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Home on the range
Home on the range

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Best of 2004 (Advanced Editing III*)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Trujillo New Mexico
Date: Jan 4, 2005
Aperture: 11
ISO: 200
Shutter: 180
Date Uploaded: Jan 4, 2005


Place: 467 out of 530
Avg (all users): 4.8209
Avg (commenters): 4.8182
Avg (participants): 4.6772
Avg (non-participants): 5.2716
Views since voting: 825
Views during voting: 470
Votes: 335
Comments: 13
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/31/2005 02:30:35 PM
Nice photo, a bit boring, but I am not a huge landscapes fan.
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01/27/2005 06:17:12 PM
Doesn't impact me, but it looks like a pretty place.
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01/26/2005 08:43:46 PM
Serene, country scene. A bit over-sharpened perhaps, but still a nice shot.
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01/25/2005 02:29:48 PM
what a nice capture. i hope this isn't getting lost in the shuffle of this super-sized challenge, and that you are getting good feedback. as much as i like this, though, i can't help but wonder if it would be a bit more dramatic if shot at a different time of day? oh well, that's just me. you have a fine image, and i hope it does well for you here. good luck with this, and all the challenges yet to come!
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01/24/2005 02:42:28 AM
INteresting tree, though I feel like the image is a little flat overall, needs a bit more oomph. Good try though, and best of luck for future challenges.
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01/23/2005 06:36:28 PM
There is a lot going on in the photo for my liking. The tree in the front loses some punch with the trees in behind. Focus seems a touch off as well.
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01/22/2005 04:04:12 PM
This picture is looking very good to me as I look out the window at 6 inches of snow and still coming down!
01/21/2005 12:32:56 PM
I wonder what this would look like with some direct sunlight on it. Still a nice image though.
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01/21/2005 11:03:51 AM
Back to comment...
I get a good feel for the type of landscape you are portraying here...however, I think the image will suffer scorewise for not having a real point of focus.
Perhaps picking out one point of interest from what`s on view and shortening your depth of field to isolate it from the rest would add impact.
However, this is only my opinion and should be treated accordingly.
01/19/2005 10:41:20 AM
I took a very similar shot when I was in the country for a drive and found it to lack subject and interest. I find these shots to look more snapshotish and not as planned. Maybe a selective desaturation would have improved this shot for my vote but not as it is. It is very sharp and the apples stand out but other then that, thats it. Keep trying and don't get discouraged by what others think.
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01/19/2005 02:31:38 AM
there seems no center of interest in this photo
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01/17/2005 09:42:13 PM
Try focusing on a true focal point, the tree really doesn't stand alone.
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01/17/2005 06:02:17 AM
Language is a wonderfull thing. In the UK the "the range" is either something that is used for cooking on, or is used for either shooting, or testing amunition....

I cant see either in this photo,.

I feel the colours are a little muted, which for me lessons the impact of the image.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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