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P3023592 - SOOC comparison 1100pxls
P3023592 - SOOC comparison 1100pxls

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Collection: 050 - March Side challenge - individual themes
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M1
Lens: Lensbaby Velvet 56mm
Date: Mar 2, 2019
Aperture: f1.6
ISO: 640
Shutter: 1/80
Date Uploaded: Mar 2, 2019

Viewed: 159
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0

my theme .. taking photos and doing stuff to them .. more or less .. and maybe experimenting a bit ..

for the March side challenge

i was intrigued with GinaRothfels's and wbanning 's theme .. black and white with minimal editing rules.
i wondered if i could create some drama in camera ..

firstly i tried the canon 5DIII changing the picture styles .. upping the contrast sharpness and desaturating ..
i'm not sure if i'm missing something but the results were undramatic to say the least ..

so i tried on the Olympus omd em1 ..
it has a heap of different picture mode settings .. much like you would find on a phone with the filters in your editing apps ..
i played around with a few but i love black and white and grainy images so went for ART5 Grainy Film ..

be great if there were adjustments within each picture mode setting .. so i could reduce the grain a bit and maybe the contrast .. but wotevs .. !! .. ;)

i shot in RAW and jpeg ..
the jpeg came in as it had been 'edited' in camera .. ie. ART5 Grainy Film ..
when i stuck the RAW into photoshop it showed what the image would have looked like before the picture mode had been applied ..

i found the entire process very interesting ..

the combinations you see here are exactly how they came out of the camera .. i did crop a bit off the bottom tho ..

posting these was just for the purpose of showing the difference between the RAW image and what the picture mode did .. i wasnt going to be putting them in photoshop and editing them ..
also this photo was taken with the Lensbaby which softens dramatically especially at f1.6
and thats my computer behind katee .. in my computer room

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03/03/2019 11:41:00 AM
The ART5/Grainy preset is interesting. I'd like to see what it does on a natively sharp image. Not sure that pre-set and the Lensbaby play well together.
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03/02/2019 11:46:04 AM
Here I distinctly prefer the b & w image. The indistinctness favors the latter approach, there being greater latitude as a creative decision. The contrasts work more nicely here and the graininess of the dog plays well with the graininess of the screen, as if the image is being sent back to earth from deep space. Nice.
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03/02/2019 11:26:08 AM
I like the feel in both pics. The one in color is very touching should you crop and leave the doggie only. I know you try minimal but even in B&W Katee needs the stage without the tv in the background
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03/02/2019 10:40:40 AM
The B/W image works better here, not a fan of the OOF look but that's just me.
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03/02/2019 08:25:29 AM
Agree with jagar again... he seems to know what he's talking about. My only advice would be to use Viveza to bring out some detail in her face.
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03/02/2019 07:08:21 AM
Not sure about this as everything is blurred so it is difficult to see the subject (?)
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03/02/2019 05:34:10 AM
Here the b&w works much better, it gets rid of a lot of distracting stuff and helps to simplifie the shot.
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