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Nature's Way
Nature's Way

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: From Above (Classic Editing)
Collection: Nature
Camera: Olympus E-20
Location: A Field
Date: Mar 15, 2003
Galleries: Nature, Animals
Date Uploaded: Mar 15, 2003


Place: 169 out of 203
Avg (all users): 4.1848
Avg (commenters): 4.3636
Avg (participants): 4.1010
Avg (non-participants): 4.2824
Views since voting: 1099
Votes: 184
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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03/30/2003 09:41:14 PM
Howdy from the Critique Club:

What a morbid photo! I love it. I think the idea is great, the realization is a bit hard to do with such common colours in the whole thing. Technically, I think you should have possibly tried to get more over the subject. It's hard to comment on the technical part of things. I think if you had compensated a bit with the white balance, it would have been better.

I like the composition, I think it is impeccable. The image starts with the subject in the lower right corner, and it draws you up the subject to the back of the photo.

Did it fit the challenge? it's hard to say that you didn't meet the challenge with somethign which was obviously on the ground :)
Well done, and good luck in the future.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/22/2003 11:00:22 PM
Everything is too much the same color and tone. Hard to see. Maybe get in closer and more from above to get the head.
03/21/2003 12:30:24 PM
that is dirty style
03/20/2003 10:03:04 PM
Nice color, good focus. Good idea for the challenge.
03/20/2003 05:06:09 AM
Very nice composition but over exposed which is a shame as this is a good picture. 7-Martin
03/19/2003 05:51:22 PM
Seems to have a bit too much contrast and perhaps is a bit oversharpened; particularly noticeable in the grass.
03/19/2003 12:27:17 AM
What does this have to do "From above"?
03/18/2003 03:16:27 PM
Title - true, but not always pleasant to view. Amazingly complete skeleton. Contrasts between background and bones is not very strong. Focus seems sharpest on the head section. (didn't this carcas stink to high heaven?)
5 Swash
03/18/2003 02:40:17 PM
03/18/2003 10:10:42 AM
kinda gross but nice......
03/18/2003 08:53:58 AM
That's life. I'd try B&W to get rid of the bleched colour
03/17/2003 12:36:17 PM
Looks a bit over exposed. Great shot though.
03/17/2003 09:11:35 AM
True to life, original colors are great!

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