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Life inside the Frame
Life inside the Frame

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Square (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-D30
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Date: Jan 25, 2003
Aperture: F/5,6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/6 sec.
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jan 26, 2003

Model: Brynja Björnsdóttir

Place: 6 out of 179
Avg (all users): 6.3876
Avg (commenters): 7.1875
Avg (participants): 6.7265
Avg (non-participants): 5.9565
Views since voting: 2191
Votes: 209
Comments: 35
Favorites: 1 (view)

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02/09/2003 10:23:41 AM
Critique Club

This image has your distinctive use of negative space, where you leave a large part of the frame empty. It's an interesting effect. I also like how both of the frames are the same color. And approximately the same thickness.

In this case, you make an interesting statement by combining a frame within a frame. This time, the frame inside is tight around the model's face, yet she controls it, she applies it to herself. Does this mean that we are all in control of how we present ourselves and in reality we are all living within our own, personal "frames"? A thought provoking image.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/02/2003 05:19:01 PM
Good composition.
02/02/2003 02:43:24 PM
Really cool idea.. Interesting use of frames and negative space.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
02/02/2003 06:16:23 AM
I really like this a lot, the colors are superb. I wish she didn't have the shadow on her forehead and if you were going to crop out the bottom corners of her square, I wish she would have held her square there so the fingers would have been cropped out. Really good job.
02/02/2003 12:04:03 AM
I like this picture alot. Very neat idea. Good lighting. Sharp focus. Very good overall.
02/01/2003 10:56:07 PM
Photo is well done technically and pleasing to look at. My big problem is way too much empty space for me personally, and I know this was your personal choice. I would have been happy with it cropping off the top corner a little. That too me would have been much better and a score of 9 from me.
02/01/2003 02:51:58 PM
Nice how the frame around the face corresponds to the frame around that frame. :) The big space above works good.
Cool shooting angle.
Cool model. :)

I do think that she should have unzipped that sweater, to show more of the neck, it would make her face look more friendly.
02/01/2003 12:44:15 PM
This is very nice. Good job.
01/31/2003 03:40:27 PM
Great idea. It looks like she is falling out fo the picture! Good lighting and focus as well.
01/31/2003 01:50:06 PM
The colors of your subject are nice. There is too much negative space in this photo. The angle of your subject is a little harsh.
01/31/2003 01:36:58 PM
Very good angle. i really like the negative space in the top left.
01/31/2003 05:41:21 AM
I really like the juxtaposition of the angles which is what makes this image work so well. And the lighting is excellent too. Interesting framing (I do not mean the border) and composition as well.
01/31/2003 12:56:15 AM
This is my favorite of this week's challenge. Very clever indeed and well thought out. wonderfully placed inside the frame as well. That's really thinking outside the box (or perhaps insdie the box, in this case). Good going.
01/30/2003 08:31:40 PM
There's that cute girl again! I can't remember who takes these shots. Enough about that. I really like the simple yet very bold composition ... it works very well, even with all that negative space. Good job. Jacko. 9,
01/30/2003 07:54:16 PM
very dramatic use of the frames and negative space. Your model is lovely and the colors of her and clothes balance the white and black. Well done.
01/30/2003 07:06:24 PM
This definately has the feel of a professional ad or something along those lines. Good eye!
01/30/2003 03:17:43 PM
Composition: Excellent
Technical: Lighting of model slightly lacking?
Meets challenge: Yes
Overall impression: Stunning pic. Brighter clothes/hair of model would make this perfect. 8
01/30/2003 08:01:49 AM
Original! Good use of negative space. Great focus, and the border matches the photo perfectly. Great idea.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/29/2003 07:10:33 PM
I gave some thought to this concept, but I didn't have anything to make a square frame with, and my kids wouldn't cooperate for me anyway. Great job on placement in the image, technical aspects are all perfect. I feel a different expression on her face would have given the photo more interest, though. I really like the inner, thin white border. It just blends in with the photo, except at the bottom right. It really accents the image subject. That's the best use of borders I've seen yet on this site!!
01/29/2003 05:13:17 PM
too much negaive space. nice idea.
01/29/2003 08:44:31 AM
Smile! The subject looks a little unhappy in the frame! jgillard5
01/29/2003 07:51:48 AM
Extraordinary, that's all I can say
01/28/2003 10:02:11 PM
the top shadow across your models head is distracting.
01/28/2003 07:11:14 PM
I'm not quite sure it fits the challenge, but I really like it.
01/28/2003 04:23:45 PM
Clever job with the borders. Works for me, scores well for composition. Well done.
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01/28/2003 12:18:43 PM
Very cool. Creative idea and execution.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2003 11:49:15 PM
Exellent! Totaly! Great design, Arnit. Congratulations.
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01/27/2003 11:16:12 PM
Aside from the lighing on her face (and the white inner border), very, very fine.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2003 09:42:33 PM
Congrats to this highly impressive shot! I really like the composition and the idea with the frame around her face. The width of this frame is harmonising perfect with the border of your photo. Only one single mistake I saw after 2-3 minutes: There is a hard shadow in the top of her face, caused by the frame. Nevertheless an outstanding awesome shot and my only 10 this week. Good luck!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
01/27/2003 10:43:37 AM
Good capture and concept. The shadows on her face are a little distracting.. Cub
01/27/2003 09:03:15 AM
Great photo - had you croped the empty space from the top , and made your photo square would have been a little better 9
01/27/2003 08:01:31 AM
Nice use of a border that adds to the frame she is holding. I think the white part of the border should have been removed though as it is only visible in the corner. It conflicts with the lack of a white inside edge on the frame she is holding. 6
01/27/2003 04:26:28 AM
Great idea! I find a shadowplay on her face a bit disturbing...
01/27/2003 03:25:17 AM
great composition! especially with the border about the same width. A good idea that I was suprised to see was the only one of its kind. Nice work
01/27/2003 02:48:09 AM
I even had to think about this one!

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