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Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Transitions (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DC4800
Location: House
Date: Apr 20, 2002
Aperture: 4
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/30
Date Uploaded: Apr 21, 2002


Place: 37 out of 104
Avg (all users): 5.6566
Avg (commenters): 6.7436
Avg (participants): 6.0494
Avg (non-participants): 5.3846
Views since voting: 1235
Votes: 198
Comments: 40
Favorites: 0

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04/30/2002 01:45:00 AM
thanks everyone that provided comments. I appreciated all the comments and look forward to putting some in practice.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/28/2002 10:30:00 PM
How about in the mouth next... I like the idea. Well executed too.
04/28/2002 07:07:00 PM
this is a great idea, except that the dark area in the middle splits the photo into two.
04/28/2002 06:40:00 PM
the image is a little dark and it could use some sharpening to make the detail stand out!
04/28/2002 11:31:00 AM
The setup for this shot seems worthy of better lighting. Nice idea, though.
04/27/2002 04:02:00 PM
Just a little dark. I can barely tell where the knife ends and it's shadow starts.
04/27/2002 01:14:00 PM
a personal favorite (picture and food) :-) I like the way you set this shot up on the black background. 10
04/27/2002 10:17:00 AM
I'm a little disapointed that its smooth and not crunchy peanut butter! Very original idea, I like it.
04/26/2002 06:53:00 PM
jelly anyone?
04/26/2002 05:28:00 PM
It's a very interesting picture but I think it is a little too symmetrical. Maybe if the bread with the peanut butter filled the entire background. Just a thought.
04/25/2002 04:51:00 PM
Another fine example of transition
04/24/2002 05:53:00 PM
What a great idea! Would make a lovely advertisement for somebody. One of my favorites.
04/24/2002 04:21:00 PM
if this was brighter, it could be a professional commercial for peanut butter! nice imagination.
04/23/2002 11:50:00 PM
I KNEW they put the shells in too! Interesting idea. Maybe a bit more light, and contrast, but very nice.
04/23/2002 10:08:00 PM
I like the addition of the full peanuts to the peanut halves in front of the peanutbutter jar. I think this might be a little too close. Too much black space in my opinion.
04/23/2002 08:29:00 PM
great concept, great colors.
04/23/2002 08:15:00 PM
Love the concept and execution. Nice!
04/23/2002 09:36:00 AM
what!? no brand name? ;o) clever, i like it
04/23/2002 09:32:00 AM
good transition, dark background suits
04/23/2002 03:58:00 AM
was there no way to not have the label from the jar in the picture? its a bit distracting, especially the green bit! Great idea, but would have perhaps worked better without the splash of colour in the corner? Guess its down to personal preference. Nice picture.
04/22/2002 09:12:00 PM
too artificial in my opinion
04/22/2002 09:08:00 PM
Nice Shot!! I like it... I don't like peanuts or peanut butter either but if i did, i'd be headin down to make me a sammich right now!
04/22/2002 08:03:00 PM
nice shot
04/22/2002 07:46:00 PM
I didn't realize peanut butter had that much fat....Nice one. You showed quite a transition.
04/22/2002 07:19:00 PM
Pass the jam ...... Im hungry
04/22/2002 04:58:00 PM
Almost too dark for me... Would like to see a different side of the label on the peanut butter.
04/22/2002 04:53:00 PM
Much more creative than flowers and leaves.
04/22/2002 04:26:00 PM
This is GREAT. Alot of thought and effort went into this picture. I wish it was a little brighter but it's great!
04/22/2002 04:22:00 PM
This one makes me hungry just looking at it, I like the composition, the black background is great, I also like the 2 nuts in the shells, a couple more wouldn't have hurted
04/22/2002 02:18:00 PM
LOL great idea!
Just a little dark but nice work.
04/22/2002 01:41:00 PM
nicely done, the knife appears too dark, though, maybe.
04/22/2002 10:27:00 AM
you ought to put more peanut butter on your bread! ;-) I like how it kind of looks like an ad
04/22/2002 10:19:00 AM
good setup for this still life. reflections on the jar are spoiling it though. Light in general needs some work, as the knife is too dark
04/22/2002 08:54:00 AM
Is this transition or just different forms?
04/22/2002 08:47:00 AM
Great composition, but maybe more light would be beneficial. Good shot though.
04/22/2002 08:11:00 AM
Nicely done. The tight crop clearly defines the transition.
04/25/2002 01:18:00 PM
A little too dark
04/25/2002 12:53:00 PM
Since you can't see the surface below, on first glance this looks like two photos composited! I'd have angled the knife the other way to catch the light. Good thinking!
04/23/2002 01:24:00 PM
nice idea, but it's dark -- the knife looks like a piece of black plastic -- not tableware (although, maybe it is a picnic knife, I don't know)
04/22/2002 02:32:00 AM
16 grams of fat! Maybe you should have taken a pic of your gut growing! Kidding aside, nice idea and well executed.

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