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A Moderate Majestic Malaise
A Moderate Majestic Malaise

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Bored (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5200
Location: Majestic Hotel, Hot Springs, AR
Date: Mar 20, 2005
Aperture: 1:2.8
ISO: 64
Shutter: 1/2 sec
Galleries: Emotive, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Mar 22, 2005

This photo is my first try at selective desaturation. I first cropped the photo, then adjusted brightness and contrast. I then adjusted hue and saturation. I finally resized and unsharp masked it.

This was taken at the historic Majestic hotel in Hot Springs AR.

Place: 85 out of 257
Avg (all users): 5.0706
Avg (commenters): 5.0625
Avg (participants): 4.9588
Avg (non-participants): 5.1337
Views since voting: 1054
Views during voting: 463
Votes: 269
Comments: 19
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/29/2005 08:32:28 PM
This has the makings...almost.
Your selective de-sat is right on.
The extra saturation on the yellow, unfortunately, shows up badly on her feet.
A little more room to the left. A more level horizon. Just a bit more (or less) of the plant at the top....
So darn close!
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03/29/2005 09:27:34 AM
This is a nice shot. I like the coloring used where you only colored certain objects. Nice work.
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03/27/2005 10:47:45 PM
I really like this compositionally, but I'm not so sure about the selective desat. Ido really like the "ghosts" from the long exposure, they really give the feeling of time passing. Nice work.
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03/27/2005 06:47:30 PM
03/26/2005 10:17:45 PM
Interesting, Glad to see it validated, Does look like selected saturation. Nice job.......8
  Photographer found comment helpful.
03/26/2005 03:36:19 PM
I liked your concept of going for a sort of a plain monochromatic look, but there are two misty, whitish and out of focus places in the background that are very distracting and pull the photo down.
03/26/2005 11:15:12 AM
a mouthful of mysterious markups
03/25/2005 09:29:39 PM
looks like you tried some selective desaturation, which failed. The yellow spots left all over the subject are very distracting. Not really sure what you were going for by desaturationg everything but green & yellow. Sorry.
03/24/2005 08:49:24 PM
I didn't know that you could do this type of editing in this contest. But I'm new
03/24/2005 08:03:36 PM
i dont feel that the desat adds anything of value to this pic. sorry
03/24/2005 06:55:39 PM
Definitely got the bored look - Wonder why her head looks desaturated?
03/24/2005 06:08:03 PM
too much photoshop
03/23/2005 07:30:47 PM
Interesting use of desaturization. The figures behind the couch seem too ghostly; I'd prefer to see them more distinctly or not at all.
03/23/2005 04:41:05 PM
I see people moving in the background, strange photo, slow shutter speed, interesting. Well done.
03/23/2005 03:56:40 PM
I used this technique for my entry as well. My only problem here is it dosen't seem to hightlight anything in particular. If anything here, it sort of confuses the scean. This may have been what you were going for, but I don't think it was. Over all exposure is good, tho I'm not quites sure what the blurred motion in the back is supposed to add. I hope you don't take this as overly criticle, I only make the suggestions in order to help for next time.

03/23/2005 02:30:59 PM
cool concept, some editing problems keep it from scoring higher.
03/23/2005 09:08:20 AM
Not sure what to make of the blurs in the background and how they fit or what might have been removed.
03/23/2005 03:22:16 AM
like the color and the concept there are a few strange blurs i cant figure out. and a few too yellow spots on the girls feet and hands it might have been better with her in all b&w.
03/23/2005 12:36:50 AM
Can't say I like the selective desaturation in this case....my eyes are drawn to the plant, not the girl

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