*Hello from Sid and the Critique Club*
A well executed image that does not meet the challenge.
Even following the very loose definition provided by the challenge brief your image does not feature any bokeh at all and therefore does not meet the challenge requirements. See the Wikipedia entry for a definition of bokeh. It is very often misrepresented and I'm sure yours is not the only entry in this challenge that fails but for my own understanding of it it requires a shallow DOF and specular highlights.
Your entry fails in several ways, there are no specular highlights just a plain black background which is completely the opposite of what is needed. A larger aperture is normally preferable though this is also dictated by your distance to the subject, the closer you are, the shallower the DOF.
The image itself is good in terms of DOF, lighting and execution but it simply does not fit in with the challenge, that is not to say it couldn't have done but the black background would be the first thing to go. Replaced by a natural background of a pool for example the ripples and sunlight on the water would have given you the specular highlights needed, the resulting bokeh is then very much lens dependant on your lens with some lenses producing more pleasing bokeh than others, its all down to the lens design and number of aperture blades of the lens. Good bokeh can be a very desirable addition to an image that can transform an ordinary image into a spectacular one.
Sorry Marcel, I know you will accept my critique in the manner it is intended, to help you better understand, Sid |