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Homework?  What homework????
Homework? What homework????

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Clichés (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: palo alto california
Date: Feb 2, 2003
Aperture: f2
ISO: auto
Shutter: 1 / 60
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Feb 2, 2003


Place: 180 out of 246
Avg (all users): 4.6701
Avg (commenters): 6.0000
Avg (participants): 4.7414
Avg (non-participants): 4.5679
Views since voting: 704
Votes: 197
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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02/16/2003 06:12:46 PM
Critique Club
Your dog is gorgeous!! As many of your comments said, perhaps the dog is a little close to the camera, a little more space at both the top and the bottom would set him off nicely. The off-centred composition is good, with good eye contact.


Through the use of flash the background has gone nice and dark, which complemets his colours well. The carpet is a little distracting. Perhaps an outdoor shot would have been nice, set against some grass, with limited DOF turning the grass into a blur. Personally, I love to see animals outside running free, there is always a glint in their eyes and more expressive when they are running free!


Perhaps the DOF with the f2 is a little limited, I think that it could be nicer to have more of the dog in sharper focus. The flash is a little bright and colours have been washed out a little. Perhaps natural daylight would have been more flattering. Personally, I find flash pretty hard to use, it is pretty harsh, perhaps bouncing the flash would have softened it a little.

My Opinion

I am a sucker for dogs, especially labradors, so I love it! Good Luck in the next challenge!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/09/2003 06:05:25 PM
over sharpened
02/06/2003 07:24:04 PM
I like the lighting used on the dog. I think by backing up away from the dog would have brought more intrest to the picture. Nice Work
02/06/2003 03:28:01 PM
not me look
02/06/2003 02:25:50 PM
I like the little circles on the dogs nose. THe picture is a little dark.
02/06/2003 07:13:29 AM
Great shot. Nice dog.
02/06/2003 05:33:08 AM
The dogs expression is priceless. I don't like the effect of the flash on his eye though. - Inspzil
02/05/2003 10:38:21 PM
This is neat. His right eye and the right side of his mouth look like he is saying something and getting ready to wink at you. I wish you had left a ittle more on the top of the photo. It appears a little of the head, not much but a little, was cropped off. Beautiful dog and really nice photo. Just zoom out a little for me.
02/04/2003 11:08:58 PM
Great composition and great focus on the dogs nose. I really like the lighting as well
02/04/2003 08:00:32 PM
Cute dog. I'd like to see more of him.
02/04/2003 07:40:34 PM
haha, hes cute, good job
02/04/2003 07:21:47 PM
I would imagine that you're getting a lot of the same kind of comments as I am about some of the photo having too much "soft focus". The eyes are the important thing, and they are nice and clear. Love the nice close-up shot.
02/04/2003 01:27:02 AM
lol...soooo cute!! great focus!!
02/03/2003 03:28:14 AM
Hey, this looks like my dog.

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