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The Delivery
The Delivery

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Impressionism (Advanced Editing II*)
Collection: People
Camera: Olympus E-20P
Location: The Little Store
Date: Nov 13, 2004
Galleries: Vintage, Traditional Art
Date Uploaded: Nov 13, 2004

"The most conspicuous characteristic of Impressionism was an attempt to accurately and objectively record visual reality in terms of transient effects of light and color. Impressionism is alot more a state of the mind rather than a technique"
I was driving to work on a rainy day with these words and the present challenge floating around in my head. I looked over at the small country store on the way to work and saw a Coca-Cola delivery truck and its driver unloading cartons of soda. I drove past the store as the image sunk in. I immediately turned around and pulled into the parking lot. I turned off the windshield wiper to allow the rain to soak the glass and refract the colors of the image in front of me. I took several shots of the delivery man unloading the colorful cargo. When I got home that night I began work on my "masterpiece"! The image I chose needed to be cropped and the colors enhanced by increasing saturation and contrast. I reviewed the advanced rules for this challenge and read the comments in the forums concerning the use of PS filters. Members seemed to be split on the issue of whether PS filters were acceptable. I decided that there are many components to creating a pleasing picture. The most important in my mind is the visualization of the final picture and not as essentially how you got there. I did not see a big difference between using fabricated camera techniques or using PS filters in achieving the final result. PS techniques of dodge and burn, cloning, blurring, contrast and saturation enhancement, and Neat Image have been used routinely in practically every challenge by others when allowed. I decided to use a glass distortion filter to tweek the image and give it a "painted" look. In finale, despite what my ultimate score is on this challenge I have learned alot about Impressionism, Camera filtering techniques and PS filters. I hope you like the result.

Place: 14 out of 39
Avg (all users): 6.5653
Avg (commenters): 8.0000
Avg (participants): 6.0000
Avg (non-participants): 6.6219
Views since voting: 2359
Views during voting: 760
Votes: 352
Comments: 38
Favorites: 8 (view)

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12/05/2004 04:50:33 PM
this is tremendous! (sorry i don't know how to spell tremendous)
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11/22/2004 06:21:37 AM
One of my favourites from the challenge.. and it would be interesting to see the original before the filter effect was added for a comparison.

Very well done.
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11/22/2004 04:39:55 AM
is easily my favorite image in this challenge. I still love to look at it. The fact that the scene is so common place anywhere in the world and those colors. Well done.
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11/22/2004 12:25:48 AM
Congratulations on your 14th placing. This was one of my favorites because when you look at those bottles, they are just dabs of colors in the impressionistic style. You have talent and you have my admiration.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/21/2004 09:46:32 PM
Very nice idea! I like the composition and colors. Try selling it to Coca-Cola :)
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11/21/2004 01:01:00 AM
returning for comments.
A great effect with just the ideal color accents. bumping up on great presentation. Thought about this image today. It is one I expect in the top 5 because the subject matter suits this challenge on the head. The bottles appear painted with those dabs of bold color. Again, the subject wins the day.
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11/20/2004 04:32:55 PM
very nice
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11/19/2004 11:30:26 PM
I think this is photoshop from a quick glance, and as such doesn't hold interest to me. But i will come back for another look. edit: still think it's photoshop. If it was shot through a think and uneven glass, the glass would need to be almost the size of the truck and too close to the guy to produce this shot. If it's shot through a car window with a lot of water droplets, the result is just too perfect and uniform for me to believe that is the case. Rain usually produces very uneven droplets, so straight lines, such as the white one at the bottom of the truck wouldn't have those very uniform disturbances.
11/19/2004 03:50:44 PM
Great photo, everything seem to fit in perfectly
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11/19/2004 03:00:55 PM
Very nice.. Looks like the classic advertising that coke was using for a while.. Good work.
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11/19/2004 11:34:28 AM
This is pretty good. Certainly not a subject I would ever have thought of using, or expected to see in this challenge. The base photo is obviously good and well composed and the effect works well with it.
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11/19/2004 01:12:52 AM
I love this. I like all the neatly stacked bottled, the big Coke logo and the man's hooded sweatshirt. Even without the glass filter effect, I think this is a terrific "slice of life" shot. I hope you post the original after the challenge. My favorite of the challenge.
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11/18/2004 09:50:36 PM
Reminds me of my father's store when I was growing up. How many times I saw this scene in the rain and fog, hauling the soda into the walk-in cooler. You unfortunately could not control his movements as I think this would have been even more perfect if the white bay behind him could have been eliminated and only the open bay with the red bays in the background.
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11/18/2004 12:21:10 PM
Striking colors and composition. Would make a nice advertisement.
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11/18/2004 12:27:40 AM
You have created an extremely effective "painterly" look with this classic image of America. To me, it's a combination of a Norman Rockwell subject painted in the impressionistic style. Suberly done and I sure hope it ribbons.
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11/17/2004 10:22:10 PM
Wish it were a pepsi truck! ;-) Ahh but this is great too! Makes me thirsty! great colors and composition.. congrats
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11/17/2004 07:45:43 PM
I can see the delivery man working in a summer rain storm. His head is bent forward to avoid the rain and it must be warm weather because he is wearing shorts. The computer programs available has turned the photo into an impressionist photo.
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11/17/2004 07:34:25 PM
through hammered glass?
Very modern impressionims :)
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11/17/2004 07:14:33 PM
This is a great image, I hope the subject matter doesn't hurt your score, nice work.
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11/17/2004 06:19:12 PM
Photo or ps, it still has a nice feeling to it and I'm a mt dew drinker, too.
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11/17/2004 07:18:30 AM
I think I'd be much more impressed if you somehow managed to do this with just the camera, but its a great subject for a shot like this - almost reminds me of an old Coke advertisement. All in all - good composition, great idea and solid editing.
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11/16/2004 09:29:24 PM
You got the technique down. It's a great picture and the subject is wonderful. Good luck!
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11/16/2004 07:08:36 PM
This is a fantastic photo/work-of art. The composition itself is perfect and the colors work so well. I even like the slight tinge of purple and blue. WOW!!...the more I look the more I like it. It would make a neat painting and an advertisement for Coke.
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11/16/2004 06:03:43 PM
To me, the Coke logo detracts from this image- the bottles, the figure, the street- all very impressionistic and great colors. Bbut because of it's size and thus clarity, my eye keeps going to the logo when I'd rather be looking at the figure. If it were me I'd have cropped it so the image was of the figure and the bottles only- but then, I'm not the one with three ribbons, so don't listen to me :)
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11/16/2004 04:33:09 PM
Greast shot. I looks like it could ge an add in a magazine. One of my favorites in this challenge
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11/16/2004 03:26:48 PM
Look like good old photoshop filter with lame subject material
11/16/2004 08:37:37 AM
Flawless Impressionism, Great colors and feel. Hey it's even fun and ineresting to look at. 10
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11/16/2004 12:54:17 AM
nice version of modern impressionism. this truly meets the challenge, nice capture.
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11/16/2004 12:40:31 AM
Ah, memories... I used to be that guy.
I like your interpretation...
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11/15/2004 07:42:03 PM
A subject which stands out in the challenge. Good composition but I don't think the filter does improve the shot.
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11/15/2004 07:07:07 PM
very impressionistic, however you achieved this end result. the colors and composition are outstanding.
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11/15/2004 06:34:03 PM
Great color, and certainly one of the nicer impressionistic effects... but its just not working for me compositionally and I can't pinpoint why. EDIT: Once I got home on my bigger monitor this image viewed much better for me (I could see it all at once). 9
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11/15/2004 03:48:11 PM
this is actually a great composition .. the filter you used worked well here
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11/15/2004 11:03:36 AM
Looks very much like a Photoshop watercolour filter effect, which I don't really care for here. I'm not very keen on your choice of subject matter for this challenge, which seems a bit mundane. 3
11/15/2004 07:50:58 AM
Impressive...the bigger format is just awesome with all these shapes and colors. I hope people will take time to see the bigger format and don't rely on thumbnail. Must RIBBON. 10
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11/15/2004 07:28:55 AM
9 - This is the only shot with a funny artsy filter that I really like. Perhaps because I used to be a Coke Man. The colors blend together really well. Good subject.
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11/15/2004 04:23:33 AM
Wow! I am not sure why, but this is just excellent. The reds and the fact that it is an easily recognizable scene real work well for this. 10.
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11/15/2004 12:40:47 AM
Great commercial shot. The colors are wonderful!! 10
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