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 This image was disqualified from the Aliens challenge.
Mother Love
Mother Love

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Aliens (Expert Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-1D X
Lens: Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Date: Jul 30, 2015
Date Uploaded: Jul 30, 2015

[Aug. 6th, 2015 11:18:59 AM]

Imagining what life could be like elsewhere in the universe is an essential question to me. When I was a child, it really was something that kept me awake at night. I remember lying in my bed, in the dark, closing my eyes as firmly as I could, staring at the psychedelic colors that one can spot in such situation, pretending these were the stars that other lifeforms could see in their own skies.

Human beings are mostly frightening. No need to be specific here, just look at the news. What if beings from other planets would arrive tomorrow? What would they think of us? Would they agree with the arbitrary choices that we have made long ago, that are almost never questioned down there? For example, they would discover that humans have drawn imaginary lines, in order to split the planet in what is called 'countries', then fight each other, because some inhabitants are jealous about what others have on 'their' parts. They would see that some have easy access to food and water, while others are starving to death. Even inside a given country, they would see that some have access to knowledge and education, while others can't read nor count. Inequality and intolerance is everywhere. I would love to see aliens from outer space come and visit us: maybe their external opinion would make us think a bit about this shameful show we are currently giving to the cosmos.

But how could they actually look like? It is of course very hard to tell. Scientists would probably try to guess according to their living environment (for example, gravitation level, components in their atmosphere, etc.) but evolved beings could have negated these effects with their technology, so in the end, it is pretty much unpredictable. However, by definition, any life form is supposed to... live. This implies some kind of reproduction (or immortality, and even then, there is the problem of the first individuals). Of course, this reproduction does not necessarily involve a male and a female, many variations are possible (parthenogenesis, hermaphroditic reproduction, sexual reproduction with 2 or more individuals, or even other ways such as fully synthetic reproduction). Regardless of the way, the process probably establishes a relationship between the creator(s) and the created. Would the creator(s) be proud, happy? Would the created be thankful, or appreciative? Would some kind of love exist? Maybe naively, I tend to think so. This is what I wanted to depict here: in life, appearances may not be always up to our personal tastes, but positive and warm feelings still do exist.

Thanks a lot for the very kind feedback, I am glad this was well received. Much appreciated.
Disqualification Details
The 23 .png files you sent to us are not valid originals: they have no EXIF data appended and we cannot verify that they were created during the challenge timeframe, as required by the rules. Accordingly, we have to DQ your submission. Meanwhile, there is still a raging debate within SC as to whether or not this sort of wireframe modeling allowed in our Expert Editing rules. We're still arguing that back and forth...

Views since voting: 1794
Views during voting: 294
Comments: 19
Favorites: 4 (view)

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08/10/2015 10:33:58 PM
This is really wonderful and amazing art. To think you did all of it in less than a week is incredible, my brain cannot even understand how you made this happen. Well done.
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08/10/2015 02:04:07 PM
Regardless of the DQ, this is still an incredible work of art.
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08/10/2015 01:36:55 PM
Sorry to see this DQ'd. Still, a great creation for your portfolio.
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08/10/2015 12:48:16 PM

Impressive work

Creepy creatures

you mentioned this kept you awake as a child , if you imagined these this creatures I can understand why
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08/08/2015 02:48:55 PM
Awesome creation and my only 10. Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your thoughts after a challenge.
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08/08/2015 03:46:41 AM
Congratulations Christophe. Brilliant image. Thanks for the notes. Your thought processes are as worthwhile to read as your creations are to view.
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08/07/2015 12:47:44 AM
wow Christophe, 6th personal best score ever. 8.3 is such an amazing score. Well deserved. I cannot imagine how much time you spend before and while creating this masterpiece.
Congratulations on the blue.
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08/07/2015 12:37:21 AM
Originally posted by Lydia:

Did you actually think about all of that before you decided on your creation?!!

Thanks a lot Lydia, very kind of you. Yes, I had these things in mind when I started the project. Some shapes and colors evolved from my initial thoughts during the process, but the main concept didn't.
08/07/2015 12:24:47 AM
Wow, Christophe!

You really think. A bunch!

Did you actually think about all of that before you decided on your creation?!!

My creativeness would have had a bit of what I wanted to say, and then it would have evolved as my creation progressed.

Congratulations on your shiny new ribbon!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/06/2015 08:59:53 PM
Aah! Fantastic creation. Out of this world! 10
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08/06/2015 11:43:37 AM
Creepy and weird, Christophe... another brilliant image!
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08/05/2015 07:11:11 PM
10 ...voted earlier. Should be the blue!
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08/05/2015 11:55:30 AM
Wish I could vote on this. Obviously spent a lot of time and skill on the image. It's elegant, and creepy. Beautiful, and weird. Lovely, and freaky. Just an absolutely stunning image that could haunt one's dreams and nightmares. If you can't tell...I really like this. Good luck and well done.
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08/03/2015 06:16:33 PM
Definitely amazing work here... but it feels a little flat? Still rating you quite high, though. ;)
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08/02/2015 10:31:52 PM
This is my top 3 favorite. Title and composition make this image amazing. 9 for me
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08/02/2015 08:40:02 PM
Best in show award, congrats
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07/31/2015 07:44:40 AM
WOW - another masterpiece!!
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07/31/2015 07:10:45 AM
Beauty is most definitely in the eyes of these beholders.....
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07/31/2015 04:04:21 AM
Hive mentality
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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