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alone in the world
alone in the world

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Where's Waldo? (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: Hafnarfjordur
Date: Feb 9, 2003
Galleries: Candid, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Feb 9, 2003


Place: 33 out of 121
Avg (all users): 5.3897
Avg (commenters): 6.4286
Avg (participants): 5.2857
Avg (non-participants): 5.4480
Views since voting: 1098
Votes: 195
Comments: 17
Favorites: 0

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02/20/2003 06:16:50 PM
Meitiháttar flott mynd.
Hún er væntanlega tekin á Íslandi, en hvar ?
02/20/2003 04:13:30 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club.

This is a very nice photo that met the challenge. There isn't much i can say about this photo. It is a bit cluttered but considering the objective of the challenge is to hide someone in your photo than there's nothing wrong with it here. Sorry that I can't add more. This was difficult challenge to vote on and critique as well. Good luck in future challenges.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
02/13/2003 11:18:56 PM
Nice sepia tone photo. Personally would have prefered color, with the snow. But that's just me. Good job of hiding Waldo. Haven't found him yet. when I do I'll raise the score 2 points. (Like the cross in the backyard, whether intentional or not) Is that Waldo in the first window?
02/13/2003 04:04:04 PM
i am going to take your word for it there is someone in there ..
02/13/2003 03:32:43 PM
I can't find the person
02/12/2003 10:48:47 AM
See you!!! Right in the middle. This was a little more difficult to find Waldo than most of the entries this week. Good composition, nice sepia toning, challenge met therefore an excellent photo.
02/11/2003 11:58:38 PM
Good Waldo. Snow is very difficult. Maybe a little brighter.
02/11/2003 04:37:54 PM
Waldo in the middle back yard. Why sepia? Well taken photo, very clear. 7 Swash
02/11/2003 04:17:49 PM
challenge met. my initial reaction to this photo was that i didn't like the color. but ... the more i look at it, the more i like it. it makes an otherwise not very exciting scene look more different and therefore makes me look twice. it's also a crisp photo with nice tonalities. :)
02/11/2003 08:34:42 AM
your person is hidden very well, and i like the techinical execusion of this picture.
02/10/2003 10:40:02 PM
very nice busy scene. You really make us look for you in the backyard. Nice and busy photo, lots to look at. I almost missed you. Nice sharp photo, too. And you're located in an appropriate position.
02/10/2003 03:40:46 PM
very nice
02/10/2003 01:09:19 PM
good job hiding the person but I wouldn't have put them so much in the center. i dont like the sepia tone. I would have moved a bit so that the cross had a cleared background because I think it is an important aspect, perhaps the main focal point, of your image and it seems conflicted.
02/10/2003 06:43:15 AM
Well ccomposed and great b&w tones
02/10/2003 03:35:22 AM
Took me a few seconds to find. Excellent 9
02/10/2003 02:48:29 AM
Very nice choice of tone, and a nice shot.
02/10/2003 01:08:09 AM
I like the sepia tones in this quiet scene

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