Author | Thread |
02/22/2005 04:58:15 PM |
So glad I now know who to look for when you come up to Edinburgh :)
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02/22/2005 01:45:38 PM |
Originally posted by samtrundle: how it fell this far into the thirties really surprises me. I really thought you nailed each and every element of the dpc recipe for success. |
Ah, but in a 'portrait' challenge you are, of course, supposed to show your face. |
02/21/2005 10:47:18 PM |
You don't look much like you sound, Ed. I had pictured more oval eyes and perhaps a roguish touch of 5-o'clock-shadow towards the southern extremeties of the bag. The inscrutable expression is , however, exactly as I had anticipated. I really can't imagine how you managed to keep a straight face. |
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02/21/2005 06:20:43 AM |
Had this pegged for second (Behind JJ) - how it fell this far into the thirties really surprises me. I really thought you nailed each and every element of the dpc recipe for success - A) it jumps right out at you. B) It's technically spot on C) It's lighthearted and as a bonus contains dpc specific humour.
Ah well - you made me laugh, and a 6.3 is nothing to sneeze at. |
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02/21/2005 06:03:37 AM |
most excellent work, highly underrated. maybe the lighting on the bag was just a tad to strong, washing out the finer textures that might have added more character to the image? |
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02/21/2005 04:27:40 AM |
always nice to finaly put a face on a name¨!
will be back to you very soon... |
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02/21/2005 12:48:46 AM |
I knew it was you! Very funny. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
02/20/2005 11:07:48 PM |
Ha, ha! You get points for humor! |
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02/20/2005 10:25:28 PM |
This made me laugh out loud! Thanks. Nice touch. |
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02/20/2005 09:49:40 PM |
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02/20/2005 09:37:05 PM |
Excellent! I would have done the same thing. Hide!!!!!! |
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02/20/2005 09:08:09 PM |
OMG that's too funny!!!! :o) |
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02/20/2005 07:41:43 PM |
Ah so you're the one who thinks I'm wierd looking?
Funny, well done : ) |
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02/20/2005 05:44:38 PM |
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02/20/2005 03:46:43 PM |
Funny. Who is this anyway :) |
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02/20/2005 03:25:13 PM |
Very funny, guess I'll have to wait until the challenge it done! :-( Good Work. |
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02/20/2005 11:55:58 AM |
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02/20/2005 10:03:02 AM |
I had to go find the "hide my name" button to comment on this photo, lol. Ah....what talent and imagination are demonstrated here....everything is perfection. I love the fact that the suit and back ground are the same color and the sack and chair, too. Great work...10. |
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02/19/2005 09:36:00 PM |
Ah yes, I always wanted to see a close up of this guy. Your sense of humor, while good, is certain to invite the bell curve, however, I fully appreciate the humor of this portrait by Bumping up. A very neat presentation with great lighting. |
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02/19/2005 05:37:43 PM |
This is just fantastic, I couldn't stop laughing. The idea is great, the lighting, DOF, focus etc is all great. I hope this does very well for you! |
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02/19/2005 04:40:38 PM |
will we see u after???
nice thought well exicuted clean and good graficaly i don't think the title was nessary but there isn't much u could call it so the vote goes to the thought. |
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02/19/2005 04:29:53 PM |
totally hilarious!! and also a great photo, nice work! the lighting in this photo is what really makes it (other than the comedy, haha) |
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02/19/2005 04:25:45 PM |
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02/18/2005 07:11:26 PM |
Nice solution to the "if you choose yourself as the model you have an idiot for a photographer" problem that is inherent to this competition. |
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02/18/2005 06:13:16 PM |
Seems a bit of a cop out for a self-portrait, but I think I'm just jealous I didn't think of covering my ugly mug this way! The only thing that I think distracts from this photo is the uneven background, other than that a great shot and I love the pose. 9 |
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02/18/2005 02:36:51 PM |
Hahaha! Great pose. This one deserves a solid 10. |
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02/18/2005 04:55:23 AM |
Excellent idea. Not a great portrait but funny. :) 7 |
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02/18/2005 04:28:12 AM |
Nice bag, well lit, and the complimentary grey suit is a nice touch. :-). 7 |
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02/17/2005 01:35:27 PM |
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02/17/2005 01:14:59 PM |
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02/17/2005 08:09:38 AM |
LOL!! Funny, yet your skill as a photographer still shows through! |
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02/16/2005 09:59:22 PM |
this is a RIOT! and sure to be one of the most commented on images in the challenge. well done, all the way around. lighting, colors, composition, pose--it all works. good luck! |
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02/16/2005 09:52:21 PM |
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02/16/2005 08:59:09 PM |
TOO funny! This is a clever photo, but I'm not sure how many new people to DPC will get it. I really hopw that it doesn't mark you down, because this is really funny. The formality of the pose and the suit and the fancy chair is well offset by the paper bag. I might have tried moving a touch farther away from the backdrop (but not if it made funnier shaddows) |
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02/15/2005 08:28:16 PM |
Great lighting, good colors, and fuuunyyy. I just wish the bag was squared up on the right hand side where it bulges out, but other than that perfect execution of a clever concept. |
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02/15/2005 06:38:23 PM |
I can't wait to find out who this is! I have an idea. Great comp and lighting! |
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02/15/2005 04:58:31 PM |
Made me smile. Excellent. |
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02/15/2005 03:44:26 PM |
Hahahaha!!! Very imaginative!! 8 |
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02/15/2005 01:06:46 PM |
Obviously a political statement here lol. The setup, focus and colour are great. |
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02/14/2005 09:28:44 PM |
LoL ...this should get you tons of comments! made me laugh |
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02/14/2005 08:33:23 PM |
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02/14/2005 07:20:20 PM |
both hands are overexposed, the image seems to lack "black", and too little contrast for my taste.
It is very funny, and sharp/detailed. Normally I would reduce your score because you're hidding your face, but since this is so incredibly funny, I will actually bump up a little. 7 good luck |
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02/14/2005 05:55:41 PM |
Haha...hahahaha....ahhahahahhahaa... :-) Cute. |
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02/14/2005 04:31:54 PM |
This idea crossed my mind... well executed! |
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02/14/2005 04:24:15 PM |
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02/14/2005 04:05:55 PM |
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02/14/2005 01:49:53 PM |
Nice idea, and very clean image. |
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02/14/2005 01:22:43 PM |
Beautiful quality shot. Funny idea if a touch frustrating - LET ME SEE YOUR FACE DAMN IT!!!!
But then I s'pose you'll be posting the bag-off version when the challenge finishes. If not then a DPC mob will be formed, track you down and we'll show it for you. OK? |
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02/14/2005 11:40:30 AM |
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02/14/2005 11:37:08 AM |
This is great! Not only is it funny but it's a good portrait too. The lighting is good, even with the shadows, the pose, the grey suit and walls compliment each other and the chair adds a splash of color contrast. The only thing I would have liked to have seen is a fuller shot without the legs cropped out. |
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02/14/2005 10:59:46 AM |
While the technical aspects are quite good, the bag over the head makes this more of a humor shot than a self-portrait. |
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02/14/2005 07:44:22 AM |
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02/14/2005 05:11:32 AM |
This is soo funny :) Clever idea. |
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02/14/2005 03:47:06 AM |
Wonderful, this is hilarious, I love it! Great lighting and the skin tones, (the hands :)) are great! 9 |
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02/14/2005 01:29:19 AM |
My favorite so far. good job. Wish I could have seen all the way down to your feet and a little more space above your head |
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02/14/2005 12:51:37 AM |
Micheal Jackson on the witness stand |
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02/14/2005 12:27:13 AM |
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02/14/2005 12:11:58 AM |
HEY LOOK!!! It's that person that gives me all those negative comments and low scores!!! GET 'EM~!@~!
doesn't do it for me, personally...but I'm sure it will be top 10 just from the humor factor. |
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