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Abandoned  ...  Or Is It  ?
Abandoned ... Or Is It ?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Abandoned Buildings (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Nikon D70
Location: Bradford, Ontario
Date: Apr 10, 2005
Aperture: f3.8
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 8 sec
Galleries: Performance, Rural
Date Uploaded: Apr 10, 2005

Yes in case you have not already figured it out this is Cassie from my Cemetery challange shot.

My daughter and I went to the site of this abandoned house (me a little nervous, her dressed as Cassie). It was completely pitch dark, I had to set up the camera using the headlights of my vehicle. I set the tripod up in front of the house setting the shutter to 8 seconds. The model sat in front for about 3 seconds and then jumped out of the way. I lay in the grass and fired the camera. Thats pretty well it. We had a great time taking the shot but we were a little spooked with the location and subject matter.

Hope it does well ...


Place: 31 out of 500
Avg (all users): 6.0658
Avg (commenters): 7.2778
Avg (participants): 5.7104
Avg (non-participants): 6.5441
Views since voting: 2407
Views during voting: 581
Votes: 319
Comments: 45
Favorites: 11 (view)

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01/09/2008 12:28:21 PM
Lovely image and really imaginative.
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04/21/2005 04:55:59 AM
I too loved this picture, you really captured a feeling that really suits the house itself. I think it should have done better. Anyway congrats on a really awesome image!
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04/20/2005 07:25:19 AM
Like I said during voting, this was the only 10 I gave out. I thought it should have won.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/19/2005 07:28:34 PM
That is so creative! I spot a winner here!
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04/19/2005 03:35:00 PM
WOW 10
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04/19/2005 09:48:03 AM
Would have scored a <9> had it been level. I like the grainyness and the B7W conversion and the faintness of the person in the photo. I think it adds to the photo and raises the bar in this challenge. well done and good luck.
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04/19/2005 09:11:18 AM
This is a winner. You achieved an errieeeee effect.
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04/18/2005 01:37:18 PM
Nice artistic interpretation on this challenge.
Great take on the challenge and applaud the technical aspects of making this shot.
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04/18/2005 12:13:36 PM
She looks like she has one foot in the air; I'm amazed you got her to stand like that for long enough to leave such a strong image without any trace of her exit.
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04/18/2005 11:28:28 AM
Can't say I am a fan of gost like picture. Hard to execute properly.
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04/18/2005 09:50:17 AM
Whoaa! NIce shot, i didnt see the "ghost" until i took a close look at the image. It is a neat shot and the house is awesome. I also like the stars in the sky, it looks very nice. Neat shot!
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04/18/2005 09:27:45 AM
This is a nice image. I like how you were able to make this image look. I like some of the lines seen throughout this image. I also like how this image is so dark. Nice work.
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04/17/2005 05:36:37 PM
this works!
good job!
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04/16/2005 09:03:30 PM
I like this photo, well done!
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04/16/2005 03:17:25 PM
First reaction: Awesome! Very well done. Without the aparition, it would've been one of my top picks and although the ghost makes it more interesting, it also detracts from the shot a bit. I'm conflicted about it. Settle for a 9?
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04/15/2005 10:43:41 PM
Very creepy shot. I love the Samara/ghostly spirit addition. I just wish there was a bit more sky above the roof. Did you crop it? But great work, hope you do well.
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04/15/2005 10:03:50 PM
Would have been a better photo without the 'ghost'.
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04/15/2005 09:57:58 PM
It's cool and I'll leave it to others to validate. Darned if I know how you did it.
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04/15/2005 03:48:24 PM
scary !!!
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04/15/2005 11:29:53 AM
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04/15/2005 07:45:27 AM
Interesting. I'd like to know how you did this with in the constraints of the Basic Edit rules.
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04/15/2005 06:55:43 AM
nicely intepreted and good capture..
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04/14/2005 11:56:49 PM
original theme. well done 8
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04/14/2005 10:58:22 PM
I'm a sucker for shots like these. Nice job. The house alone is spooky. You did a great job with the "ghost." The graininess of the sky is to be expected with a long exposure, but it sure made those starts pop out.
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04/14/2005 10:45:18 PM
great effect... can't wait to hear how you did it.
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04/14/2005 09:36:21 PM
would like it better with less alteration
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04/14/2005 05:49:06 PM
the idea was good.. but too much samara for me ;)
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04/14/2005 01:33:35 PM
cool use of exposure for the ghoastly effect and a good subject for it!
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04/14/2005 01:08:17 PM
Oh wow! How interesting!!! I really LOVE pictures like this with that exposure trick! I love your color tones, and that old house is just awesome! Can you imagine just abandoning a cool old house like that??? Ok. . .the longer I type this comment, the more I am liking this picture. I've decided it's one of my most favorites of the whole 498 bunch. The night sky too is such a cool aspect of this picture. I was going to give you a 10, but now I guess I have to find a way for a 10+ :) Good luck for a ribbon. It would be one of my picks for sure.
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04/13/2005 09:57:30 PM
Nice effect.
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04/13/2005 09:01:25 PM
thats just too cool, I love it
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04/13/2005 07:51:48 PM
Nice job. It really gives it a spooky feel. ;-)
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04/13/2005 05:33:43 PM
I'd like to see this without the ghost.... what ghost ??? it was there a minute ago....lol.....neat picture
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04/13/2005 05:00:25 PM
This is so incredibly well done it takes my breath away.
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04/13/2005 03:16:54 PM
Building is out of focus. Color might have been a better choice for this subject.
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04/13/2005 01:54:30 PM
thats cool but i wouldve liked it better without the person and maybe a dreary looking sky
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04/13/2005 12:11:34 PM
Perhaps I misread things, but I thought that only basic editing was allowed in this challenge. I like the house, but to be honest, I feel that the ghostly image detracts from the picture.
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04/13/2005 12:01:55 PM
Just gave me a chill!!! 10
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04/13/2005 10:36:32 AM
The only 10 I gave out. I hope this does well.
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04/13/2005 09:36:51 AM
great way of merging the photo's, very creative photo.
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04/13/2005 07:50:48 AM
Nice image. When hoping you can teach me how you did that with basic editing. <7>
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04/13/2005 03:49:28 AM
OK I'm hoping this isn't real ...lol... I can't even type this comment right now to disturbing to look at lol I'M a scaredy cat ..lol...I was out taking pictures yesterday with a few friends at abandoned buildings... I was soo scared I couldn't concentrate on my shots..lol .. I also had a very weird experience there. I have a before and after shot of a stair case in my portfolio..in one of the pic's there a weird image floating ... kind of creepy ... anyway .. im giving this a.....9... just for being courageous...good luck
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04/13/2005 02:38:31 AM
great composition. And an instant favorite of mine. however texture, color is hard to see here. and I have to take off points , but a great entry nevertheless..6
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04/13/2005 01:50:45 AM
ok so thats creepy!!! nice idea! to put a ghoost!!
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04/13/2005 01:16:34 AM
Great affect, I knew somebody had to do it!!!
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