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Go To Your Room, NOW, Young Man!!!
Go To Your Room, NOW, Young Man!!!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Authority (Basic Editing I)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: The Hallway
Date: Nov 23, 2004
Aperture: F/6.3
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/25
Galleries: Family, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Nov 23, 2004

This was a tough shot, mainly because Beau would neither hold still or quit laughing. It also took a fair amount of work, getting the lighting just right, especially getting just my shadow without my finger, hand, or arm showing.

It's cropped rather tight because the tripod was set up in his bedroom, shooting through a narrow doorway.

I also had to really boost the contrast to eliminate marks on the wall the I couldn't spot edit under Basic Editing rules (which is why I also couldn't edit out the tape on the floor where I marked his spot...).

post: rotated, cropped, levels, contrast/brightness, desat, sized.

My boy Beau:

Place: 4 out of 149
Avg (all users): 6.1126
Avg (commenters): 7.8095
Avg (participants): 5.8780
Avg (non-participants): 6.2038
Views since voting: 3601
Views during voting: 410
Votes: 293
Comments: 38
Favorites: 4 (view)

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01/26/2005 12:21:13 AM
Imaginative use of light - good idea and well executed. I'd maybe like to see it shot from the 'other side' looking more in to his face, with the shadow hanging over him, but a good interpretiation of the theme.
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01/10/2005 06:05:22 AM
This is a great shot, with the almost larger than life shadows giving the concept the power to convey authority.

Have to laugh at your shot comments though - I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that "shoot"!
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12/01/2004 07:05:13 PM
congratulations on 5th place, this is a great shot for the challenge!
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12/01/2004 04:21:20 PM
Congrats/condolences on 4th place! Missed it by .04. That really is a great shot, and an excellent representation of the Challenge.

Message edited by author 2004-12-02 23:02:29.
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12/01/2004 08:16:52 AM
Thanks to all of you who voted and commented here! I deeply and truly appreciate it!

Every now and then, the stars line up, and opportunity meets effort. This shot required 3 days to take. Even though Beau has had a camera in his face most of his life, he still has all the energy of 6 1/2 year old. Because his sister wasn't involved, he was twice as fired up, enjoying the spotlight (so to speak).

Day 1, we did test shots just to see if it would work. The next day, we tried playing with the lights (I was using 2 desklamps with 100 wt bulbs), but nothing seemed to work.

We decided to try one more time, putting the lights where we had them for the test shot. This really took an effort, trying to get a defined shadow without my hand, while also only having 2 seconds to get in place after firing off the remote.

I really owe Beau big for helping me pull this off. Stop for a moment, if you will, to picture this. He really wants to be bouncing off the walls, and he's got this natural killer grin. I line up the shot, and tell him, "Ok, NOW! Don't move!!!" He strikes his pose and holds it for about 4-5 seconds. Then I go check the LCD, and, for the umpteenth time, say, "Aw, my finger's in it! We have to do it again!" Yep, my little man came through for me, and I am really proud of him for that!

Thanks again to all of you, glad that you all found a little piece you could connect with.

12/01/2004 04:16:20 AM
Yep :) A splendid idea. It creates a mood you know. It was a 9 from me.
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12/01/2004 03:14:30 AM
Great job skip! Congratulations and all the best.
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12/01/2004 01:25:57 AM
Skip - how awesome!!!!! It just makes my day seeing yours do so well!!!!
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12/01/2004 12:11:49 AM
Congratulations on your 5th finish. A very strong image with both the tender tones of submission and parental authority. Here you created a poem of an image.
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12/01/2004 12:11:37 AM
Congratulations! You've broken out of the under 5 rut right to the 6s. Way to go
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12/01/2004 12:10:14 AM
Congrats on your 5th place finish Skip. I keep telling them to give out at least 6 ribbons each time. They keep saying they can't afford all those ribbons. ;)
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12/01/2004 12:02:35 AM
Way to go Skip! :o)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
11/30/2004 09:29:56 PM
Probably the best representations of authority in the challenge. The lighting and shadows really set the mood. The little boy's stature truly shows his feelings.
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11/30/2004 08:32:09 PM
returning for comment:
Yes, we all recall this essential authority. Nice b/w and adult shadow just great. Bumping to 7
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11/30/2004 07:13:11 PM
The shadow of the pointing hand is a nice detail, well thought-out. Contrast is a little much for my taste.
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11/30/2004 06:23:38 AM
the authority is missing in this picture. Shadow of the hand looks like a gun pointing at the kid.
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11/30/2004 04:04:15 AM
loved it
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11/28/2004 07:42:27 PM
The extreme, dramatic lighting, the posture of the child and the shadow of the hand fill this image with ominous intensity. The door, the light fixture, and the boy's pajamas appear to be from an earlier era so that the image evokes the feeling of memory from the point of view of a child. Very powerful, though distrubing, image. Masterfully crafted.
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11/28/2004 06:40:53 PM
well taken the shadows are alittle noisy but the grayscale is so well done and the image is such a great example of the challenge discription that it doesn't matter.

GL nice shot
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11/28/2004 03:28:49 PM
you did well capturing the emotion with the shadows. great authority concept.
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11/28/2004 06:52:14 AM
Best one yet. great light and composition. very dramatic. A+
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11/27/2004 12:56:48 PM
I like that you represented authority as a shadow. It gives the idea of auhtority something misterious, vague, uncomprehensible. The boys shadow doesn't add to the atmosphere, though. Perhaps a different position of the light woulld have cast his shadow outside of the image.
I particularly like the boy's attitude, the way he looks at the floor clearly shows that he has no other choice but to accept his parents' order. A great image on the whole.
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11/26/2004 11:10:45 PM
Good use of shadows, great shot. I really like it, I'll have to try that one on my boy ;-)
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11/26/2004 02:17:41 AM
love the shadows... great lighting. maybe slightly too noisy for my taste but its a great shot!
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11/25/2004 07:41:15 PM
wow I love this picture! The boys pose is very beliveble and the shadows add the feel! Love it...a 9
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11/25/2004 05:56:36 PM
Good job - real good lighting
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11/25/2004 04:41:07 PM
The shadow is what makes this. There were several "pointing fingers" that I didn't like, but this one is quite creative. I like it in b&w.
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11/24/2004 07:57:05 PM
Clever idea that would send a lot of us back to our childhoods. High contrast with the presence of the large shadows make it work beautifully with great impact. It does make you feel small. Great work.
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11/24/2004 05:29:44 PM
very nice, I don't like the bw contrast that much
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11/24/2004 03:56:14 PM
Good interpretation!
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11/24/2004 11:50:51 AM
This took a bit to register in my head (maybe because it is 2:47am right now. But, it really works for me in B&W. The shadow work is imaginative and effective. I almost feel sorry for the child!! 9/10
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11/24/2004 09:52:20 AM
i had a similar thought for this challenge, but didnt enter.
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11/24/2004 08:45:57 AM
I really like the shadows in this photo. The shadows really make this photo!
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11/24/2004 05:34:09 AM
a sharper shadow for the finger would have added a whole lot to the picture
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11/24/2004 05:23:35 AM
I like the shadows in this.
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11/24/2004 01:53:21 AM
I like the play of light and darkness in this photograph. :)
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11/24/2004 01:41:41 AM
Quite a violent image. Nailed the concept.
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11/24/2004 12:37:53 AM
Good use of lighting and shadows to portray the authority of a parent. Very forceful. Good job.
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