Author | Thread |
11/28/2006 11:48:51 PM |
It's like I'm seeing this for the first time. It's very creative.
But there's proof that I have seen this before because my vote shows up as red. I should have given it a higher score. |
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05/04/2006 08:41:05 PM |
This is a wonderful photo...I've been looking through your portfolio and self-portrait 30-day thingy. Your DPC port truly does not show the really unique talent you have with photo/digital art vision. What's up with that? ;)
Not trying to say anything except that I really enjoyed your self portraits!!!
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04/30/2006 02:32:49 PM |
Under rated should have been top 5 at least. I love your work! |
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12/23/2005 04:08:31 PM |
This is hysterical! I love it! One of the most creative (& funny) self-portraits I've seen. Very cool. |
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07/01/2005 10:15:06 PM |
What a hoot. I love it. Sometimes the funny ones are the best. Way to go. |
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02/21/2005 10:21:43 AM |
Very well done and very humourous. The lighting and exposure are dead on. Really love it. |
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02/21/2005 12:40:55 AM |
Congratulations on your top 20 finish. perhaps the funniest in the challenge. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
02/20/2005 11:05:38 PM |
LOL- nice sense of humor. Could have been even stronger if the prints didn't appear washed out. |
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02/19/2005 06:11:41 PM |
I love the idea here...... |
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02/19/2005 03:19:19 PM |
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02/19/2005 02:25:05 PM |
I love this portrait - it obviously shows your sense of humour. But the grey t-shirt and plain background say something about an uncomplicated and easy going nature that I'm sure complement your humour. |
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02/19/2005 01:50:53 PM |
funny take on the challenge, executed well. Good luck |
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02/19/2005 01:06:20 AM |
A most interesting and funny photo. Well done! |
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02/18/2005 04:42:48 PM |
Very good. I like your sense of humor! |
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02/18/2005 05:17:39 AM |
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02/18/2005 04:15:48 AM |
Also needs less coffee by the look of it! :-). Great lighting, and I love the idea.. 8 |
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02/17/2005 08:44:06 PM |
very expressive, very fun. great exposure and composition. one of my favorites! 10! |
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02/17/2005 08:07:13 PM |
Returning for comment: I like how this very simple but effective device works. Knowing you a bit from the site, I think it's fitting, and a portrait should show something of the portraitee's personality. Well done. Bumping up. |
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02/17/2005 05:25:19 PM |
Funny and unique.
The black BG works very well and I like the composition very much. |
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02/17/2005 05:05:02 PM |
great idea , great shot 8 |
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02/17/2005 03:50:17 PM |
This image create instant laughter that lingers. Every challenge contains a special gem and this is one of them. A great effect. bumping up to 7 for great funny rendition. |
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02/17/2005 01:17:44 PM |
great idea - and smile !! |
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02/17/2005 11:47:39 AM |
This is so good and so original - well done. 9 |
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02/17/2005 03:16:41 AM |
Haha. This is really funny.
I like the composition of it too. Really great. 8. |
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02/16/2005 11:05:02 PM |
I love this -- very creative! |
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02/16/2005 04:09:23 PM |
i don't know anything about portraiture, so i'm using your image as a guinnea pig as to what i think i would or wouldn't do in this situation, as well as what i notice and get out of your image.
this looks like fun, and it looks like something that would be cool to be able to do at the drop of a hat. i do think it would work better if you had matched the tones in the printed face to the actual face. nice work with the lighting. |
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02/16/2005 07:36:33 AM |
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02/16/2005 01:25:04 AM |
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02/16/2005 01:20:18 AM |
Kudos to you for being silly enough to try such a gimmick. In this case I feel it works. You may not show much of your real face, and I get no idea what you might look like, but I sure get a good idea of your personality :) |
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02/15/2005 10:42:18 PM |
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02/15/2005 05:35:19 PM |
Great concept, It made me chuckle |
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02/15/2005 02:19:34 PM |
haha, very cute image. I love the expressions. |
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02/15/2005 02:17:59 PM |
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02/15/2005 01:20:24 PM |
Freakin hilarious :) Good lighting! 7 |
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02/15/2005 11:08:31 AM |
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02/15/2005 09:45:18 AM |
ok the expression on your "Face?" is had to look at without laughing. The lighting was well done. The image is nice and crisp. While not a very challenging shot. Still one of the better shots in the challenge IMO. Keep up the great work. And thanks for the laugh |
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02/15/2005 04:17:32 AM |
Fun shot: I would imagine you've achieved pretty much exactly what you were after - apart perhaps, from the comparative saturation in the prints, and those slight jaggies around the hand and top of head. I like the mad quality of it a lot. |
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02/15/2005 01:16:28 AM |
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02/14/2005 11:47:42 PM |
Returning for comment. Good use of negative space. I love how the grin is giant. Very creative idea! On second look, am bumping up. |
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02/14/2005 09:21:29 PM |
Funny idea, and well executed too! |
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02/14/2005 07:49:54 PM |
lol ... cool effect ... well done my highest so far |
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02/14/2005 07:13:58 PM |
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02/14/2005 06:07:42 PM |
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02/14/2005 04:23:38 PM |
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02/14/2005 02:15:18 PM |
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02/14/2005 11:40:46 AM |
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02/14/2005 10:59:47 AM |
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02/14/2005 05:51:30 AM |
Great lighting and gave me a good laugh... good job of keeping the dome on top from reflecting a whole lotta light ! I like it ! |
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02/14/2005 05:07:13 AM |
I laughed my sox off when I saw this :))))) |
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02/14/2005 01:44:19 AM |
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