Butterfly Symbolism and Meaning Butterflies are deep and powerful representations of life. Butterflies are not only beautiful, but also have mystery, symbolism and meaning and are a metaphor representing spiritual rebirth, transformation, change, hope and life. The magnificent, yet short life of the butterfly closely mirrors the process of spiritual transformation and serves to remind us that life is short.
This totem animal is also symbolic of lightness of being and elevation from the heaviness of tensions bringing joy and bliss in bright colors. Every color has its’ own significance and importance and give even more meaning to the butterfly.
Are butterflies angels? Are they messengers from the realms of spirit? Some believe butterflies are winged messengers from the spirit world to the physical realm and send signals and validations to help guide us through life. It is suggested you pay attention and listen through your intuition, thoughts, feelings, and senses to receive the message from angels that butterflies help signal are present.
The Triangle The triangle symbol is a simple one, but is also one with a great amount of meaning behind it.
Due to the fact that triangles contain three corners and three sides they are often linked to different trinities. The most common being that of the Christian faith, the holy trinity- father, son and Holy Ghost. The triangle can also symbolize the stages of the moon- waxing, waning and full. Other trinities include: mind, body & spirit; mother, father & child; past, present & future; mother, maiden & crone; thought, feeling & emotion and creation, preservation and destruction.
Another Christian symbol incorporating triangles of that of the “Eye of Providence” or the all-seeing eye. This is depicted as an eye inside a triangle and is often surrounded by rays of light.
In Celtic culture the triangle is featured in the form of the triquetra, triskelion as well as other trinity based knot work.
To the Greeks, the triangle is seen as the delta glyph and is symbolic of a doorway. The thought was that the combination of polarities would provide a new opening, balancing thought and emotion would provide a doorway to higher wisdom (the hypotenuse).
Mystic teachings also incorporate the power of three. Numerologically speaking, if one represents force, two represents an opening, then three is the birthing of wisdom. This is also said to represent the union of one and two.
The meaning of the triangle can vary based on their orientation. None of the other basic shapes offer this kind of inherent duplicity. When we turn a square on its side, the symbol meaning remains the same. Same with the circle — rolling it around, it’s still a circle.
But the triangle proposes mammoth (polar even) variables in meanings when tipped top from bottom.
If a triangle is positioned pointing upwards it symbolizes the following: masculinity, solar, Shakta, active, assertive, up and father. When flipped upside down it represents the feminine, Shakti, passivity, down, mother, lunar and cave.
A triangle tattoo can also symbolize creativity, harmony, ascension, proportion, manifestation, integration, culmination and change.
Triangles are found in ancient symbolism and runes dating back to the earliest civilizations. Below I will outline some of the well known symbols containing triangles that have been found by archaeologists all over the world.
after rollover .. the RED .. !! .. WOW ..
thanks for the great votes and your comment Anita .. xx
this was another possibility for this challenge but i thought the fruit fly on the butterfly was a distraction .. altho there are so many triangles in this image .. it was a difficult choice ..
Place: 2 out of 29 Avg (all users): 6.8387 Avg (participants): 6.7333 Avg (non-participants): 6.9375 Views since voting: 746 Views during voting: 59 Votes: 31 Comments: 8 Favorites: 0
Ha, just imagine if I didn't comment you wouldn't have any comments!
Well done on the red!
i thought it was your comment .. in fact i was going to make the same comment on your blue ribbon during voting .. as i really thought it was your photo .. but got distracted .. so never made it .. :)