Greetings from the Critique Club!
Lovely dogs, not a bad shot at all for a shoot-from-the-hip entry. Good lighting, very good exposure, and considering that this was a Minimal challenge where you can't even crop, let alone do selective editing like straightening or cloning, a very decent entry.
The bulk of both dogs' bodies is in focus, but the head blur (esp noticeable on the chocolate Lab) shows the slow shutter may have been better to go with a higher ISO and a faster shutter in order to freeze head movement, as no animal that is awake is going to hold still, let alone take direction! :-)
Another suggestion would be to ensure that there are no reflective surfaces when shooting for a challenge under the Minimal ruleset; surfaces like that are tricky enough for pros to shoot, let alone amateurs! The green wedge of bright light above the Lab's hip is very glarey and painfully obvious, as are the smudges on the glass.
Remember too that you can still shoot as many pics as you like. Then you have the luxury of a large assortment to choose from.
Hope this helps,
Susan |