A glass of bubbly
By Geocide
Critique by Silver Fox
As I originally said is my comment, I like the way you have the water running into the glass with the air bubbles running into, over, and down the glass.
You’ve got really good focus and good lighting on the top of the glass but you lose out on the base of the glass when it becomes too blurry – is this because your depth of field was too shallow?
I must say that I get really thirsty every time I see this photo it looks so refreshing. At first I thought it was Champagne, but then I thought, “gee, what a waste!”
1/1024 of a second! Wow, who would have thought?
I can’t believe you finished so low with this shot (61/79) after looking at some of the other shots. Oh well! You did a good job of taking this photograph and in my humble opinion it's a darn good one.
Just keep shooting, Adam. Have some fun, keep entering the Challenges, your scores are going to start climbing up, but remember the main thing is to have fun while you’re out clicking away. . .