Hello from the Critique Club -
My favorite comment on this picture is "don't see love". Yep, that was the message, and he got it. Love isn't Free. Money can't buy (me) love. There's more to life than money. Old George has the answer.
This is a really nice macro. First because it is technically fine and second because the composition is interesting, So, you got the focus right, and the lighting right. Color balance is right too.
It's a trick to take something so familiar to most of us and turn it into an interesting picture. A dollar bill, big deal. I like that this is a used dollar. The fold down the middle which you have placed exactly on the diagonal makes a balancing line for the stronger horizontals near the top (X is always an interesting arrangement) and the semi circle around George. George is dead center, at least his eyes are but you create an optical illusion so that he doesn't appear to be in the middle. I like that one of his eyes is sharp and looks right at the viewer and the other is faded. That worn fold is also used as a texture contrast with the dotted and thumbprint patterns on the paper. Even though it was not your decision, the duotone green and black is nice.
I don't have any suggestions for improvement - You took a simple image with a thematic punch and made all the right design choices. 1. you eliminated any extraneous background. 2 you chose a worn out bill, 3. you put it on the diagonal, 4. you put george in the middle with his eyes on the opposite diagonal so he appears to be making eye contact with the viewer. 5 you included just enough lettering to be interesting without being distracting. people need to be able to read letters but if there is too much to read it dominates. 6 you used the circle effectivley. 7. I like your Macro lens.
Disclaimer: Remember that this is just my opinion and I am NOT an expert.
PS - I like some of your othe pictures too - the uniform, the barbeque, the keyhole. Nice work
Message edited by author 2003-02-25 17:24:06. |