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Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Landmarks (Advanced Editing II)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S50
Location: London
Date: Dec 2, 2004
Date Uploaded: Dec 5, 2004


Place: 7 out of 143
Avg (all users): 6.8826
Avg (commenters): 7.3438
Avg (participants): 6.8485
Avg (non-participants): 6.9123
Views since voting: 3103
Views during voting: 445
Votes: 213
Comments: 44
Favorites: 12 (view)

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12/16/2004 08:25:44 AM
Amazing work. Great subject. Composed well and the soft touches work. Technically superior image. You are to be commended.

Message edited by author 2004-12-16 08:27:01.
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12/15/2004 02:45:05 AM
I thought this would ribbon I just love it but it did very well
I gave it a 10 and I still think its a winner in my eye Well done
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12/13/2004 09:02:26 AM
I love how you managed to get both a soft focus on the brightest spots and incredibly sharp details on the shadows and windows.
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12/13/2004 12:21:29 AM
Congratulations on your 8th placing. This is one of those images a photographer is proud to display. We all loved it.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
12/12/2004 05:46:35 PM
Wow, a spectacular shot -- just lovely! 10
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12/12/2004 10:08:05 AM
This would have won the blue if it wasn't for the "softness vs. oversharpening" Not sure what it is really, but there is something that isn't right. It's still a excellent composition. Good luck, bumping up to 7 due to composition.
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12/12/2004 03:35:56 AM
Excellent capture of light -- slightly overbright really works here. You've earned a rare 10 from me.
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12/12/2004 03:03:52 AM
I just love it Beautiful work my favorite so far and top pick of the challenge 10
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12/12/2004 02:52:11 AM
best one I've seen - beautiful
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12/11/2004 07:57:47 PM
perfect! 10
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12/11/2004 05:02:45 PM
Big wow factor here! The lights are a bit blown out in my opinion, but still a magical photo.
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12/11/2004 12:19:43 PM
returning for comments:
Perhaps a tad over exposed, but magic is still present. Bumping up.
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12/11/2004 11:31:41 AM
This is a nice high-key treatment of this landmark. Some people wll dislike the "blow-outs" but in this instance, it appeals to me.
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12/11/2004 09:11:01 AM
Appears heavily post processed, In this case distracting to me.
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12/11/2004 02:34:50 AM
Lovely long exposure!
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12/10/2004 05:27:01 PM
Looks over-exposed. But this is a great landmark entry.
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12/10/2004 11:49:21 AM
Great shot -well done
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12/09/2004 11:20:57 PM
This looks overprocessed at a first glance, but on second glance it suits the subject. 7.
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12/09/2004 09:04:19 PM
Great Shot! I love the mystic feel. Good lighting and perspective.
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12/09/2004 03:06:59 PM
Like the dreamy effect in this photograph. Nice color, use of blur and sharp focus.
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12/09/2004 10:37:06 AM
You chose a wonderful subject for your entry. I think the composition is excellent and framed very well with a pleasing perspective. A couple of comments...Slightly overexposed evidenced by loss of highlights nearby the lights. Other comment is that the depth of focus appears to be too shallow evidenced by loss of focus in the background, and particularly the far tower. Not sure what type of camera you are using, and perhaps the DOF is not easily adjustable. The exposure could have been reduced with a faster shutter, smaller aperture (increasing DOF as well), decreased exposure compensation, or decreased ISO sensitivity.
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12/09/2004 12:17:05 AM
This is gorgeous, I do like the soft effect here, but can't help feel it is perhaps a little overdone... maybe a little overprocessed or exposure is too long (??) but otherwise great. 8.
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12/09/2004 12:15:05 AM
Pretty darn good. It looks like the shutter was left open just a bit too long but still a great picture.
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12/08/2004 08:42:10 PM
I feel that you will hear a lot about the highlights and processing of this, but I have to say that it is a stunning piece visually and just gleams with brilliance.
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12/08/2004 11:44:47 AM
Nice shot...
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12/07/2004 11:29:05 PM
Very nice lighting, and just a great shot! 10
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12/07/2004 08:27:42 PM
This photo is quite an accomplishment. Everybody has seen thousands of pictures of this monument, but you have managed to make it appear unique and new. The vivid luminosity of the bridge and water, contrasted with the dark reddish tones in the sky is brilliant. Some voters may quibble with your choice of exposure, but I like the slightly blown look to some areas - it makes it glow and nearly vibrate with life and excitement. Well done photo. I predict a top 10 finish at worst.
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12/07/2004 04:26:00 PM
Challenge link: strong

Image critique: while this is technically imperfect (blown highlights) it has a certain a appeal becasue of them. The exposure is really too long here resulting in the pools of white, so a Neutral Density filter would help in future. I'd like to have seen more water than sky and a bit more of bridge supports too.

Out-of-challenge appeal: not enough to pull me back frequently, and the flaws do make it hard going on the eye
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12/07/2004 11:40:07 AM
would have been a great photo, but it lacks sharpness. the towers seem blurred and no architectural details visible. Also the bridge cables on the far left are OOF. Needs more DOF
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12/06/2004 10:36:09 PM
Just a little on the too bright side for my tastes. I think it will finish near the top, though. The clarity and angle are perfect.
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12/06/2004 09:44:45 PM
stunning shot, beautifully done!
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12/06/2004 09:31:38 PM
maybe it's me, but this feels over processed. i'm not sure what i would expect to see if i walked up on this scene at this time of day, but i'm pretty sure this is not it. when i see an image like this, i wonder what you were thinking when you saw it. did you see what you've submitted? or did you find your submission after you started post-processing? you have definitely delivered a polished, eye-catching image of a universally recognized landmark. i'm just curious as to how you feel about the work...

it does feel a little too bright at the bottom; the flares are a little too strong.
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12/06/2004 08:50:43 PM
a tad over exposed. You had the right idea, perhaps a half stop lower and you would have nailed it.
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12/06/2004 08:30:31 PM
I have taken and seen many shots of this historic landmark and this has to be one of my favorites. I like the soft glow cast on the tower and river by the lights from the prolonged exposure.
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12/06/2004 07:15:55 PM
Nice shot and lucky (or did your homework :) ) to get the bridge in the open position.

Shame about the light pollution on the left but that`s the problem of night shoots in London.

Good Luck
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12/06/2004 06:12:03 PM
Almost a 10. Too Bad left side of bridge is a tad out of focus. But, WOW, What a shot. 9
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12/06/2004 05:50:03 PM
Very nice the effect of the softness of the water, i like the lights on the bridge, the overexposure is really cool. good job on this one.
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12/06/2004 04:41:12 PM
Nice artistic work with softening the lights.
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12/06/2004 10:41:18 AM
Good luck with the ribbon!
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12/06/2004 09:20:54 AM
A beautiful night shot. Great tones and detail.10
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12/06/2004 08:46:13 AM
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12/06/2004 06:53:14 AM
great shot !
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12/06/2004 01:46:18 AM
NIce shot but waaay over-exposed for my taste. Did you intend it to be overexposed? I would have reduced the exposure by at least 2EV
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12/06/2004 01:10:36 AM
great shot, splended image-GL
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