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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Impressionism (Advanced Editing II*)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Dallas, TX.
Date: Nov 13, 2004
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Abstract, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Nov 13, 2004

Water reflection of the American Flag.

Place: 36 out of 39
Avg (all users): 5.4229
Avg (commenters): 6.0526
Avg (participants): 5.4063
Avg (non-participants): 5.4245
Views since voting: 940
Views during voting: 598
Votes: 350
Comments: 20
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/21/2004 08:36:52 PM
Good impression!!!
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11/21/2004 07:26:44 PM
Invitational Challenge Level: Experienced

Challenge link: strong.

Image critique: it exercises the correct approach for this challenge in my view, but, for want of a better word, it's a bit dull. Colour is just too washed out and the subject not exactly riveting. However, you have attempted impressionism through your photo and not a filter or 'artificial' means so you deserve credit for that.

Out-of-challenge appeal: it's OK but not much to return for.

Score: 6
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11/21/2004 12:13:37 AM
Interesting take on the challenge.
I fear the patriotism look may hurt a bit from those not in the U.S.
Perhaps a bit to bright & too much negative space for impressionism, but what do I know about it - LOL.
Well Done! ((7))
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11/20/2004 11:30:08 AM
Took me a while to realise that this wasn't a blurred random reflection! When the flag 'appeared' it made a whole lot more sense. A bright blue sky would have been nice as it seems a little flat to me as it is. I do tend to prefer very colourful photos though.
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11/19/2004 08:24:54 PM
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11/19/2004 06:19:59 PM
IMHO this shot is just a tad to blured, Impressionism tipicaly still allows u to view an image from a coupple feet back sharp and clear but when u get in close u can see that it is nothing more than well placed patches of colour, and brushstrokes.

just seems over done to me thats all.
11/19/2004 07:04:25 AM
seems a bit too gray, very nice ripple and blur effect tho.
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11/17/2004 01:04:38 PM
Very nice. Abstract and impressionistic at the same time. A bit more saturated red could give more visual appeal maybe?
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11/16/2004 10:21:25 PM
Non-voting on this challenge but I really like this one.
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11/16/2004 06:16:26 PM
Bumping to 9. I would have like more definition on the flag especially if you look at it from afar but ... it's impressionism, and it does leaves a huge impression on the reader.
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11/16/2004 05:54:38 PM
I like this because I wasn't able to tell what it was in the fullsize image, it was looking at it in the thumbnail that I realized it's a flag. Nicely done, good impression :)
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11/16/2004 07:04:18 AM
I like the soft reflective focus on your image. The filtering is not overpowering. Although not a complicated picture in imagery it is very pleasing to the eye.
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11/15/2004 11:39:41 PM
returning for comments.
very simple and very effective to produce a very subtle effects. My feelings is that this image could use a tad more color to increase its competition edge. Bumping up.
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11/15/2004 06:59:19 PM
not enough colours for the title... but i know what it is.

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11/15/2004 05:09:45 PM
this is nice and peaceful. maybe it could use a little more color in the flag itself, and maybe it would be a bit better balanced if the darks on the bottom weren't so dark. all the same, a pleasing image that leaves me with no hostility, wondering how the image was produced.
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11/15/2004 12:25:28 PM
Nice work. But I feel it has to much white space.
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11/15/2004 11:03:02 AM
The flag and everything else in the reflection is not really clear enough, and I don't think reflections work too well when too much plain white/grey is in the composition. 4
11/15/2004 10:28:24 AM
Very painterly, but I do wish there was just a bit more definition here. Nice composition of main elements.
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11/15/2004 06:59:52 AM
Please dont misunderstand my vote as being a flag-hater vote but there really is something missing from this picture.. some colour, some more distinguishable shapes.. something. 4
11/15/2004 04:08:20 AM
I can tell it is a flag, but barely.

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