This is a powerful shot. I know who it is shot by and I know the story behind it. So I am going to be critical as I do not think that molly coddling you is the right thing right now. You have sensor spots or spots on your len's, you need to clean that up, a lot. The white out, is obvious, and I know the keys are meant to hide it, but they don't. The RIP is almost lost in that brown, so making that darker would be better, maybe brightening it a bit would help too with some contrast for the keys.
But it is a very dramatic before and after. It engulfs this challenges description perfectly. If I had no idea, who this was for. IT still would have been perfect photo for this. In my opinion, this is actually the only shot in this whole challenge, that clearly shows before and after, perfection then disintegration, build and tear down. So a 9 for this.
But what would be more interesting, further along in this challenge or something similar came along, is how that became disintegration to rebuild, tear down to perfection, run down to re-live.
Your life, is more than this, more than this disease. Your life is starting a new chapter, an interesting phase. And you are going to capture it in minute detail and we will look upon it.
I am so so proud that you picked up your camera and started this first step after this news. |