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Conspiracy Theory
2nd PlaceConspiracy Theory

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Movie Titles (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Dining Room
Date: Jan 9, 2005
Aperture: f29
ISO: 100
Shutter: 3.2s
Galleries: Still Life, Studio
Date Uploaded: Jan 9, 2005


Place: 2 out of 328
Avg (all users): 6.8040
Avg (commenters): 8.4474
Avg (participants): 6.6233
Avg (non-participants): 6.9320
Views since voting: 12649
Views during voting: 585
Votes: 352
Comments: 76
Favorites: 80 (view)

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12/27/2006 12:49:14 AM
One funny photo, love it.
Congrats on the 2nd place..
05/10/2006 06:34:55 PM
This is brilliant. Enter more challenges.
02/21/2006 09:14:38 AM
oo horror movies with ducks!
11/12/2005 12:18:38 AM
haha i like this. : )
04/20/2005 03:15:52 AM
This is SO clever....
03/04/2005 07:24:06 PM
01/25/2005 09:26:50 PM
That is fantastic - I love how the duck in the foreground seems to be looking back. Just terrific composition and execution.
01/25/2005 08:16:58 PM
When I saw this pic I laughed and laughed. Thank you for your creative humour.
01/25/2005 07:50:28 PM
i love it!
01/24/2005 01:57:52 PM
Great title and great shot! I love it!
01/24/2005 01:51:43 AM
Wonderfully done! Your image here sings!
So honest, simple and effective... I love it.
01/22/2005 11:09:18 AM
great picture! :D
01/21/2005 08:30:45 AM
It's really phantastic photo...
01/20/2005 09:02:02 PM
Taking nothing away from the Blue Ribbon winner...I gotta tell ya, this one placed one behind where it should have been. This is too darned good. Congrats! It made me smile and then chuckle then laugh out loud! Excellent techs on the image to boot! Great job!
01/20/2005 06:00:09 PM
Originally posted by soup:

i can get you all the ducks you need, with just about any expression, actors, sports figures, musicians, and even the run of the mill standard duck


Thank you. I did find tons of ducks online. I didn't realize there was such a variety. I was just surprised that my first stop, Toys R Us didn't have any. It's like not having milk in the grocery store as far as I'm concerned.
01/20/2005 02:46:29 PM
i can get you all the ducks you need, with just about any expression, actors, sports figures, musicians, and even the run of the mill standard duck

01/20/2005 01:57:04 PM
Thank you all. I'm glad so many people really liked my photo. In case anyone was interested this scene was photographed with a regular table lamp (100w bulb) lighting the background and a clamp-on shop light (100w bulb) lighting the foreground duck. On the camera a Canon 100mm f2.8 macro. The foreground duck is less than a foot away from the lens to fill the frame and the background ducks, which are roughly the same size as the foreground duck, are placed about three feet behind so they appear smaller.

Originally posted by Chrisds:

Congratualtaions on not putting your ducks in a bowl and going for 'duck soup'

It never would have occurred to me, I'd never heard of the movie Duck Soup before the voting period began. Er... um... I mean, yes, I planned it that way. :)

Originally posted by Sailingduck:

It is amazing what you can find in the house to make these challenges work.

I actually had just one duck at home. I keep him above the shower but he's so old, cracked, and faded that he doesn't look good on camera. After I got the idea I went to four different stores looking for ducks with the right look. First three either didn't have them or had ducks with the wrong look. Luckily the fourth store had decent ducks for my project and I bought all they had. I hope I haven't denied a child some fun in the tub.

Originally posted by andr00:

you are a genius!!!

Yes, yes I am. But that has nothing to do with the photo. ;)

Again, thank you all.

Message edited by author 2005-01-20 14:04:02.
01/20/2005 01:14:19 PM
Love this photo!
I'm sending this photo link to all my friends.
Great title too!

Message edited by author 2005-01-20 13:45:24.
01/19/2005 07:46:46 PM
Congratulations on your Red Ribbon this is a great image...glad to see it ribboned!
01/19/2005 06:53:48 PM
you are a genius!!!
01/19/2005 11:26:20 AM
this is great! I love it! Congrats
01/19/2005 11:04:28 AM
This is one of my favorite shots in any challenge.
01/19/2005 10:03:30 AM
Congrats on a very, very clever idea for your movie title. It fits the movie perfectly. Well deserved ribbon.
01/19/2005 09:16:19 AM
This is very clever! Congratulations on the ribbon!
01/19/2005 08:44:17 AM
Congrats. Excellent entry.
01/19/2005 07:54:17 AM
This is great well done
01/19/2005 01:02:21 AM
Congratulations on a Second Place finish! I really was rooting for this one to win!
01/19/2005 12:43:59 AM
Well done, this was my pick for first. Very dereved, it displayed the title perfectly
01/19/2005 12:28:57 AM
yes indeed...you deserved the ribbon!
01/19/2005 12:06:19 AM
Congrats on this one, I was really hoping it was up for a ribbon :) Usually I am not fond of shots with toys or figurines, but this one was a real exception :) A very well deserved ribbon indeed :)
01/19/2005 12:04:47 AM
Congratulations on your red. This image has more depth than the colors let on.
01/19/2005 12:02:30 AM
Yay!!! I absolutely Love this shot!! Congrats on the Red ribbon. Now I know why you got all those comments. ;-)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
01/18/2005 11:24:00 PM
A simple, but very clever idea. It is amazing what you can find in the house to make these challenges work. My daughter has a family of these ducklings, and I would never have dreamed this up. Great job, a 9
01/18/2005 08:43:10 PM
Fantastic composition. Wouldn't change a thing, my top pick. 10
01/18/2005 03:28:37 PM
Love the humor!
01/18/2005 08:14:59 AM
like the humor and composition... one of my ribbon picks
editted for typos

Message edited by author 2005-01-19 08:39:22.
01/17/2005 07:20:48 PM
Well it definitely looks like a conspiracy going on ! Interesting idea
01/16/2005 04:36:38 PM
I really like this photograph. It has been one of my favorites thus far. Great job!
01/16/2005 01:46:53 PM
This photo made me smile and I think the title is great. Perfect use of distorting the background. The viewer's eye is drawn straight to the eye of the duck in the foreground. Great photo. Could probably be used for an add.
01/16/2005 05:07:18 AM
LOL. That is great. I hope this wins. (Congratualtaions on not putting your ducks in a bowl and going for 'duck soup')
01/15/2005 10:13:40 PM
Good imagination and composition.
01/15/2005 10:03:28 PM
I love this shot, I can almost see the duck thinking, good luck
01/15/2005 08:29:45 PM
Just great! Very cute - and really should have been the film poster. : )

Perfect bokeh and a lovely attitude.
01/15/2005 06:05:32 PM
funny pic, nice comp, maybe a little more than half the face would have been nice, my eye is wanting for a bit more 3d
01/15/2005 06:25:00 AM
Excellent composition and perfect focus. The idea is brilliant as well : 8
01/15/2005 02:48:50 AM
01/15/2005 01:39:40 AM
This is a great picture, very clever. 8
01/14/2005 09:31:39 PM
This is just to cute! Well composed as well as exposed. Creative way to use the title! Good job!
01/14/2005 07:13:14 PM
Excellent! I really feel sorry for the poor sod...
01/14/2005 03:28:16 PM
this is my favourite! i cant believe how appropiate the look on the ducks face is! i hope the people how havent read the challenge properly dont mark you down for it " not relating to the movie", yours is brilliant. 10
01/14/2005 02:27:53 PM
Hehehe :)) This one gets a lot of points for humor.
01/14/2005 01:35:48 PM
really inspired observation.
01/14/2005 01:30:45 PM
awesome job
01/14/2005 12:22:48 PM
Nice work. The look on the duck face does so much for the pic.
01/14/2005 10:38:05 AM
Cute & clever. Love the yellow!
01/14/2005 06:10:29 AM
Funny idea for the challenge, great composition. Bumping up.
01/13/2005 04:48:22 PM
The composition tells the story. It is good, it is funny. Well done.
01/13/2005 01:17:13 PM
My favorite in this challenge!
The ducks realy acting!
01/13/2005 01:10:39 PM
This is hilarious! Love the composition. :-) 9
01/13/2005 09:13:06 AM
Haha, too funny! One of my favorites this challenge.
01/13/2005 02:36:11 AM
This shot makes me laugh like those duck posters so popular in the 80's
Also it makes me believe the conspiracy exists.
Those evil ducks are out to get me!!! 8 from me
Well done cheers
01/12/2005 07:24:30 PM
he really looks worried
01/12/2005 05:18:09 PM
this is not only creative, but well done!
01/12/2005 05:15:11 PM
i like your idea... very cute. i also like the simplicity of it
01/12/2005 05:12:39 PM
That is very clever, brought a smile to my face - nice bokeh too!
01/12/2005 04:38:14 PM
This is my favorite of all I've seen on any challenge so far! What a sneaky, untrustworthy duck you've captured.
01/12/2005 02:52:10 PM
I love this photo. The eye on the duck in the foreground really expresses paranoia. great job!
01/12/2005 01:03:18 PM
this one better win!

i've been over all the images again, and still feel this is the best bumping to 10
01/12/2005 12:20:48 PM
01/12/2005 11:31:44 AM
this is so-o-o-o-o funny! very well done - 10.
01/12/2005 10:27:01 AM
the conspirators would look better if not blurred.
01/12/2005 10:09:29 AM
Hahaha! Wonderful! It really evokes the paranoia :) 10
01/12/2005 01:31:03 AM
That's funny!
01/12/2005 12:52:18 AM
Cute idea. Very funny. Nice vibrant colors. I like your dof. Good job.
01/12/2005 12:36:53 AM
Woot! Great composition and colors rock. Love you concept of the movie title. Made me smile! :-)
01/12/2005 12:18:58 AM
Usually I dislike photos with plastic toys in, but you have done this really well. It matches the title of the film in a hillarious way. Great shot.

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