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Winter stroll
Winter stroll

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Impressionism (Advanced Editing II*)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
Location: Roughcastle woods, Falkirk
Date: Nov 14, 2004
Aperture: F1.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Digital Art, Traditional Art
Date Uploaded: Nov 14, 2004

A big thank you goes to my wife for agreeing to walk a couple of miles through muddy woods to the site of my "OFS" submission which turned out to be useless to me. On the way back she noticed another little pond in the middle of nowhere which resulted in this pic.
Image "flipped" adjustments to contrast& saturation..some cloning to get rid of distracting leaves.
No artistic filters..No external filters..No Neat Image!!!!!!

Place: 11 out of 39
Avg (all users): 6.7543
Avg (commenters): 7.9286
Avg (participants): 6.6563
Avg (non-participants): 6.7643
Views since voting: 1654
Views during voting: 674
Votes: 346
Comments: 32
Favorites: 4 (view)

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11/22/2004 03:18:52 PM
Originally posted by Imagineer:

I think it looks like I may have missed the point with this challenge. I thought we were supposed to achieve impressionism through photography!

You should have a little gif attached to this Gordon - but then this challenge was all over the place.

Thanks to all for the comments.
Jon, judging by the submissions and the comments that accompanied them..it would appear that everyone had a different take on "Impressionism" and how it should be achieved...I went for the painting approach without using filters (Boring and unimaginative to some perhaps) but that was what I saw as the purpose and intent of this challenge..but I`m quite willing to accept that perhaps I got that wrong too as some voters seemed convinced, not only that I had used filters but that I had missed the theme completely.
However, I must admit, I did enjoy the challenge and as usual there were some very inventive submissions.
11/22/2004 01:41:57 PM
I think it looks like I may have missed the point with this challenge. I thought we were supposed to achieve impressionism through photography!

You should have a little gif attached to this Gordon - but then this challenge was all over the place.
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11/22/2004 04:14:49 AM
Very good interpretation of the challenge Gordon,so close to another ribbon.
well done,
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11/22/2004 12:20:35 AM
Congratulations on your 11th placing. This image is nice and strange but I figured it out...finally..she is holding an umbrella. Good work!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/21/2004 09:40:41 PM
Great composition, very painterly look to it...
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11/21/2004 07:08:31 PM
Invitational Challenge Level: Experienced

Challenge link: total. Perfect assessment of the brief and exercises many facets of the challenge.

Image critique: excellent in all respects. Great choice of focus and composition is clearly sound. I do wonder what it would look like in mono too - even more illusive I should imagine. If anything this is one shot that may have benefited from a border, as the colours wash out a bit next to the DPC grey.

Out-of-challenge appeal: I'll definitely revisit this one and I'm sure many others will appreciate it.
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11/21/2004 05:51:35 PM
Absolutely wonderful effect. Great colors...soft and very well composed. If I could change one thing it would be to see just a little more of the face detail...not easy with this reflection...9
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11/20/2004 03:11:20 AM
One of the stronger entries. I like the overall look of this piece. The reflections add a lot of character. 7
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11/19/2004 09:35:24 PM
returning for comments:
a very interesting image with good impressionistic feel. The colors are great and the the ambiguity between sky and water works very well. The image speaks well and If I could resolve the mystery created by the walking figure I would feel better. The darkness seem to suggest that the figure is carrying something. bumping up.
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11/19/2004 06:27:53 PM
alittle to blured it doesn't come into focus when i view it from a small distance so it doesn't master the idea of impressionism.
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11/18/2004 09:40:58 PM
This picture haunted me. I had to view it on a CRT to finally realize that the gamma had gone on my home LCD. When I first saw it I could not see the umbrella and it looked like a headless person holding a mirror. I like this shot very much, but the leaves in the lower corner are too much of a reality check. Great technique in the impressionism!
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11/18/2004 09:30:58 PM
One of my favorites
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11/18/2004 09:40:50 AM
nice reflection.
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11/17/2004 05:40:03 AM
Such a difficult challenge to judge given the subjective nature of impressionism.

This image expressed "wet to the bone" in a clear yet casual manner. It's a very good interpretation of impressionism imo. The trees and wotnot don't seem to contribute to me. I gave you a 9. Good luck!
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11/17/2004 12:16:17 AM
I like this, but if you are the one that did the bridge, I liked that one more. The leaves in the water create a nice mellow contrast to the sharpness of the rest of the picture.
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11/16/2004 08:00:25 PM
Very colorful and jubilant. I like the filtered effect which truly looks like a reflection. The image of the person is mystifying and interesting. It makes me wonder what He/She is doing. Is that a reflection of you taking the picture. On second thought, don't tell me. Keep it a mystery!!
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11/16/2004 02:31:18 AM
Superb job in this challenge. Lighting and composition are perfect.
My pick for a top 5 placing.
Well Done ((10))
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11/16/2004 12:31:56 AM
This is good... reflection in the water... no editing filter required!
Well conceived.
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11/15/2004 09:28:14 PM
I love this picture. You really hit the challenge dead on. Fantastic - will be looking for the blue ribbon for this one. A 10.
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11/15/2004 06:56:19 PM
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11/15/2004 06:46:29 PM
while you've captured the essence of impressionism, i think the leaves actually take away from the image. i'd probably enjoy gazing at this a little more if the details of the person were just a bit clearer. as is, i can't quite tell if they are holding an umbrella, or what. interesting image, none the less.
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11/15/2004 04:46:48 PM
Interesting use of reflection. Very nice.
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11/15/2004 11:46:56 AM
Very nice final result no matter how it was achieved. The figure is distracting to me, only because of the odd shape caused by the umbrella/backpack or whatever it is.
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11/15/2004 11:02:18 AM
The upside-down reflection gives some nice textures to this photo, but I'm not wholly convinced by the composition. The colours and autumn leaves give a great mood. 6
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11/15/2004 10:10:03 AM
Exceptional piece, very nice impressionistic feel. I like that a figure with an umbrella was included to balance this composition... but I think I would have preferred they be looking the other way. (But thats just me.) 9
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11/15/2004 08:06:51 AM
Nice positioning fo your main subject, and very good use of water to reflect. I like how you've given her/him an umbrella to stand out more (or captured this that way). 8
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11/15/2004 07:55:08 AM
A GREAT shot.....very powerful in a ocorful way. Excellent compo an dthe human factor is a big plus. 10
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11/15/2004 07:39:23 AM
8 - I know it isn't, but it looks like an incredibly well angled reflection from a lake. Whatever your intent was, good job.
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11/15/2004 06:57:48 AM
Is that person carrying an umbrella or a very very large backpack? It would help if s/he carried the umbrella (if that's what it is) up a little higher to give it some separation from his/her body. I like the effect you gave the picture though. Very nicely done
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11/15/2004 04:34:34 AM
The light and everyday nature of this scene work well.
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11/15/2004 04:25:36 AM
Don't really understand impressionism...decided to vote on what appeals visually,sensually and what I could imagine on someone else's wall, or more rarely, on my own wall. Really like this image. The colours, shapes, textures are very appealing. I could imagine this on my wall! Great work!
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11/15/2004 03:54:37 AM
Lovely 10
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