Author | Thread |
12/03/2004 09:50:06 AM |
So you daughters are sisters but your mother is a sister. I'm confused. Congrats on the ribbon. This was one of my highest rated. Well done. |
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12/02/2004 09:43:02 PM |
Fantastic picture. Congratulations on your ribbon! |
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12/02/2004 03:23:12 PM |
I don't like it very much but hey... congratulations! |
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12/02/2004 01:45:58 PM |
Congratulations on your blue ribbon - now you have one of each!! Just loved this picture; having spent 4 years living in the dorm of Catholic School it just cracked me up. It reminds me of the time one of the Sisters on my floor found a "birth control device" in the bathroom garbage - you should have seen the fuss! |
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12/01/2004 06:53:44 PM |
Congrats on your blue! Thought this would the creativity, humor and take on the challenge...well done! |
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12/01/2004 05:07:05 PM |
PS I just realized something...
Why do you own two schoolgirl outfits and a nuns costume? ;) |
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12/01/2004 03:58:30 PM |
One of very very very few setups involving people that looks convincing...Good job and congratulations! |
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12/01/2004 03:28:32 PM |
It made me remember sitting across the girls in those skirts at lunch in High school. :) |
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12/01/2004 01:50:50 PM |
Congrats on the blue!!! Like your first million, I assume the first one is the hardest. Now can you upgrade the camera?..... |
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12/01/2004 12:15:29 PM |
Congrat's on your first blue! Now you have one of each. Well deserved too! |
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12/01/2004 11:11:39 AM |
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12/01/2004 08:43:06 AM |
Congratulations Coley. Well deserved ribbon. This was a clever idea for authority. |
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12/01/2004 08:34:30 AM |
Congratulations, this photo really tells a story, and sets a great theme.
Message edited by author 2004-12-01 08:34:48. |
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12/01/2004 06:32:40 AM |
Congratulations. Now you have hit for the cycle! |
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12/01/2004 05:25:02 AM |
Very happy with the results of this challenge.
Thanks to everyone who voted and commented.
Special thanks to my 3 models, I am very lucky to have
my family to love me and put up with my crazy ideas :)
Love this site !!!
Coley |
12/01/2004 04:55:47 AM |
Ha it's weird, sorry but I really didn't like this and still don't. But according to my scores I'm wrong anyway :p Congrats on the ribbon though! |
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12/01/2004 04:09:42 AM |
I just couldn't resist another 10 of mine :) There where so many nice photos in this challenge :) |
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12/01/2004 01:39:07 AM |
Congrats, great idea and execution!
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12/01/2004 12:37:30 AM |
Congrats on a well deserved blue. |
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12/01/2004 12:12:45 AM |
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12/01/2004 12:05:53 AM |
Congrats on the ribbon, very well deserved. I was absolutely convinced this had to be the blue, and see it won by a fair margin. Well done, this is a wonderful photo. |
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12/01/2004 12:03:27 AM |
I know a winner when I see one. Great. Congratulations on this well earned blue ribbon. A classic. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
11/30/2004 09:09:03 PM |
returning for comment:
Those rulers hurt more than the flat ones. Very nice set up and capture. Extra points all around. I would included the tips of the fingers. The image is filled with compositional touches which simply enhance the value. First, the humor is welcome. The girls frame the authority with fingers crossed. The authority holds the scepter of punishment and leads to the offence as the girls hands dangle the cigarettes. The uniforms are great, white on top and grey on bottom. Authorities expression is convincing. Bumping to 8 on this superb effort. |
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11/30/2004 06:34:00 PM |
Funny story-telling illustration. |
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11/30/2004 04:57:21 PM |
i like the way it just shows part of the girls with the sister in the back
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11/30/2004 12:51:23 AM |
SHoulda lit them up! Good shot though! |
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11/29/2004 10:35:53 PM |
Great expression on the Sister. I think the photo would have been just as effective, perhaps moreso, without the cigarettes or the crossed fingers. For me, without the props or the fingers I would have spent more time wondering what she was so mad about. You sort of let the cat out of the bag. In any event, I gave this an 8. Without the about issues, a 10. |
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11/29/2004 01:57:22 PM |
LMAO Good one! well executed! Good DOF. Is she a real nun? 10 |
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11/29/2004 12:33:28 PM |
should be in the humorII challenge also, funny |
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11/28/2004 11:57:47 AM |
LOL Brings back memories of my Catholic school days. |
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11/28/2004 11:28:01 AM |
This is great! This is what I think of when I think of authority - and I'm not Catholic! |
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11/28/2004 09:41:03 AM |
Great idea! For added effect, I would have liked to see the cigarettes lit. Still, nice work! |
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11/28/2004 07:07:41 AM |
nice, very commercial Great effort A+ |
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11/27/2004 10:16:55 PM |
haha......great photo! Very creative and funny too!! |
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11/27/2004 02:27:17 PM |
I love the framing on this one and the picture brings a chuckle every time I look at it. Great job on this one. 9 |
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11/26/2004 03:50:59 PM |
kudos for arranging this shot. THats a heavy suty ruler too- holy crow! I'd like to see shots of the punishment.- now that would be a ten! |
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11/26/2004 12:42:45 AM |
Well I laughed, so it looks like you've achieved your aim. 8. |
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11/25/2004 09:10:46 PM |
This speaks volumes.....I hope the crossed finguers do it .Great idea...Love the bricks!! |
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11/25/2004 07:36:22 PM |
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11/25/2004 05:47:11 PM |
Cute. I would have liked it better if the cigarettes were lit. Holding them that way, between the fingers, implies that they are 'in use'. Nice job. |
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11/25/2004 12:51:54 PM |
Terrific balance and hitting the challenge on the head. the first '9' I have voted for this entry. |
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11/25/2004 10:32:23 AM |
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11/25/2004 10:26:41 AM |
This one scared my sista ...brought her right back to grade 4 and a broken hair brush...Nun 's God's rulers Ginger |
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11/25/2004 02:26:07 AM |
What is it with nuns, rulers, and authority? Seriously, great subtle images in this shot. I find it interesting that we are looking down on the nun. This shot is too well set up for that to be a mistake. I am curious about why you chose that particular angle and point of view. |
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11/24/2004 08:12:48 PM |
I like this shot - the angle and arrangement particularly. Also, the 'Sister' has done a great job.
But I do feel that instead of the cigarettes in the open and the other hands with fingers crossed, that it would work better if they were hiding the cigarettes with that hand.
The way it is now, it looks a bit too staged or a few frames missing somewhere, a bit unnatural I mean. |
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11/24/2004 04:11:16 PM |
oh my --- great expression! Your model got you a great shot! Only nit is the wall has the only "color" in the shot and pulls my eye to it in a distracting way. |
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11/24/2004 02:25:21 PM |
Very creative! I really like this! A+ |
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11/24/2004 11:48:10 AM |
With a shot like this, a more central composition would be stronger. I would also question, in this instance, shooting against that wall. The nun's face is almost the exact same tone. Very nice, though. |
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11/24/2004 11:46:38 AM |
Now this is an authority that I recall was higher than GOD!!!! great humour in the shot. Love it 8/10 |
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11/24/2004 11:42:55 AM |
funny! Great idea, good composition. |
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11/24/2004 11:28:29 AM |
Very fine composition, very effective. |
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11/24/2004 08:41:49 AM |
Great photo! I love the way the Nun is in the middle and you are catching the view from behind the students! Again, this is great! |
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11/24/2004 08:18:55 AM |
Awesome shot! Great humor and arrangement. |
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11/24/2004 03:09:42 AM |
sure lol -nice shot
man is she(the sister) scary |
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11/24/2004 02:07:10 AM |
nicely done. definitely captures the spirit of the challenge. one of my top picks. good luck! |
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11/24/2004 01:54:08 AM |
Loved it just because it's about defiance, would have loved it more if the cigarretes were lit. |
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11/24/2004 12:56:14 AM |
hahah i went to a catholic school...nice pic |
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11/24/2004 12:43:37 AM |
This is going to do very well, I think. Very nice job. (8) |
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11/24/2004 12:27:28 AM |
Love it!! Humorous, well developed, well composed, well acted. My favorite so far. |
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