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1st PlacePeace

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: 1970s (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S5000 Z
Location: Home, where else
Date: Feb 22, 2005
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/140
Galleries: Abstract, Macro
Date Uploaded: Feb 22, 2005

Auto levels, NI.

Place: 1 out of 177
Avg (all users): 7.5372
Avg (commenters): 8.6667
Avg (participants): 7.1633
Avg (non-participants): 7.6691
Views since voting: 16368
Views during voting: 775
Votes: 376
Comments: 130
Favorites: 57 (view)

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06/08/2007 12:53:48 AM
This is very cool. I'm astounded at the people who complain that something's been done before. THIS shot, with THIS subject, framed in THIS way, has never been done before. The fact you've continued collecting favorites all along says all you need to know. :)
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11/08/2005 11:04:52 PM
You know I ponder over this image for close to a year now.
And I didn't copy anything but my own work and that was checking out the other winners work, I read all of his thread. his had flaws and so did this but they won. But look out who's next :-)

"Is not photography just a copy" --Me.
09/22/2005 12:18:54 PM
Fantastic shot! Love everything about it. Congrats on a well-deserved blue.
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05/30/2005 11:42:02 PM
Originally posted by mrsamsa:

Originally posted by Figo:

Christ... I quit dpc. this is ridiculous.

sorry i got carried away i'll stop.

can't blame you for the success... its unfortunate that this cliche works OVER and OVER again.. My anger is placed solely on the people who time and again embrace this regurgitation.
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03/11/2005 02:10:57 PM
They look like little smiley faces, duuuude!

I like. The blurring around the edges detracts _somewhat_ from the overall, but the effect is quite nice, I think, and the vivid, sharp colors all over the place in the droplets are tasty eye candy.

Good job!
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03/08/2005 09:08:31 AM
Congratulations on this nice piece of work. For those of us who are old enough to have been around in the 60's, I can say that I saw many peace signs during the day. They were born out of opposition to Vietnam and the sexual revolution -- nothing directly to do with gay rights. The rainbow was later adopted by that group, however peace activists were using it long before then.

I haven't posted here, although I follow the challenges every week. This one inspired me because as another poster noted, it does evoke feelings of nostalgia.... that's art folks. whether the photographer's techniques are beginning to feel like a cliche' or not, the work still evokes emotion. Perhaps this photographer uses this technique with water drops as his signiture style. There isn't a thing wrong with that. Look at Vincent Vercaci's work -- his signiture is the frames that he uses in photoshop. You can tell it is a Versaci when you look at it without seeing his name. Does the technique get old for me? Well yes and no. Sometimes I think that in Versaci's case that the frame is the only thing that makes the picture. . . . But this photo is another matter. What if this photographer would have chosen to use a fisheye lens for several different entries? Helpful photographers might have told him not to over use it, but like with other techniques in photography, sometimes you use a technique until you hit a real winner -- and that's just what this photographer did -- hit a winner.

Nice job. I like it.

Message edited by author 2005-03-08 09:19:41.
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03/08/2005 08:52:57 AM
What an interesting photograph! Very well executed - a joy to view. SUPERB!
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03/08/2005 07:21:47 AM
I think that is one of the nicest pictures I have seen in a while. Since I am a old hippie from those day it rang a bell with me. I had to send it to a friend who last name is Peace I'm sure she will love it also.

Message edited by author 2005-03-08 07:23:25.
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03/07/2005 08:41:21 PM
wow how do you get the water to beed up so nicely
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03/06/2005 05:32:55 PM
wow that is amazing!! good job
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03/06/2005 12:24:20 AM
Kudos on this striking image.
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03/05/2005 08:11:17 PM
Originally posted by Figo:

Christ... I quit dpc. this is ridiculous.

sorry i got carried away i'll stop.
03/05/2005 05:14:29 PM
Christ... I quit dpc. this is ridiculous.
03/05/2005 03:16:13 PM
the little ones look like little aliens smiling at you! :)
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03/05/2005 09:35:57 AM

Message edited by author 2005-03-08 00:51:20.
03/05/2005 05:20:33 AM
Originally posted by mrsamsa:

Originally posted by macronaut:

Originally posted by mrsamsa:

yeah and for some reason you can't make it out of the 4's so why don't you leave spurs alone with his blue ribbon. Great shot spurs

Yea, that is precisely the point. God forbid you try anything original here. Sadly, most real art will be original and not readily understood by their peers. The judging here is for people that want to take a cute picture of their cat or something - not for originality.

Honestly, I am glad I am rated low. It shows that most people here don't have a clue. Which reality has taught me that most people in-fact don't much have. So I must be do something right.

Go be a cow, follow the *&^^#$ herd. Go take the 6,342,953,567 picture of Half Dome, what's the damn point? I will continue to innovate and explore new territory. Thats where its at for me. I am currently working at 8:1 with polarized light. How many people are doing that that you know of?

are you serious? have you seen your pictures? and you dare call them innovative "new territory" you took two badly composed of your trash you got nothing worth looking at more than once. art for most ppl invokes some sort of emotion good or bad as long as it has an affect in some way i look at your "work" i feel nothing i think about my bills or something for all i know you could be a good photographer but from what i see your not.

PS hey look i'm being innovative

WOOOOOW! Holy Photons!

Man, how did you ever make your trash look, well, so much like trash?

Im just in awe. REALLY. Trebling as I peck feebly at this keyboard, bowed down humbly in the presence of your art. Absolutely earth shattering. Brilliant. No what - I am riveted. Wow. That is innovative, and good, very GOOD. I can only dream of attaining such levels in my pitiful experience we call life.

Maybe, just maybe because you are a peon. Maybe you haven't a clue. But what is far more likely is that you got IT ALL FIGURED OUT, MAN. And I am blind, so of course I haven't seen my work.

But sarcasm aside, show me something innovative that you have done. I don't mean that picture of your dog, or pictures of martinis (like thats real original; I haven't seen a zillion ads do the same). Show me something unique. Even garbage has been done, try harder. You may not like my work (hey - thats great - I really couldn't care less for your work), but at least I can say it is original. And It works for me. It works for some people - my audience. I am not trying to make "pop". Pop is for corporations, sellouts and losers - NOT - for artists. My limited edition prints sell for over a thousand dollars. So you can call it garbage if you like, but it gets me off and sells, I couldn't be more pleased.

Again, I am relieved that you think my work presented here it is garbage (I assume you have not visited my website), you only reenforce my rant!
03/04/2005 10:11:41 AM

Message edited by author 2005-03-08 00:51:40.
03/04/2005 05:08:31 AM
Very nice indeed! Peace! Congrats on the blue ribbon, well deserved:) Peace!!
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03/04/2005 02:29:58 AM
Originally posted by mrsamsa:

yeah and for some reason you can't make it out of the 4's so why don't you leave spurs alone with his blue ribbon. Great shot spurs

Yea, that is precisely the point. God forbid you try anything original here. Sadly, most real art will be original and not readily understood by their peers. The judging here is for people that want to take a cute picture of their cat or something - not for originality.

Honestly, I am glad I am rated low. It shows that most people here don't have a clue. Which reality has taught me that most people in-fact don't much have. So I must be do something right.

Go be a cow, follow the *&^^#$ herd. Go take the 6,342,953,567 picture of Half Dome, what's the damn point? I will continue to innovate and explore new territory. Thats where its at for me. I am currently working at 8:1 with polarized light. How many people are doing that that you know of?

Message edited by author 2005-03-04 02:35:21.
03/03/2005 11:26:58 PM
Originally posted by macronaut:

markmyshots sayz: NO one says that about sunsets, waterfalls, birds, and portraits

Um, I do. I say that all of them time. Thanks for reaffirming that I am in fact NO one though. In fact look at my work, I do not have a single picture of a:

1. Sunset
2. Waterfall(s)
3. Bird(s)
4. Portrait(s)

yeah and for some reason you can't make it out of the 4's so why don't you leave spurs alone with his blue ribbon. Great shot spurs
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03/03/2005 11:11:01 PM
I knew this was the one that would win. Some commenters are wrong, peace signs were more 70s than 60s, and really it was the victory sign of WWII. Rainbows were created by God around the beginning of Earth. Even though the idea isn't new, I think the shot is very creative and should have won, as it did. Nice job. Van
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03/03/2005 11:06:06 PM
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03/03/2005 07:20:49 PM
markmyshots sayz: NO one says that about sunsets, waterfalls, birds, and portraits

Um, I do. I say that all of them time. Thanks for reaffirming that I am in fact NO one though. In fact look at my work, I do not have a single picture of a:

1. Sunset
2. Waterfall(s)
3. Bird(s)
4. Portrait(s)

Message edited by author 2005-03-03 19:34:20.
03/03/2005 05:43:18 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon! I make thousands of dollars every year on what some people here would call "cliche" images - it doesn't make them any less good than they are, and this is GOOD. :) Fun shot, very retro.
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03/03/2005 12:03:14 PM
great job...im happy to see it win...

im so tired of people saying that "its been done before" or so and so already did it...thats just silly....

NO one says that about sunsets, waterfalls, birds, and portraits...

whats the difference?? everyone should actually go try to do this shot...its not as easy as it seems..

AGain, great shot....
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03/03/2005 10:34:35 AM
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03/03/2005 04:46:44 AM
I think this won because it is hands-down the most beautiful image submitted for the challenge!
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03/03/2005 03:58:03 AM

wow, i don't get it, I just see drops

isn't the peace sign from the 60's, and the rainbow from the gay revloution?

not even on-topic or original, but it wins first place???

Its not that I don't respect your work (its not a _bad_ shot), its just that I don't understand the voters.

Message edited by author 2005-03-03 04:29:48.
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03/03/2005 03:23:29 AM
setzler, or someone before him, did this a long time ago. sorry but i just cant give it up for this

Message edited by author 2005-03-03 03:23:53.
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03/02/2005 11:21:09 PM
While it's a great photo, I'm growing tired of seeing this technique being reused a million times on DPC
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03/02/2005 07:17:15 PM
Congrats on your ribbon. Don't know how some scored 1 and 2. I tried this after seeing this and come up with some not bad results.

Thanks for inspiring

Message edited by author 2005-03-02 19:19:49.
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03/02/2005 05:08:59 PM
Congratulations on your Blue, your first ribbon, personal best and Leader of the Pack in this challenge...cool! Great Work, wouldn't have changed anything!
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03/02/2005 02:56:22 PM
I think its cool that the smaller drops look like alien smiley faces. I didn't vote, but I can see why this got so many 10s. Nice job!
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03/02/2005 02:25:49 PM
Congratulations on the ribbbon, but i must say that i´m amazed that this picture wound up in 1st place. It has become a bit of a cliché!
I probably would have rated it higher if it had a bit of a twist in it, like the peace sign would be in the middle of at least one drop!

Anyhow still a good picture :)
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03/02/2005 12:07:04 PM
Just a thought the peace sign is a 60s thing because of the war
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03/02/2005 09:33:43 AM
Setzler remake or not, this is exceptionally well thought out and executed- bravo! Congrats on your first ribbon!
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03/02/2005 08:50:25 AM
Congratulations, I thought you deserved to win.
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03/02/2005 08:21:54 AM
I was hoping this one would win a the "BLUE". Congratulations on a wonderfully executed work of art with great detail. _\/,, Peace...
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03/02/2005 06:54:39 AM
wow great job!!! glad to see you won!
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03/02/2005 05:41:35 AM
Congrats on a very well executed shot ...best in the challenge
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03/02/2005 05:08:04 AM
My pick for 1st, congrats! Good on you, this is a standout in this challenge and water droplets have come to the fore once more!
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03/02/2005 03:35:21 AM
Congratulations on your first blue ribbon. Must be a good feeling, all your hard work paid off. I was one of your 10's Great job !
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03/02/2005 02:20:16 AM
Well done! This was my pick for the first place, I didn't get around to voting this time.
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03/02/2005 01:53:01 AM
Hey CONGRATS!!! well done!
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03/02/2005 01:51:27 AM
woohoo! nice shot and a nice addition to the Fuji S5000 camera page! Congrats on the top placing.
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03/02/2005 01:51:18 AM
Fantastic picture ! Congrats on your first ribbon !
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03/02/2005 01:48:06 AM
Congrats....very well executed!
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03/02/2005 01:40:00 AM
Congratulations. well done
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03/02/2005 01:29:37 AM
not original
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03/02/2005 01:07:13 AM
Originally posted by jpochard:

Congratulations on your win...and taking top honors for your camera with this shot as well.

I loved this shot, but I hope to also take top honors, someday, with this camera, no offense, hehe... Nice shot!!!
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03/02/2005 12:09:05 AM
WooHoo - first time I ever picked 1st place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats again!!!!

EDIT: I just read the comments you got throughout the challenge and am amazed at some of negativity. I am so glad you got your well-deserved ribbon in spite of any misgivings!!!

Message edited by author 2005-03-02 00:27:46.
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03/02/2005 12:06:35 AM
Congratulations on your win...and taking top honors for your camera with this shot as well.
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03/02/2005 12:04:48 AM
Hey, this was undoubtably the best photo of the contest. It just makes you go "Wow."
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03/02/2005 12:04:47 AM
Way to go Mark! Congrats!
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03/02/2005 12:03:42 AM
very cool. congrats on the win!
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03/02/2005 12:00:50 AM
WOW! Congrats man! :o)
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03/02/2005 12:00:31 AM
I know there are some that think its worn out. It will never wear out. There's always sunsets, flowers, people, and many more things that are the same and someone out there that is going to shoot it. Look at it this way. Your in your studio, you use lights and a subject. Everybody uses subject. I just used a peace sign. Thx JS

I'm sure it won't be the last time something like this will be done and I hope not, becuase there a enjoyable to look at. I'm new to photography and this kind of shot was new to me, so I had to try it. Guess this image was right place, right timing.

Now I had one HECK of week.... the comments from everyone were very AWESOME !!! Thank you so very much everyone! I Have not had much sleep either, have a broken right hand....needed something to cheer me up. Would really like to thank BP for helping me with my first print. I will never be able to beat this score, but I hope.

Happy Shooting-Mark Thomas Kelsay
 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/01/2005 11:19:01 PM
I like this one alot.
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03/01/2005 10:14:43 PM
Very very cool!!
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03/01/2005 09:19:31 PM
I've seen the technique before on DPC, but I still like it. Really fits the challenge. Nice colors, good focus. 7
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03/01/2005 09:03:57 PM
These are always so cool, it's just a shame we have seen so many of them before. None the less I'll give you an 8.
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03/01/2005 03:40:29 PM
Whilst this has been done a number of times, the peace sign works here for me...
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03/01/2005 02:25:20 PM
this is just perfect. a perfect 10! A ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :)
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03/01/2005 01:16:57 PM
Nice shot. Maybe a little busy and could have been cropped a little tighter, perhaps removing the left third or so.
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03/01/2005 01:03:08 PM
Crazy beautiful.
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03/01/2005 03:25:07 AM
You here users on this site say I am going to vote down a photograph because I have seen it over and over again. Your photograph is one of the reason I don't agree with that theory. I have tried shot's like this and they are hard and you never know what the outcome will be. So I like the fact you went with a style that has been used a lot but adding one of the most popular symbols of the 70's in your photograph. I think the colors add to the depth of your photograph. So to all that says I'm tired of seeing the same tricks, styles, pictures, etc.... You Earned a 9 from me.
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02/28/2005 06:06:40 AM
Should have cropped the distortion at the edges and upper part or avoided it by using a spherical glass.
Anyways, it's just great as this photo touches me.
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02/27/2005 10:56:16 PM
Oh wow!
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02/27/2005 07:18:25 PM
Nice [8]
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02/27/2005 05:28:33 PM
peace symbol evokes the 60's to me. Curious how you did the image though.
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02/27/2005 05:10:03 PM
Very cool photo. Nice job.
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02/27/2005 01:15:24 PM
A really nice pic.I love the technique , and the message ! Peace and Love maaan ! lol
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02/27/2005 07:35:25 AM
Wonderful work! What liquid did you use?
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02/26/2005 11:44:53 PM
Though you have an awesome picture, I think it lacks originality, for I have seen a photo just like this (the pattern was the american flag) in a previous challenge (transparency). Thats why you dont get a 10 (only a 9 ++). Great photo anyway. Congratulations.
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02/26/2005 09:10:40 PM
Realy Cool Photo no matter what year !
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02/26/2005 04:23:11 PM
good colors, good idea... too overdone here.
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02/26/2005 03:09:58 PM
I love it. Great background, and great tiny balls that have the feeling of bubbles. Excellent theme photo. Nice use of repetition and color.
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02/26/2005 12:59:26 PM
Neat picture. Well done.
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02/26/2005 12:41:03 PM
wow, would love to know how you accomplished this. Water drops on glass? Or is it bubbles in some sort of liquid? Would definately hope that this does well, top 3 at least. (10)
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02/26/2005 11:06:40 AM
Very clever. "How did you do it?"
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02/26/2005 07:30:30 AM
great concept, really interesting to look at :o)

well done!! ads :o)
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02/26/2005 01:34:58 AM
That is a fricken cool shot! I know it's a simple (hah!) effect, but the skill with which you have executed it is great. The clarity and sharpness of the drops is awesome. 10.
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02/26/2005 01:34:07 AM
Perfection: technically and in the spirit of the challenge. 10+ in my opinion.
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02/25/2005 09:14:34 PM
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02/25/2005 08:07:16 PM
This HAS to ribbon! Far Out...Bitchen...Groovy etc. 10
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02/25/2005 04:57:20 PM
Wow! As much as I despise the peace symbol, this is a superb photograph!
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02/25/2005 12:51:31 PM
Well executed..nice color/focus but not a new concept. 7
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02/25/2005 11:54:14 AM
plagiarism :)
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02/25/2005 10:43:15 AM
Good shot
Good luck
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02/25/2005 07:05:07 AM
Wow. That's it. Just wow.
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02/24/2005 10:11:49 PM
Very coo,l excellent, perfect.
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02/24/2005 08:12:34 PM
BLUUUUUUE RIBBON. Great shot. A BIG 10. The best in this competition. I am going to try this one day.
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02/24/2005 06:30:03 PM
I love it! A 10 from me. One of my top 3 picks.
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02/24/2005 06:17:39 PM
i would have loved to have this as a huge poster when i was about 19. the colours are beautiful. as well as comopsition, well balanced. keep up the good work.
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02/24/2005 04:14:37 PM
Conceptually interesting, and the photo is suberb.
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02/24/2005 02:59:40 PM
Very cool
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02/24/2005 01:20:32 PM
This is amazing...I'm still trying to figure out how it was done.
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02/24/2005 12:31:11 PM
i LOVE it!!!
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02/24/2005 12:05:47 PM
This is very nicely done, but I am having a negative reaction to the total lack of originality, the waterdrops thing is getting to be a cliche here. Plus, it seems way too "modern" for a 70's challenge. Gave you a 6.
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02/24/2005 10:54:23 AM
this is wonderful! great idea perfectly executed - 10.
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02/24/2005 09:13:51 AM
Ya just may win a ribbon on this one.
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02/24/2005 09:11:33 AM
Crisp, flawless, highly communicative.
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02/24/2005 08:39:31 AM
One of moust artistic ideas... nice done...
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02/24/2005 07:52:00 AM
very good concept. Looks great. Good job.
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02/24/2005 03:06:30 AM
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02/23/2005 11:43:20 PM
pic of the litter, if you don't win it's a crime!
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02/23/2005 10:24:55 PM
Similar concept worked twice (that I can remember) - once with US and once with UK flag
[thumb]2892[/thumb] and

I don't see why it couldn't work this time. Taking someone else's (or perhaps your own - I can't tell now of course) idea and making the best out of it is not so bad. The fact that I have seen something similar to this one and haven't seen something similar to other people's does not mean they did not borrow someone else's concept. I'm trying to say that I am not going to score you down for lack of originality if I like what I see, and I do like what I see.

bumping up to 8 in the second pass.
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02/23/2005 08:34:16 PM
love it and the colours in the droplets, well done and good luck !
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02/23/2005 08:33:21 PM
best one!
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02/23/2005 07:57:25 PM
Very well done. A difficult task to capture the essence of the 70s in a photo. - 8
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02/23/2005 04:47:45 PM
I love it, but u totally cheesed over the photo of the american flag exactly like this one.
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02/23/2005 02:48:31 PM
This is nice. Good choice of image to be visible in the water droplets.
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02/23/2005 02:31:26 PM
Well executed, unfortunately this type of picture has been milked to death already.
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02/23/2005 02:29:44 PM
This is clever... similar shots have been done before on DPC but this is still very good.
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02/23/2005 01:21:51 PM
Even though this has been done several times before, you have pulled it off masterfully! The colors are great, and you executed this one beautifully. A 10 from me. I'll be very surprised if this isn't wearing a ribbon at the end of the challenge.
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02/23/2005 11:27:32 AM
FREAKING COOL. I love this shot.
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02/23/2005 11:21:45 AM
How'd ya do that?!?! Cool 10
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02/23/2005 11:09:11 AM
Very nice, my highest rated image.
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02/23/2005 10:39:48 AM
This is really lovely!
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02/23/2005 09:39:45 AM
awesome! How'd you do that? (9)
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02/23/2005 09:08:23 AM
very creative...a bit modern though
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02/23/2005 09:07:30 AM
I predict this photo is taking the blue ribbon.
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02/23/2005 08:47:41 AM
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02/23/2005 08:11:50 AM
excellent picture. Should be a ribbon here. Good luck
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02/23/2005 07:47:40 AM
If I had to be picky it would be to say that to me this is more '60s. However, I am in awe of your ability to create such an image and I can only aspire to one day do the same-9
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02/23/2005 07:25:58 AM
so cool.
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02/23/2005 04:44:54 AM
one of the best
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02/23/2005 03:24:12 AM
wow!!! very cool idea!!!! nice i love it!! i give you a gr10 good luck!!!!!!!
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02/23/2005 01:50:49 AM
love it
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02/23/2005 12:21:09 AM
Execellent capture. You should pick up the blue with this. (10)
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Current Server Time: 03/12/2025 02:08:34 AM EDT.