Critique Club
Your dog is gorgeous!! As many of your comments said, perhaps the dog is a little close to the camera, a little more space at both the top and the bottom would set him off nicely. The off-centred composition is good, with good eye contact.
Through the use of flash the background has gone nice and dark, which complemets his colours well. The carpet is a little distracting. Perhaps an outdoor shot would have been nice, set against some grass, with limited DOF turning the grass into a blur. Personally, I love to see animals outside running free, there is always a glint in their eyes and more expressive when they are running free!
Perhaps the DOF with the f2 is a little limited, I think that it could be nicer to have more of the dog in sharper focus. The flash is a little bright and colours have been washed out a little. Perhaps natural daylight would have been more flattering. Personally, I find flash pretty hard to use, it is pretty harsh, perhaps bouncing the flash would have softened it a little.
My Opinion
I am a sucker for dogs, especially labradors, so I love it! Good Luck in the next challenge! |