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Special Delivery
Special Delivery

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Upside Down (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 880
Location: USA
Date: May 11, 2002
Aperture: Not Listed in EXIF
ISO: Not Listed in EXIF
Shutter: Not Listed in EXIF
Date Uploaded: May 12, 2002

This is the 8th of 22 photos. I kept the green channel, removed the color, equalized, sharpened, resized and sharpened again.

Place: 12 out of 103
Avg (all users): 6.5211
Avg (commenters): 7.9355
Avg (participants): 6.6622
Avg (non-participants): 6.4310
Views since voting: 1645
Votes: 190
Comments: 37
Favorites: 9 (view)

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07/13/2002 02:33:00 AM
EXCELLENT PHOTO, surprised it didn't rank higher... great concept, amazing execution
05/20/2002 10:05:00 AM
I really thought this one would win.
05/20/2002 10:00:00 AM
I too was surprised this didn't rank higher, loved this photo. Great job.
05/20/2002 12:12:00 AM
I cannot believe this photo didn't place higher... it was my favorite of the bunch. At least know the photo is outstanding, and the interpretation of upside-down is second to none :)
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/19/2002 09:47:00 PM
ha, so true. love the b&w for this, great job.
05/19/2002 06:40:00 PM
Good contrast!
05/18/2002 10:01:00 PM
Looking at this for a second time, I just *have* to comment on the textures! This photo is very tactile, and the wet, broken, upside down package is very funny. It's a 9 from me.
05/17/2002 04:50:00 PM
Do you work for UPS? Nice set-up, and nicely done.
05/17/2002 04:28:00 PM
Excellent photo, deserves to win.
05/17/2002 12:39:00 PM
statretd out as one of my favorites this week and stayed in my top 10.

Great elements, Nice technical command definitely a top 10 photo this week.
05/17/2002 12:20:00 AM
haha, that's funny, you should have weathered the print out a little more, but the composition is really well done, and the black and white really adds to the idea
05/16/2002 10:19:00 PM
very true to life
05/16/2002 07:27:00 AM
Haha. A good choice for black and white, I think.
05/16/2002 01:18:00 AM
Ewwww... This kind of 'upside down' is hardly welcome!
05/16/2002 12:51:00 AM
Love the idea and it's a great b&w composition, the water running down the box is great and it almost looks like a drawing. I really am drawn to this pic. Good Job!
05/16/2002 12:13:00 AM
Nice use of upsidedown, I am kinda relived to know I am not the only one to get pakages delivered like that.
05/15/2002 06:08:00 PM
This is a very technically nice photo, but I didnt find it all that intreguing.
05/14/2002 05:05:00 PM
great contrast, classic B&W's always score high with me. One of my top three.
05/14/2002 02:50:00 PM
good use of B&W and plenty of interesting textures. UPS brings me a lot of packages in that condition!
05/14/2002 01:27:00 PM
Don't tip the UPS man. Photo 8 Creativity 7 Upsidedown 8 total 8
05/14/2002 11:14:00 AM
the optical crispness of this shot is amazing. i am thinking this is a very nice camera to be able to resolve so well. kudos also on your post processing skills.
05/14/2002 09:33:00 AM
I really like this. The picture gets you to stop and think. There's certainly a story to this one.
05/14/2002 04:16:00 AM
It's my devoutly held opinion that they should change the name to UPF, because they seem to think they're doing be a big favor whan they bring me stuff. Very nice textures and tone here, but a little busy.
05/14/2002 12:51:00 AM
"special" indeed...
05/13/2002 10:41:00 PM
My initial idea was very similar, with the upside down box.
This is a much better setup than I could come up with. Great job on the subject matter. Love the mangled box, too. This one does great in black n white, as well.
Good Job.
05/13/2002 09:18:00 PM
I really like this. Makes a great black and white. While I love the label for this challenge, I'd like to see it even more without it but with some kind of shipping label so you know that the box shouldn't be distressed even though it is. (That last doesn't apply to the way I'm voting though.) :-)
05/13/2002 08:14:00 PM
So amazingly good. Amazing tones, amazing subject, amazing composition. Great job.
05/13/2002 08:13:00 PM
So nice. Very very very well setup.
05/13/2002 06:48:00 PM
05/13/2002 06:47:00 PM
What a great shot. Raw and natural looking. Really like the use of B&W.
05/13/2002 03:35:00 PM
Very nice, great tones.......good work.
05/13/2002 02:30:00 PM
Very nice. I was going to try this shot, but I think you pulled it off better than I would have.
05/13/2002 01:41:00 PM
Excellent shot! Very nice use of black and white.
05/13/2002 11:25:00 AM
a perfect 10
05/13/2002 10:16:00 AM
Very, very nice. Wouldn't have been half the picture without the Welcome mat.
05/13/2002 04:35:00 AM
The b/w really works on this.
05/13/2002 04:32:00 AM
Very nice use of black and white.

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