already have a nice reflection of your black checkerboard squares on your squares... could a deeper reflection create more awe in this photo? Maybe... just a thought :)

Your use of diagonals here is perfect. Diagonals always create a stronger composition for my eye. I'm trying to decide about the centered composition... I can't make up my mind how well that is working for me. I think that the tighter crop that I mentioned earlier would releive some of that by removing some of the extra negative space...

Keep up the good work... I'm looking forward to critiquing some more of your photos :)

John Setzler
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/02/2003 04:54:54 PM
Nice macro. Very sharp.
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02/02/2003 07:33:41 AM
Very creative image. I love the black and whites with the chrome. These work very well. The composition is brilliant also. I love how you have highlighted your image with the black background. Almost seems like the white squares just hanging there. EXCELLENT JOB!! GL 10
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02/01/2003 02:04:28 PM
A great tool. Wish your background had been light so the whole tool could be seen. That's my only complaint, but it does make a big difference to me. From a 9 to a 6.
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01/31/2003 03:38:28 PM
Great focus and lighting. I think a tighter crop would have been good, as well.
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01/31/2003 01:54:58 PM
Interesting subject, i really like the angle but too much negative space.
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01/31/2003 01:40:17 PM
I think that the black background you used made this picture very intresting. If another color was used i done think that the intrest Nice work on getting the colors very clear also. Nice Work
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01/31/2003 11:29:38 AM
I really like how this pic is "true"ly square! The color is great, and the contrast between the squares and the square (with the round windows and the round hole in the end) makes for a great subject. 10
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01/31/2003 08:34:02 AM
okay, that'll shut the nit pickers up...
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01/30/2003 02:45:41 PM
Clean, sharp, well lit, great tones and reflections plus multiple levels of meaning. Nice. The only fly in the jam, IMO, is the somewhat static centered composition.
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01/29/2003 05:11:14 PM
i like the reflection of the squares in the level. negative space adds to the picture
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01/29/2003 11:28:17 AM
i love the illusion of this shot...the use of black and white adds to the shot..like the way all seems level. well done(10)
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01/29/2003 10:17:32 AM
Very nice, I like how you did the lighting. it looks very unique. good work

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01/29/2003 10:05:50 AM
this photo is very good i like the lighting
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01/29/2003 04:58:13 AM
Point made and well executed photograph. could certainly benefit from a little downcropping.
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01/28/2003 10:59:16 PM
Very nice. Could be used in an ad... I'm tired after a hard day, so I can't think of what KIND of an ad, but it's definitely extremely well done in a technical and compositional sense. :) (9)
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01/28/2003 10:02:52 PM
too much negative space.
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01/28/2003 07:03:30 PM
Nice shot and good idea! Color, composition and focus look great.. Cub
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01/28/2003 01:06:41 PM
Witty compostion and everything is technically correct aside from the compression artifacts in the gray area. Seeing as the photo is only 82.31K this could have been preventable. Yet it does not detract at first look for me. 8
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01/27/2003 09:50:35 PM
The image is a little noisy. Using a program such as neatimage would help that. I like the colours in this picture. jgillard6
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