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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Candid II (Advanced Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: norway
Date: Jan 2, 2005
Galleries: Emotive, Portraiture
Date Uploaded: Jan 2, 2005


Place: 29 out of 173
Avg (all users): 6.0825
Avg (commenters): 7.6923
Avg (participants): 5.7701
Avg (non-participants): 6.3109
Views since voting: 1147
Views during voting: 314
Votes: 206
Comments: 14
Favorites: 3 (view)

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10/25/2006 12:44:35 PM
Love this image! Would be great for the current "landscape portrait" challenge - it's so expressive.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/09/2005 11:11:05 PM
Returning for comments:
A very attractive and eye catching image with great force of color in a quiet and subdued manner.
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01/09/2005 12:31:07 PM
Visually interesting. Well-composed -- a nine.
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01/09/2005 10:22:02 AM
Good lighting and composition. But there seems to be a bit too much red. Perhaps it is from playing the instrument (cello?) but it looks as if it has been in the sun too much or like it came from the cold and is now warming up. Same can be seen to some extent on the nose. A slight adjustment of the mix of the red channnel in the channel mixer might easily solve that.
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01/08/2005 07:59:34 PM
outstanding! very stirring and emotive shot. the composition and colors are just beautiful....10
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01/08/2005 12:06:42 AM
Lovely composition! Also well exposed. I love this photo! 8
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01/06/2005 10:03:01 AM
What a great close up : intimate and very well lit. Maybe a bit too red, but it conveys a strong emotion.
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01/05/2005 07:27:36 PM
Great mood and lighting on the face... album cover? :)
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01/05/2005 06:32:00 AM
In my opinion, the dreadlocks throw off the theme of the rest of the shot, but I won't hold that against you. Well framed, I like how the neck bisects the image. But I wish the top of the model's head were in the frame.
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01/05/2005 03:10:04 AM
Damn! nice catch
01/04/2005 01:41:37 AM
Rich and evocative, beautifully composed. Separation of hair from BG on left is fantastic. Perhaps use healing brush to mute the nose higlights slightly? Very strong image.
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01/04/2005 12:37:41 AM
This is one time that I think the harshness of the lighting adds to the photo. This shot is filled with emotion and I love the rich tones as well. I think it might have been slightly improved with a little looser crop keeping the elbow in the frame and leaving a bit more empty space to the back of the subject. I think that might have emphasized the look of complete concentration.
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01/03/2005 09:22:07 PM
Beautiful...this photograph is smooth as silk...rich colors and tones. I love it.
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01/03/2005 09:16:54 AM
The background to the right is a bit distracting, but otherwise I can't really see much wrong with it. Nice, but would probably have been much, much nicer in B/W
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