Author | Thread |
12/19/2006 07:35:40 PM |
You've captured a captivating, but cat-astrophic cat decapitation.
02/15/2003 10:27:43 AM |
Critique Club
Yes, photography is an art and hopefully moves people and touches them, but we have a choice in how to do this, creating a beautiful and maybe boring picture in some peoples eyes , or going for the shock value.If going for the shock value, you have to do it well, so that it can stand up to all critisims, then there is a picture worthy of discussing. Unfortunately as I see it, your picture is lacking in any appeal. I went to a photography exhibtion in Tokyo showing the after effects of the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima, now these pictures were certainly not beautiful but they moved me and documented an event in a both bold and sensitive way. Your picture is lacking in this conection with both the subject and the audience. Sorry, but this is my opinion and some obviously disagree with it.
1) picture is very dull in colour, lacking in both contrast and tone.IMO
2) Focus is too soft on the cat (maybe not a bad thing)IMO
3) Background is unappealing, both in colour and focus.IMO
4) composition- too much space around the cat,with the cats head almost hitting the side of the picture.IMO
5) On the positive side, the way that you have cut the cat in half, is clever and convincing and I would be interested in knowing how you did this.
I know that what I have said is kind of strong and you can take it with a pinch of salt if you desire. You had plenty of comments fromÂ@people that found this amusing,so your picture does have appeal to some, but you were unlucky and got me to do you critique, an animal lover!
Message edited by author 2003-02-15 10:52:19. |
02/12/2003 08:50:56 AM |
Definitely a Turner Prize contender |
02/12/2003 08:48:01 AM |
death and mutilation -
what better form of art ?
Nice one my son ! |
02/10/2003 10:33:53 PM |
Originally posted by ebranties: This photo was definitely not a cliche shot and i didn't expect to do well. I wanted to see the reaction of all you wanna be photographers. Photography is a form of art, and art is suppose to move/touch you. As you can tell from peoples comments, I think i was succesful at it. There are a lot of photos submitted for this challenge wich required absolutely no effort to produce and, quite honestly, are extremely boring.
Oh btw, i hate cats! |
Yeah it's obvious you hate cats... Nobody likes it because it's disgusting.
Message edited by author 2003-02-10 22:42:25. |
02/10/2003 10:34:37 AM |
Originally posted by ebranties: I wanted to see the reaction of all you wanna be photographers. |
Wow -- you have such a wonderful attitude! Can't wait to learn more from your genius efforts. |
02/10/2003 01:10:40 AM |
This photo was definitely not a cliche shot and i didn't expect to do well. I wanted to see the reaction of all you wanna be photographers. Photography is a form of art, and art is suppose to move/touch you. As you can tell from peoples comments, I think i was succesful at it. There are a lot of photos submitted for this challenge wich required absolutely no effort to produce and, quite honestly, are extremely boring.
Oh btw, i hate cats! |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
02/09/2003 11:10:51 PM |
Too curious and went through all nine lives, eh? |
02/09/2003 09:52:07 PM |
hahaha!!!!! kudos for going extreme. I bet you get ripped by the peta people though... too funny |
02/09/2003 08:39:59 PM |
02/09/2003 05:20:03 PM |
interesting - better if real cat was used. |
02/08/2003 11:27:02 AM |
02/08/2003 06:20:08 AM |
1st prize for weirdest entry. is this a cliche? 8 for the balls to enter it |
02/07/2003 11:17:54 AM |
real cat or not, I don't like the message of the image.
photographically, there is no contrast, and the composition is lacking. |
02/06/2003 09:22:52 PM |
EEEEEEEWWWWWWW!!! Yuck!!!! Gross!!!!
But you caught my attention!! |
02/06/2003 06:33:28 PM |
lol that is funny. I don't quite understand the picture but it's still funny. Jacko. 7 |
02/06/2003 11:05:31 AM |
i understand that this is not a real cat, of course, but i find this image is still very disturbing, besides, i don't see how it fits the challenge, and it doesn't impress me technically either... considering all that, it's a perfect 1. |
02/06/2003 06:22:44 AM |
okkkkk? how does this work anyway? |
02/05/2003 09:57:20 PM |
02/05/2003 10:33:37 AM |
02/05/2003 04:28:23 AM |
This is bizzare. It's not a cliche, in fact, I have no idea what it means. It's repulsive to look at also. 2. |
02/05/2003 03:17:20 AM |
02/05/2003 01:14:52 AM |
02/05/2003 01:02:57 AM |
If I could give this picture a zero, I would. |
02/05/2003 12:12:51 AM |
I think this is a sick picture. What did you have in mind??? |
02/04/2003 07:04:34 PM |
i'm very thankful for the admin. clarification that this is not a real cat! i was getting upset! :) still, a very disturbing image...but a good photo should be thought provoking, in my opinion. unfortunately, the subject blends in with the background and it's a little too dark on the left side. nice textures, though |
02/04/2003 05:20:30 PM |
Looks like it 9 lives just ran out, I hope people will see the sense of humour.
Glad its in b&w, colour would have made it more gory.Thanks for no entrails, I would have used some spaghetti, for that effect., By the way I am vegetarian, but I like humour in things, which this has. |
02/04/2003 04:25:52 PM |
02/04/2003 01:31:26 PM |
um. interesting. I was going to give it a low rating until I saw the disclaimer. Now I'll just ask how. |
02/04/2003 11:30:31 AM |
This is probably my lowest rated picture. I'm really not into sick humor. I don't like the composition much - there is just too much space around your subject, and the shot overall is very dark, and lacking in contrast. I don't find the photo to be shocking, just sad and sick. Oh, and the only emotion it stirs in me is to wonder if you seriously need help. |
02/04/2003 06:58:32 AM |
Your admin note made me lough, thanks a lot :-)! But I don't like your photo very much. Nevertheless a very unique and humorous submission! |
02/04/2003 02:26:34 AM |
ok so it's not a real cat, what is the point? And, how is this photo cliche? |
02/04/2003 01:32:43 AM |
02/04/2003 01:12:32 AM |
Wow I'm betting you are getting some wild comments on this photo. I have to admit when I first saw it last night I thought it was real. I still think is kind of sick and I don't know what you are trying to depict but it is certainly out there. |
02/03/2003 11:58:18 PM |
This looks too real! I love it! Great originality and creativity! |
02/03/2003 10:14:48 PM |
Great shot, I gave you a 10. but i am a sick person. |
02/03/2003 08:55:50 PM |
this is a little disturbing ... I'm not sure I understand. I'm relieved that it isn't a real cat (and glad that was added in as an editor's note, I would have wondered/worried) but I still feel I'm missing something. interesting composition, but a bit too grey ... |
02/03/2003 06:09:10 PM |
I don't care if it is a real cat or is too gruesome for any photo contest. This makes me sick physically. Please don't submit any more like it, please. This is too upsetting. Obviously you did a good job of making it look real. |
02/03/2003 04:36:36 PM |
I love this picture. Great job. |
02/03/2003 03:24:23 PM |
okay, not real, but why is this a cliche? If I'm missing something please let me know...... |
02/03/2003 02:34:42 PM |
I think the cat is real, how could someone take a picture of a real cat,Good picture, very creative. |
02/03/2003 01:57:59 PM |
Strange picture, don't really understand how it is a cliche. |
02/03/2003 08:59:01 AM |
heheheheh... my kinda houmor!! Too bad it's a little under-ex. :-) |
02/03/2003 03:34:00 AM |
sick. i like it.
I'm not sure what it is though. Is the cat supposed to been caught in the wire between the things that look like bottles?
02/03/2003 12:15:46 AM |
ummm... i hope that is not real..... it kinda grosses me out! |
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