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Riding the Waves
3rd PlaceRiding the Waves

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Ansel Adams (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G5
Location: Bandon, Oregon
Date: Mar 6, 2005
Aperture: F/8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/200 sec
Galleries: Black and White, Seascapes
Date Uploaded: Mar 6, 2005

I know, I know... not very Ansel Adams. There really hasn't been the sky for it here, and I don't have any mountainous vistas or a trained eye, so... this chance shot at the beach will have to do. I went hoping to get some nice ocean shots, and I saw this horserider; I managed to snap three photos before she rode out of view, into the shadows.

Not the one I intended to enter, given the challenge, but I couldn't resist submitting it. I think it's pretty.

Editing: Rotated, cropped, resized, curves/levels, conversion to b&w, dodging and burning, Neat Image, sharpening (faded), adjustment layers.

Place: 3 out of 292
Avg (all users): 7.1633
Avg (commenters): 8.5172
Avg (participants): 6.9577
Avg (non-participants): 7.4466
Views since voting: 10358
Votes: 245
Comments: 73
Favorites: 34 (view)

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10/26/2005 07:03:39 PM
Originally posted by missinseattle:

Is that Cannon Beach by any chance? I grew up going to the OR coast every summer and see in your profile you are from OR. We spent most of our time in Lincoln City.

It's actually further south, in Bandon... that's a bit south of Coos Bay, so figure around 230 miles from Cannon Beach :) There's a lot of pretty, rocky coastline in Oregon, though.
10/26/2005 06:20:37 PM
That's beautiful!
I'm just being nosey and browsing profiles to see what kind of shots people are taking lol.

Is that Cannon Beach by any chance? I grew up going to the OR coast every summer and see in your profile you are from OR. We spent most of our time in Lincoln City.
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10/04/2005 02:10:07 AM
ill be perfectly honest with you, I scored a few more photos higher than this one in the AA challenge. But however..this was way above the average in tone depth and person and horse turn this into a magical image.
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07/05/2005 05:24:02 PM
WOW! Fantastic shot! Really beautiful use of B/W. Lighting is superb.
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03/16/2005 01:39:48 PM
Beautiful photo, should have done better... congrats anyway.
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03/14/2005 10:40:45 PM
Very nicely done. Congrats on your first ribbon. I love the rocks. I wish I lived near something like this.
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03/14/2005 09:02:29 PM
Congratulations on your first ribbon with this stunning image! Just beautiful!
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03/14/2005 08:05:19 PM
WOW! thats thats my dream to ride my horse down on the beach like that! great shot, defidently my favorite!
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03/14/2005 03:37:56 PM
Pretty. You're really doing some great stuff lately! Congrats on the ribbon!
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03/14/2005 02:41:27 PM
Very nice photo! Sorry I didn't get to vote on this challenge but you did a great job. Congrats on your first ribbon!
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03/14/2005 01:40:00 PM
What a beautiful photo! Well done, congrats on the ribbon.
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03/14/2005 12:32:33 PM
But your technique was exquisite. Nicely done. Congratulations on your ribbon.
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03/14/2005 11:17:50 AM
A beautiful image. Congratulations on your first ribbon and high score!
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03/14/2005 09:17:18 AM
Absolutely a wonderful shot - very deserving ribbon win in a tough challenge. Congratulations!
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03/14/2005 05:59:26 AM
You must be so glad you decided to enter this shot. Congrats on the ribbon.
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03/14/2005 04:42:40 AM
Well done on your ribbon and fantastic photo... I knew it was just a question of time!
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03/14/2005 03:12:51 AM
Congrats on the ribbon, Julia! It's been a long time coming and is very well deserved. Hope it's just the first of many. :-)
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03/14/2005 02:13:54 AM
A lovely print. Congratulations!
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03/14/2005 02:08:59 AM
Wow Julia, this is pure.
The tones and composition here are beautiful!
Congrats on your 3rd placing in this tough challenege.
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03/14/2005 01:49:31 AM
Congrats !
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03/14/2005 01:38:21 AM
Congrats on a well deserved ribbon and an awesome capture!
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03/14/2005 01:25:06 AM
Congratulations on your first ribbon Julia! It is well deserved! This is a beautiful photo.
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03/14/2005 01:17:52 AM
Long overdue, congrats :)
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03/14/2005 01:04:28 AM
this is stunning, well done on your ribbon
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03/14/2005 12:44:37 AM
You were correct that the shot is "pretty". No problem with the lack of clouds as you made the most of the landscape you had. Great job and congrats on the ribbon.
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03/14/2005 12:44:03 AM
Congratulations Julia on a very well deserved ribbon :) Gorgeous shot!
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03/14/2005 12:34:52 AM
Congratulations for your ribbon, picture was fantastic.
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03/14/2005 12:32:45 AM
Congrats your first ribbon !! you definatly deserved it with this amazing landscape!! Oregon is on a roll !!! However, you really captured Ansel's spirit with good tonal range. Keep up the good work and hope there will be many more ribbons your way!
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03/14/2005 12:32:31 AM
Wonderful shot and a deserved ribbon.
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03/14/2005 12:27:49 AM
Julia... Congrats on your first ribbon with another in a long series of terrific Oregon Coast pictures. Great job. Well deserved. You guys are starting to compete with the Icelandic contingent. :) I'm a born and bred Oregonian and always like these shots. Makes me miss my home state.
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03/14/2005 12:26:57 AM
Welcome to the Yellow Ribbon Club! :)

I got to visit the Oregon Coast a while back and I fell in love....great shot.
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03/14/2005 12:25:58 AM
I am a fan of your work. Congrats.
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03/14/2005 12:19:16 AM
This is such a beautiful shot. WAy to go!
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03/14/2005 12:15:12 AM
Beautiful! Congrat's Julia!
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03/14/2005 12:14:31 AM
exquisite. the fog/silhouettes in the distance really set it off.
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03/14/2005 12:13:23 AM
absolutely bloody marvelous! gorgeous foto!
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03/14/2005 12:13:21 AM
Very nice! Congratulations on the ribbon!
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03/14/2005 12:12:31 AM
Julia this is marvelous and my first choice. Congrastulations on your yellow. Wow!
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03/14/2005 12:12:20 AM
You got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy dance all around!!!!
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03/14/2005 12:11:28 AM
Congrats Julia! Finally!!!! :o)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/13/2005 10:00:42 PM
Composition: 9
Technical: 10, Good tone range in this tough exposure situation
Appeal: 10, Absolutely beautiful. Love the atmospheric feel
Challenge: 10
Overall Calculated Average Score: 10
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03/13/2005 09:28:42 PM
Intriguing and to the point of this challenge. bumping up.
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03/13/2005 08:04:38 PM
Wow, is this oregon? Looks like dreamland.. 10
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03/13/2005 02:18:43 PM
you've capture the dramatic lighting and sky, well composed, interesting subject... one of my ribbon picks this challenge -- well done!
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03/13/2005 10:15:01 AM
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03/13/2005 08:09:54 AM
This has got to be one of the top pictures in this challenge. I really like the soft tones and smooth transitions. The subject is interesting and different than most of the other entries. I'm not sure if AA would have a horse and rider in a shot like this, but I still like it alot. The only suggestion I would make would be to crop out the rock and water from the bottom of the picture. I think it distracts slightly from the rest of this georgeous shot. Great job
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03/12/2005 03:03:29 PM
yet another very well done oregon coast!!
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03/12/2005 08:43:39 AM
You nailed it. This image has everything going for it. Great look and feel.
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03/12/2005 06:45:55 AM
I really like the atmosphere here, but the dark patch of sand in the bottom centre keeps drawing my eye away from the rest of this lovely image.
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03/11/2005 12:58:59 PM
Dreamy. I like this one because it has a point of interest. Think I would like it more with some of the lower beach cropped out and a lower horizon. Nice.
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03/10/2005 10:46:32 PM
Incredible shot, exposure, focus, sharpness--perfection. I don't remember seeing too many shots of the ocean in Adams' portfolio, but if there is one it would probably look llike this--10
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03/10/2005 08:49:36 PM
Perfect, the shot is fantastic with the different contrast on the rocks as they get farther away, but the horse rider put it to another level. 10
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03/10/2005 07:18:01 AM
This shot could have been made by the master himself. It has a great tonal range. The only thing I might change would be to crop the bottom a little tighter to eliminate the dark rock abd the highlight at the bottom right. Excellent work!
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03/10/2005 06:41:19 AM
Wonderful shot. I am just fairly bored with the rocky ocean shot now, it has been played so much here at DP. Would have been a 10 but used to much so a 5
03/10/2005 03:33:09 AM
Awesome tones, great composition 10
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03/09/2005 05:57:27 PM
Very nice composition, simple enough, with interesting lighting. I wonder if it would't be improved by cropping a bit tighter at the bottom. Great picture anyhow (10)
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03/09/2005 05:40:33 PM
Beautiful. one of the best.
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03/09/2005 04:42:23 PM
Top5 I reckon, great atmospheric pic. 10 from me.
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03/09/2005 02:53:06 PM
Having spent a little time reading up on Ansel and looking through his work I now appreciate the 'style' more than I did for my own entry! (so I screwed up a little!)

This entry however is very much along the right lines, excellent work.
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03/09/2005 01:26:17 PM
Very nice..only your foreground is a bit distracting.
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03/09/2005 08:21:31 AM
Just beautiful!
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03/09/2005 08:12:16 AM
Real nice done...artistic piece...
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03/09/2005 12:10:32 AM
Beautiful. I do wish the horse and rider were a bit more at an angle so it is more evident what it is. The tones, composition and mood to this shot is just wonderful IMO. Congratulations on a great job. This will make a wonderful print.
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03/08/2005 05:46:48 PM
Lovely! The lone equestrian figure fits into the scene nicely. Tones are really marvelous. 10
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03/08/2005 01:57:36 PM
omg- this is fabulous
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03/08/2005 01:55:29 PM
this is so cool - my winner prediction for this challenge - excellently done a well deserved 10!
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03/08/2005 11:12:50 AM
wish you were here! very good shots congrats
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03/08/2005 04:43:49 AM
would have been better without the horse and ride - just my opinion (i'm sure others love it) - lovely scenery and great shadows.
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03/07/2005 08:29:23 PM
Great shot. Looks like Ansel on horseback.
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03/07/2005 06:19:35 PM
Needs more detail in the shadows
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03/07/2005 12:53:30 PM
The sea mist softens the background, moving this photo out of that unique Adams style of clarity, sharpness in the details in foreground and background. Cool location. Great black & white.
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03/07/2005 11:53:20 AM
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03/07/2005 02:42:59 AM
Very rich, compositionally a bit pat. There's essentially nothing happening in the bottom half of the picture. The rendring of the rocks is exquiste, and you have dealt very well with the backlit sky.
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