Greetings from the Critique Club!
Overall this is a very good, well-exposed capture of a nice angry storm coming in. Love the colours in the clouds, you can see the strength and energy in them and as the tide is out a little, the waves look they're almost cowering in anticipation, and the jetty to the left with that teeny little shack (lifeguard station?) on the end just reminds us how small we are...the surfers are pretty much an afterthought at this point, with the weather looming...this is the kind of shot that, with a judicious amount of pp, ends up on the front page.
But then...Daniel, dude! There's this photog coming in from the left and his presence immediately draws all the attention away from Hermione and all that beautifully played-out drama in the waves and sky. Now, I can see that you wanted to use a photog to document the storm coming in, but there are other ways to do it. Usually as a silhouetted figure in the distance, with a tripod helping to establish their presence. Up close and personal, in this fashion, just isn't the way to go.
I want you to try this exercise: cover up the photog (and figure walking on the sand, too) with your left hand. Got it? Now, cover up the bottom third of the pic with your right hand. See the difference between the original and this hand-cropped version? Keep in mind that you will lose nothing by doing exactly this in pp, before you enter: put the best two crops of an entry, side by side, and see which one captures your attention more. And why.
Hope this helps, feel free to pm me (esp as I was having a Yoda moment in the last couple sentences)