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close-up of bike with ferns
close-up of bike with ferns

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bikes, Bikes & More Bikes (Extended Editing)
Collection: 2018-2019 - CHALLENGES and outtakes
Camera: Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II
Lens: Olympus 12-100mm f/4.0 M.Zuiko ED IS PRO
Location: at my daughter's place
Date: Nov 16, 2019
Aperture: 6.3
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Snapshot, Transportation
Date Uploaded: Nov 17, 2019

hey Barry glad2badad..
thankyou for your feedback on my bike image ..
much appreciated ..
the bike challenge came up and i was visiting my daughter .. they had a couple of bikes hanging in the garage .. really dirty ..

i actually had in mind an even more abstract image .. combining different photos of the bike and using different blending modes to create something quite fanciful but still recognizable as being about bikes ..
but as often happens .. that idea was overridden by what i actually did ..

i brought in a photo or two of the ferns .. as i felt they were relevant to where the bike had been on its travels ... and i liked the juxtaposition of the man made with the natural world sorta .. and i liked the fact that it was a bit dirty .. which made it more 'real' ...

i was happy with what i did .. but do understand that what i like is often not what other ppl like .. and thats totally ok ..

anyway .. i wanted to thank you personally for taking the time to make your critique .. and i wanted answer your question about whether it was one pic or more ..

hope you have a wonderful day/night .. and all the best from roz .. :)

Place: 17 out of 28
Avg (all users): 5.6286
Avg (participants): 5.4286
Avg (non-participants): 5.7619
Views since voting: 412
Views during voting: 63
Votes: 35
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0

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12/01/2019 07:13:15 PM
Hi. Welcome from the Critique Club. First let me say that I gave this a 6 during voting and that was well above the average I gave out for this challenge (Extended Editing does that to me sometimes). That said, you have great detail in this image. Don't know if that says much about the equipment or the photographer handling the gear. At f6.3 I'm going to say it was the photographer doing an excellent job with DOF.

First impression when this image loads is the 'Bling' of the X, then it's a competition between the abstract quality and the background ferns. Regarding the abstract feel of this, I like the perspective you selected, it's unique. The diagonal works well for adding some tension (non static) to the comp.

Now those ferns ... I can't tell if they're close in proximity or distant. Being that the shape hasn't been lost or smeared by bokeh effect I want to say they're relatively close. If not, I want to know how you did it. :-) Was it another image blended with the bike?

You placed darn near in the middle of the results with this. My guess is that while it's interesting, the abstract is a bit much for some. The one nit from me is the grime on the black (chain guard?). If that was clean it might have made a visual impact difference. The ferns are really cool looking, but maybe not the best match with the semi-dirty abstract. Sorry if I'm not expressing this opinion on point ... I guess what I'm trying to say is there are two great components here, but not sure that they were the best pairing.

I'd say keep at, etc... but you're a seasoned shooter so I'm fairly certain you'll keep tossing some high scorers out there!

Just one persons opinion. :-)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
11/26/2019 05:07:02 PM
love the way you did the ferns against the hardware.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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