Golgotha, boneyard, boot hill, catacomb, charnel, charnel house, churchyard, cold storage, crypt, eternal home, funerary grounds, garden, grave, graveyard, headstone, marble town, memorial park, mortuary, necropolis, ossuary, polyandrium, potter's field, resting place, sepulcher, tomb, vault... those were some of the words I read for a definition of cemetery.
Anyhow, I know I will probably get shot down for "not meeting the challenge", but it was an image I wanted to enter.
Adjust hue & sat, sharpened, cropped, lightened, Neat Image, a small amount of cloning, desat greens, blues, cyans, partial deasat of reds, yellow cast
Place: 267 out of 281 Avg (all users): 4.4301 Avg (commenters): 4.2500 Avg (participants): 4.3840 Avg (non-participants): 4.5246 Views since voting: 1407 Views during voting: 302 Votes: 186 Comments: 12 Favorites: 2 (view)
Yes, I got shot down... boy that smarts a little bit! Anyhow, moving on... I think the photo was technically good, just not the right challenge. I will have to wait for the "Sunk Boat" challenge and then re-shoot this scene.
I am making two passes on this Challenge. I will vote on your photo then return later(before voting is over) to comment on what I like and dislike about your shot. You can take the comments however you wish and I will try not to be mean. Just don't take it the wrong way.
Someone thought outside the box. Nice work. Although people will take away from your score thinking where is the graveyard? I won't. On technical merit it is good. I would like to see the red pop a little more. Good composition. The border I think distract from the photo.
I like the colors of the boat name and in the bow, the tress in the background seem a little muted. Overall I really like this photo, plus I think you took a nice chance by taking a picture of an unconventional headstone. 8