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Sky Falling
Sky Falling

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Upside Down (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: George Rogers Park, Lake Oswego ,OR
Date: Nov 10, 2001
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Date Uploaded: May 8, 2002

I used PS to adjust he levels some and a hint of curves. Then finished it up with a dash of sharpening.

Place: 9 out of 103
Avg (all users): 6.5773
Avg (commenters): 8.1538
Avg (participants): 6.5513
Avg (non-participants): 6.5948
Views since voting: 1981
Votes: 194
Comments: 30
Favorites: 4 (view)

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05/20/2002 09:58:00 AM
I was very surprised to see this did not rank much higher. I loved this photo. If this is what we have to look forward to, can't wait to see your upcoming entries.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/19/2002 10:35:00 PM
This is really well done. It looks abstract and painterly at the same time.
05/19/2002 09:43:00 PM
this looks almost mystical, awesome photo.
05/19/2002 08:31:00 PM
This shot is great. You've really used upside-down to destroy my sense of 'usual'. Nicely done.
05/19/2002 03:54:00 PM
Nice reflection -- the trees are virtually perfect. I find myself wishing that the branch and rocks and dead leaves weren't in the picture, but short of you trudging into the water and taking them out, I don't know what you could do about it. Along those lines, I'd also love to see this same shot taken on a slightly less cloudy day to get some more of that blue in the reflection -- the cloudy portions let me see through the water just a bit too easily. But, since you can't control the weather... :-)
05/16/2002 10:43:00 PM
i really like this one, mostly because it is more original than the others that used reflections in water.
05/16/2002 06:38:00 PM
yeah. no one else got this down quite right. mad props.
05/16/2002 07:17:00 AM
Without the title, I would wonder why you hadn't rotated it 180 degrees. I think it might have been more effective if you cropped out the bushes in the top right though. Very surrealistic.
05/16/2002 01:11:00 AM
Wow... may I frame it?
05/15/2002 11:37:00 PM
wow this is an awesome picture definitely a 10 how did you do it
05/15/2002 10:50:00 PM
this is beautiful...really really nice.
05/15/2002 05:42:00 PM
this is a great photo. i love the log - it adds a lot to the picture. this is one of the best reflection pictures for this challenge.
05/15/2002 03:07:00 AM
This kind of shot was done so many times, but this was one of the few I think was done really REALLY well.
05/14/2002 08:34:00 PM
wow, this picture totally fooled me at first...amazing job, nice setup unbelievable
05/14/2002 04:13:00 PM
I like how you've made static objects seem to be in motion...well-cropped to show (hide?) false perspective...
05/14/2002 11:35:00 AM
Very good! (fisheye?) I really like the "objects" in the water. I'm not certain whether I like the rocks on the shore or not (right upper corner).
Photo 10 Creative 10 Upsidedown 9 total 10
Are the trees really "fall" color? (i.e. was this photo really taken last week?) (you really nailed this one!)
05/13/2002 06:19:00 PM
Very clear, bit of an overdone idea though. 8/10
05/13/2002 05:29:00 PM
05/13/2002 05:00:00 PM
doood. keeeler reflection. and crisp as fudge! im impressed!
05/13/2002 04:36:00 PM
05/13/2002 03:34:00 PM
Nice shot good use of the reflection to hide the actual aspect of the photograph.
05/13/2002 03:34:00 PM
Nicely done. Good job.
05/13/2002 12:44:00 PM
nice reflcetion shot... it looks like YOU were upside down to make this one! Good job...
05/13/2002 12:43:00 PM
Great photo. Must've been hard to get a shot when the water was that still.
05/13/2002 12:00:00 PM
Very clever. In my top 4
05/13/2002 11:57:00 AM
Very creative photo....
05/13/2002 11:23:00 AM
much better than the other reflections.
05/13/2002 10:06:00 AM
Interesting perspective.
05/13/2002 08:04:00 AM
Nice use of a reflection here, it's very clear what we're looking at with the added debris. Well done.
05/13/2002 07:46:00 AM
This is very artistic. I will bet that people either love or hate it. I hope it is seen as art.

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