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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Square (Classic Editing)
Camera: Casio QV-4000
Location: Home
Date: Jan 26, 2003
Aperture: f/2.3
ISO: unknown
Shutter: 1/20s
Galleries: Abstract, Macro
Date Uploaded: Jan 26, 2003

I know this is not a real photo and people who only score on technical merits will have a hard time, but I just loved the idea and had to submit it.

Place: 167 out of 179
Avg (all users): 4.1000
Avg (commenters): 5.4375
Avg (participants): 3.9633
Avg (non-participants): 4.2840
Views since voting: 1453
Votes: 190
Comments: 22
Favorites: 0

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08/25/2003 09:49:43 AM
I think this is great. It is abstraction taken nearly to the extreme. I suppose the limit would be a 1x1 pixel image. Anyway, I would have given this a high score had I been voting, but I was not even aware of this site.
03/21/2003 05:05:09 PM
I confess to being one of those who scored you low because I didn't see it as a photo. Looking at your comments now, however, I'm really intrigued by what you did and am going to try similar (though different) effects on some of my pictures for my own use. Congratulations on your creativity.
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02/04/2003 01:20:15 PM
Critique Club Comment:

Well other then the actual colors and pattern there isn't a whole lot to critique on this shot. :-D

I believe that I scored this high. I love abstract photography and those who use the medium for more then portraiture. The pattern you choose has enough randomness in it to make it interesting, but enough similarity with the greens that it is pleasing to the eye. Your color saturation is good as well as your sharpening and jpeg compression.

Way to think outside of the 'box'!

  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/03/2003 08:27:33 PM
The image of course was legal by DPC rules. Someone submitted it for disqualification and I sent in my description. It was a real photo which I scaled down to 4x4 pixels and then up again to 512x512 pixels.

So on the one hand it's technically still a photo but on the other hand also a computer generated pattern. This contradiction was what I liked. But I agree that it's not really a photo fitting to this site and the score shows it ;-)

The final decision to submit this was because I personally like the pattern and the colours and it's much closer to the type of photography I recently started to like.

Again, thanks a lot to everybody for the numerous comments. It's really interesting to see such a broad variety of opinions on a single photo ;-)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/02/2003 09:48:43 AM
Impressive down-crop !
02/01/2003 08:36:49 AM
It's very sharp. I even think it's generated directly fron PS. The image itself is not stunning much. IMO
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01/31/2003 02:19:28 PM
This looks like a tv malfunction. I like the colors.
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01/30/2003 03:16:25 PM
Composition: Good
Technical: Good but some texture would be nice.
Meets challenge: Yes
Overall impression: Interesting picture, but not sure as a photo. 5
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01/30/2003 09:57:09 AM
Is this a photo?
01/29/2003 09:56:16 PM
Comment : Copyright (c) 2003 Stephan Uhlmann
Licensed under the terms of the Free Art License.
Interesting exif info....... I am impressed with this graphic. The garish greens are remarkable on my screen - they form a backward L or an arrow head pointing to the bottom right of the picture plane. This image could almost work as a sign. I am not sure what this is, but it certianly has all the criteria that I am looking for. I am scoring this high - the image is minimal and elegant, your colour is vibrant.

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01/29/2003 08:14:25 PM
This doesn't look like a photo - it looks like a computer generated pattern. Yes, there are squares, but I don't like the pattern or colors.
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01/29/2003 06:57:32 PM
I like the colours here, meets the challenge very well too. A large reprint of this shot would be probably great in a modern furnished apartment. But I don\\\'t like this shot very much as a submission to a photography contest. I trust in you, that this shot is really a photo, but it looks more as computer art to me. Nevertheless a unique and outstanding submission. I changed my vote from 3 to 6 after coming back and thinking a 2nd time about it...
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01/29/2003 10:35:57 AM
this is a very unique photo you did a nice job. I like the colors
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/29/2003 06:20:40 AM
I think I needed to see some evidence that this has come out of a camera - if it's a painting, then seeing the frame would be enough. It's a pity that it causes these doubts, because it's a very striking image.
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01/28/2003 11:25:36 AM
You win.
01/27/2003 09:56:04 PM
Perfectly straight lines. I like it! jgillard8
01/27/2003 08:53:25 PM
I know you're prolly beat beaten to death for this one. I think it was a good idea in theory, and pixelation can be a good thing, but it's not really a "photo" in the way that this site chooses photos. But yay for being daring, right?
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2003 04:21:01 PM
Very ingenious! Using the pixels themselves as the subject for this challenge. I think it needs to be sharpened a little - ha ha. Really though, very creative effort and it definitely stands out form the crowd in a good way. 8 md
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2003 02:46:04 PM
I suppose these are sixteen "random" pixels from a digital photo. Very inventive!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2003 12:41:04 PM
Was this shot with a camera? Nice choice of colours though.
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01/27/2003 10:09:54 AM
Looks like it was computer generated?
01/27/2003 05:50:37 AM
Technically looks perfect artistically ?

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